Showing posts with label Lent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lent. Show all posts

Monday, March 12, 2018

Welcome Home to Healing - Lent 2018

Sacrament of Reconciliation - Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey

Catholics in the Diocese of Paterson, especially those who have been away from the Church, are invited to experience God’s healing love and forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent. Catholic churches in Morris, Sussex and Passaic Counties will be open for Confession every Monday, starting February 19, 2018 to March 19, 2018 from 7:00 PM-8:30 PM.

Message from Bishop Arthur Serratelli:

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Nothing is more startling and, at the same time, more consoling than the truth for which Jesus lived and preached and died. It is this: God is love. As the Psalmist says, “The Lord is a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, most loving and true” (Ps 86:15).

Throughout his public ministry, Jesus shows the face of God as compassionate and merciful in his healing miracles and exorcisms. Even before Jesus issues the summons to repent, he announces, “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand” (Mk 1:15). The kingdom is nothing other than the presence of God making his love known and felt in our lives.

Jesus opens us to the profound meaning of the kingdom with his parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15: 11-32). It is found at the very center of Luke’s Gospel. It is the very heart of the gospel itself! The son who takes his inheritance, squanders it away and finds himself unfulfilled is each of us. We take the gifts that God gives us and use them against God’s will. We are the ones left empty, longing and desiring more than our sinful lives can give.

As in the parable, so in life. God is the Father who sees us, runs to us and embraces us. He takes our feeble confession of sin and turns it into a moment of great rejoicing. Our sins strip us of our dignity. God clothes us with his grace and peace. Nothing can make God stop loving us. In fact, as Paul says, “God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us” (Rom 5: 8).

When Jesus preached such great love to sinners, the self-righteous took scandal. But not the tax-collector and the prostitutes (cf Mt 21: 31). They recognized in his ready forgiveness of even their worst sins that God was drawing them back to Himself. The self-righteous would not acknowledge their sins. They did not accept the free gift of God’s forgiveness offered in Christ. But others, like Zacchaeus and the woman caught in adultery, did and found peace.

Photographs by Loci B. Lenar
Through the ministry of the Church, God offers us his forgiveness in Christ Crucified and Risen. In the great sacrament of Reconciliation, God is already running to meet us. He wants to welcome us. He wants to exchange our dirty rags of prideful self-indulgence with the righteousness of Christ Crucified. He wants to bring us back into the joy of his home and into the fellowship of his Church. He longs to see us reconciled with Himself and with others.

Like the prodigal son barely able to confess his sins, we, at times, are ashamed and even afraid to name those evils that separate us from God who loves us so much. But the Father is not ashamed to recognize us as his own son or daughter. He longs to wrap his arms around us. He is waiting to welcome us to home.

Now is the time to meet the Lord in Confession and know the joy of coming home.

May the Lord who calls us to be one with him lead us through repentance into the embrace of his love.


The billboard with the Lenten message is located on the eastbound side of Route 46, Rockaway, Morris County, New Jersey,

Photographs Copyright 2018 Loci B. Lenar

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Join us at Saint Mary's Church for an Evening of Prayer

Please consider visiting St. Mary's Catholic Church for Mass and prayer services.

The church holds a monthly service for prayer with Fr. Richard Tartaglia including special prayer intentions which are submitted through the website of

Previous services have included prayer for Christian Unity. However, prayers for world peace are always included.

The prayer service is held every third Thursday of each month with a new theme. February will focus on Lent.

Please join us in prayer with your own special intentions on February 19th between the hour of 7:30 and 8:00 PM.  However, if you cannot attend, you can still join in by praying in unity with St. Mary’s Church for all special prayer intentions.

Email your prayer requests to

If you live in the area or plan on visiting New Jersey, please consider attending and joining in the evening prayer service with Fr. Richard Tartaglia. The service begins with singing of hymns followed with reading of the gospels. After the reading, Fr. Tartaglia gives his homily which is followed with a prayer of intercession for Special Prayer Intentions (prayer requests). The Lord's Prayer is recited and there is a closing prayer with a blessing given by Fr. Tartaglia. The prayer service is concluded with a closing song.

St. Mary's Catholic Church is located on 15 Myers Avenue in Denville, New Jersey. Fr. Martin Glynn is the head pastor of the church.

Saint Mary's Monthly Prayer Service and Related Themes for 2015

Christian Unity and Peace - Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Lent - Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Saint Joseph - Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Easter Season - Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Ascension - Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Saint Romuald - Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Saint Bernard - Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Saint Robert Bellarmine - Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Saint Teresa of Jesus - Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM

St. Mary's Weekly Mass Schedule
Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 AM
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Weekdays: 8:00 AM and 12:05 PM - (Except June ~ Labor Day - No 12:05 PM)
First Fridays: 8:00 AM, 12:05 PM, 8:00 PM - (Except June ~ Labor Day - No 12:05 PM)
Holy Days: 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 12:00 noon, 7:00 PM
Eve of Holy Days: 5:00 PM
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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Son of God is Now Playing in Theaters

Commentary by Mr. Loci B. Lenar

Son of God is a Cinematic and Visual Masterpiece which brings the gospels to life! Released on Friday, February 28, 2014, I went to see this inspiring movie on Saturday with my wife and her mother, including my nephew, Marc Anthony. We all loved it!

I highly recommend seeing this great film which encompasses the public ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, and touches the heart and soul with the Holy Spirit.  A must see during Lent!


Excerpt from

Now, the larger-than-life story of The New Testament gets a larger-than life treatment in the stand-alone feature SON OF GOD. Told with the scope and scale of an action epic, the film features powerful performances, exotic locales, dazzling visual effects and a rich orchestral score from Oscar winner Hans Zimmer. Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado portrays Jesus as the film spans from his humble birth through his teachings, crucifixion and ultimate resurrection. It marks the first motion picture about Jesus’ life since Passion of the Christ, released ten years ago.

Read more: Son of God

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Lent at the End of an Age

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The following excerpt is from

By Bevil Bramell, OMI

We are at the end of an age. And that is a fact that must loom large in the inventory of our Christian lives, for which we are all individually responsible. The priest or bishop or professor who misled us in college will not be with us at the judgment seat. Neither will “the culture” or the media. Lent is the suitable time to put aside all excuses and to reflect on larger concerns, which are becoming more acute with each passing year.

The “take-out” model of parishes – where you drop in to church for the sacraments and little else – has left generations of U.S. Catholics poorly informed and largely unprepared for a culture that no longer supports life, basic faith, truth, or morality. So for Catholics, this is the question: how do I carve out my life in a world that constantly contradicts what I believe so that I become a saint?
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lent is a Time for Spiritual Renewal of the Soul

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

Commentary By Loci B. Lenar

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent for many Christian denominations including Catholics. Lent prepares us through sacrifice and prayer for a spiritual renewal of the soul. However, Easter rejuvenates our lives as God the Father calls us to live by the gospels of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by transforming us into the resurrected image of His divine son.
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Ash Wednesday Is An Invitation to Turn Away From Sin and Be Faithful to the Gospel

Lent / Easter - Catholic Online

The following excerpt is from Catholic Online:

By Deacon Keith Fournier

When lent is voluntarily embraced it opens us to a deeper experience of the freedom which Jesus Christ has obtained for each one of us. Because "it was for freedom that Christ set us free" (Galatians 5:1,2) we enter into Lent with our whole person, it can draw us at its' closure, into a deeper experience and embrace of the power of the Resurrection, beginning right now. The practices of piety, asceticism and extended prayer and worship challenge us to "turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel".

Read More: Ash Wednesday
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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Are Cross of Lights a Miracle from God?

Cross Appears on Holy Thursday 2012, Mine Hill, NJ - Photo by Loci B. Lenar

Signs and Wonders of Christianity

Regarding miracles Jesus said, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe."  John 4:48

Brooke Kayal Examining Cross that Appeared on March 27, 2011 in Mine Hill, NJ
Photo by Loci B. Lenar


Megan Elliott writes on April 10, 2012:  Today I saw on Spirit Daily an image of a miraculous photo that links to your website ( You will see that the cross of light on your website looks the same as the image in the photo I sent to you! When I saw those photos this morning I cried with joy. 

Cross of Light - Photo by Megan Elliott
Everyday for seven years I have thought of that miraculous image I saw and now here is someone else (Loci B. Lenar) with such an experience!!! I just cannot fathom such things! Actually, it is so providential, as of today (I am now in teacher's college at University of Toronto) I had to do a presentation on a possible resource that religion teachers could use in the classroom. I really wanted to present on the Spirit Daily website, but I was afraid of the reaction I would get by less 'orthodox' or liberal individuals. But this morning I said I would not shy away from my spirituality and my beliefs. So I presented the Spirit Daily website to my class and also showed your website ( as well. I was almost in tears!

I took the picture in 2005 in Ottawa, Ontario, (coincidentally during this summer I had a 'conversion of heart'). It is also the day before my birthday. I have only seen it that day and the day after for maybe 30 minutes each. This morning I praised God and as I did so, two bright flashes quickly illuminated (my already brightly lit) bedroom.


Cross Appears on Easter Sunday in 2008, Pitman, NJ
March 25, 2008 Front Page Story of Gloucester County Times, Woodbury, NJ

Incidentally, in 2008, by coincidence or perhaps I should say by providence, the Gloucester County Times, Woodbury, NJ, reported a story of a cross photographed by 9 year old Gwynna Crawford on Easter Sunday in Pitman, New Jersey. The cross appeared on a neighbor's house. The article indicated that Gwyanna's mother and the neighbor were unable to find the source of the sun reflection. To read the story, please visit the following link:
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Thursday, April 05, 2012

Cross Appears on Holy Thursday

Cross Appears on April 5, 2012

By Loci B. Lenar

On the morning of Holy Thursday, I photographed a cross which appears annually on my property and backyard fence. Rays of sunlight is creating an image of a cross that is surrounded by a shield. This phenomenon first began in 2005 at my residence in Mine Hill, NJ, USA.

It usually happens during Lent and sometimes on other occasions. I believe it's a sign from Our Lord to share with others in order to help lead people back to God and their Christian faith.

For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.  Psalm 84:11

Scripture tells us that the day before Jesus was crucified he shared his Last Supper with his disciples on a Thursday, celebrating Passover.

Holy Week is an important time to reflect and renew our spiritual life through the gospels of Jesus Christ and the Eucharist (Communion). Easter and the resurrection is a testament to God's love because we share in the redemptive power of the cross through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12

Cross Appears on Holy Thursday in 2012

It's interesting to note that the cross first appeared in 2012 on St. Patrick’s Day which by the way is celebrated on March 17th. The above photos are from Holy Thursday.

From Last Year: Brooke Kayal examines Cross which appeared on March 27, 2011

On Wednesday, April 4th, I went to St. Mary's Rectory and sat down with my spiritual advisor, Fr. Richard Tartaglia and shared the photographs from St. Patrick’s Day and discussed spiritual matters as well. St. Mary's Catholic Church is located on Myers Avenue, Denville, New Jersey.

Further details regarding the cross and my testimony can be read in the article, ‘Cross Appears during Lent and Holy Week as Sign of God’s Love,’ or by visiting the website of

Copyright 2012 Loci B. Lenar
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pope explains the significance of Lent and Ash Wednesday

Pope explains the significance of Lent and Ash Wednesday

The following excerpt is from

During the Pope's general audience, Benedict XVI talked about the meaning of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday. The Pope explained the significance of having 40 days of Lent. He also described it as a time for “spiritual renovation.”


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today the Church celebrates Ash Wednesday, the beginning of her Lenten journey towards Easter. The entire Christian community is invited to live this period of forty days as a pilgrimage of repentance, conversion and renewal.

In the Bible, the number forty is rich in symbolism. It recalls Israel’s journey in the desert, a time of expectation, purification and closeness to the Lord, but also a time of temptation and testing. It also evokes Jesus’ own sojourn in the desert at the beginning of his public ministry, a time of profound closeness to the Father in prayer, but also of confrontation with the mystery of evil.

The Church’s Lenten discipline is meant to help deepen our life of faith and our imitation of Christ in his paschal mystery.

In these forty days may we draw nearer to the Lord by meditating on his word and example, and conquer the desert of our spiritual aridity, selfishness and materialism. For the whole Church may this Lent be a time of grace in which God leads us, in union with the crucified and risen Lord, through the experience of the desert to the joy and hope brought by Easter.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Inspiritional Video: 'Get Clean' through Confession

YouTube - Get Clean

I was reading my emails today and received one from Martin Harold, MBA Director of Admissions at John Paul the Great Catholic University which is promoting a new video produced by the students of the school. The timing of 'Get Clean' could not be any better since many Catholics during Lent refresh their spiritual lives through the church confessional. The inspirational video is designed for a competition to publicize New York's All Day Confessions on Monday, April 18, 2011.

If you enjoy the video's message, please consider visiting YouTube and clicking on the "Like" button to support JP students.  A $25,000 scholarship could be won by the students for producing the timely "Get Clean" video.

John Paul the Great Catholic University is located on 10174 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA.

For additional information, contact Martin Harold by calling 858-653-6740 ext. 1101.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cross Appears During Lent as a Sign of God's Love

Cross Appears During Lent
 Examining the cross, Brooke said, "It looks like Jesus"
All photographs by Loci B. Lenar

By Loci B. Lenar

As a Christian and practicing Catholic, God has called me to share my spiritual journey with others by being a witness to my faith through signs and wonders which are arising from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In John 3:21, it says: "...whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

Since 2005 a cross with an outline of a shield has appeared annually on my property in Mine Hill, New Jersey. Once again on March 27, 2011, rays of light from the sun are shining on the fence and creating an image of a cross. This image has been showing up every morning since last week. The image appears at the top of the fence and slowly descends until it touches the ground. It then changes into a circle and disappears. The cross can be seen for about 30 minutes.

Interesting Note: The sun is on the outside of the fence, while the cross appears on the inside. However, the sun is high above in the sky and God is shining his light upon humanity including our home and property. With that in mind, it's not impossible for God to send rays of light in all directions of the world, including inside our yard and on the fence.   Furthermore, there are no objects in our house windows which might cause a reflection.

I believe that God has opened the windows of heaven and is pouring out the Holy Spirit on our world.  Joel 2:28 says, "...I will pour out my Spirit on all people..."   

In Psalm 84:11, it says, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”

Interestingly, this is the Lenten season, a time of spiritual renewal and conversion for Catholics and many Christians as we prepare for Easter.

Jesus said in John 12:46, "I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness."

My wife, Teresa, had invited her cousin Diane Kayal to come visit with her husband and children on Saturday, March 26th. Diane's daughter, Brooke, stayed overnight with my family. Then on Sunday morning, the cross appeared on our backyard fence at around 9:00 AM. Brooke went outside to examine the image. I photographed her standing next to the cross and Brooke said in awe, "It looks like Jesus."

Prior to Sunday, I went on March 24th to visit my spiritual advisor, Fr. Richard Tartaglia to speak with him about spiritual matters including the cross that began to appear once more on our property. I also gave Fr. Tartaglia an open invitation to visit my home to see the cross appear for himself.

On Monday, March 28th, I dropped off some photographs in the rectory office at St. Mary's Parish, which is located in Denville, NJ, for Fr. Tartaglia to examine and to keep for church archives.  Fr. Tartaglia is my spiritual advisor for over fifteen years.

I believe this cross is a sign for the world. God is forgiving and sending a message of love for people to return to the sacraments of the church and to reconcile through confession.

Our Lord is calling everyone to make a sincere effort to attend weekly church services or Holy Mass.  In doing so, it helps to receive Our Lord's blessings and divine favor.  

He is calling each person to pray for world peace and divine protection so that violence can be mitigated.  

Jesus is calling everybody to open their heart to receive the Holy Spirit in order to have peace in their lives and families and throughout the world. 

I believe the Lord's plan is to move forward with an era of peace as foretold by Our Lady of Fatima in her 1917 apparitions in Fatima, Portugal, and to fulfill Revelation 20:1-3 with a thousand-year reign of God's peace.  To read Our Lady's message, please visit the following link: The Fatima Message

I believe that if enough people pray, the course of history will change through God's divine intervention.

"For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37

May Our Lady intercede on behalf of humanity for God's mercy to enfold our world with peace and love.

May Our Heavenly Father bless you and answer all your prayers through his Divine Son, Jesus Christ.

Copyright 2011 Loci B. Lenar
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Spirit of Lent

Our Lady of the Mountain Catholic Church, Long Valley, NJ
 Photograph by Loci B. Lenar
Lent prepares us through sacrifice and prayer for a spiritual renewal of the soul.

St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Newark, NJ
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

However, Easter rejuvenates our lives as God the Father calls us to live by the gospels of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by transforming us into the resurrected image of His divine son.

Copyright 2011 Loci B. Lenar
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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Lent leads to Spiritual Renewal

 Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

Pope describes ‘Lenten road’ that leads to renewal - Catholic News Agency (CNA)

The following excerpt is from Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Vatican City, Mar 9, 2011 (CNA/EWTN News).- During today’s general audience, Pope Benedict XVI invited the faithful make the “Lenten journey” together with Christ, to return to the grace and commitment of conversion, and reach Easter “renewed.”

More than 7,000 pilgrims and faithful were on hand at the Vatican's Paul VI Hall during the March 9 general audience. The gathering coincided with Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season of Lent.

The “austere symbol of the ashes” are the beginning of the spiritual path that leads to Easter, said the Pope. They are “a sign reminding us of our status as created beings and inviting us to penance, to intensify our commitment to conversion so as to continue following the Lord.”

At Ash Wednesday Masses all over the world, priests mark the beginning of Lent by making a sign of the cross with ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a physical symbol of repentance and the temporary nature of earthly life.

“Lent is a journey,” said Pope Benedict. “It means accompanying Jesus as he travels to Jerusalem, the place where the mystery of his passion, death and resurrection is to be fulfilled.”

The season is a reminder to Christians of "the road to be traveled, consisting not so much in a law to be observed as in the person of Christ himself, who must be encountered, welcomed and followed."

This is experienced most of all through the liturgy in which believers are drawn closer to the figure of Christ by reliving the very events that granted man his salvation, he explained.

"Participating in the liturgy means then emerging our lives in the mystery of Christ, in his permanent presence, walking a path in which we enter into his death and resurrection to have life."

Pope Benedict explained that the liturgical readings of the Sundays of Lent—which were used in ancient times to prepare Christians for baptism—offer an opportunity for the faithful to return to the foundation of Christian life in a "baptismal itinerary."

"They are the great announcement of what God carries out in this Sacrament, a stupendous baptismal catechesis directed at each of us," he said.

Pope Benedict then walked through the successive readings for the Sundays of Lent.

Read more: Lent Leads to Renewal
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Sunday, March 07, 2010

Lenten Prayers for Spiritual Renewal

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

Jesus called out with a loud voice,
"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit."
When he had said this, he breathed his last.

-Luke 23:46

Lenten Prayer for Spiritual Renewal - Prayers - Catholic Online

Lenten Prayer for Spiritual Renewal

God, heavenly Father,
look upon me and hear my prayer
during this holy Season of Lent.
By the good works You inspire,
help me to discipline my body
and to be renewed in spirit.

Without You I can do nothing.
By Your Spirit help me to know what is right
and to be eager in doing Your will.
Teach me to find new life through penance.
Keep me from sin, and help me live
by Your commandment of love.
God of love, bring me back to You.
Send Your Spirit to make me strong
in faith and active in good works.

May my acts of penance bring me Your forgiveness,
open my heart to Your love,
and prepare me for the coming feast
of the Resurrection of Jesus.

Lord, during this Lenten Season,
nourish me with Your Word of life
and make me one
with You in love and prayer.

Fill my heart with Your love
and keep me faithful to the Gospel of Christ.
Give me the grace to rise above my human weakness.
Give me new life by Your Sacraments, especially the Mass.

Father, our source of life,
I reach out with joy to grasp Your hand;
let me walk more readily in Your ways.
Guide me in Your gentle mercy,
for left to myself I cannot do Your Will.

Father of love, source of all blessings,
help me to pass from my old life of sin
to the new life of grace.

Prepare me for the glory of Your Kingdom.
I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever.


Lenten Prayer

Almighty and Everlasting God,
You have given the human race
Jesus Christ our Savior as a model of humility.
He fulfilled Your Will by becoming Man
And giving His life on the Cross.
Help us to bear witness to You
By following His example of suffering
And make us worthy to share in His Resurrection.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.


Our Father...

MARY, Mother of Jesus,
you were Jesus’ gift for us from the Cross.
He gave you to us as our mother.
Intercede for all our needs.

Hail Mary...

Glory Be...

Visit the following link for other Daily Devotional Prayers.


The statue of Jesus and the cross are on the grounds of the Blue Army Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The shrine is located at 674 Mountain View Road in Washington, NJ, USA.

Photograph Copyright 2010 Loci B. Lenar

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