Showing posts with label signs and wonders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label signs and wonders. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Story of Mr. Loci B. Lenar and His Fatima Related Mission

The Story of Mr. Loci B. Lenar: by Claire Smith - Books

Book excerpt by Claire Smith

After beholding two astounding sights in the sky, and receiving a vision of the future world blessed in peace, New Jersey resident Loci B. Lenar made his choice – he would travel the road on the right, the narrow path leading to grace and salvation. The road on the left would lead only to chaos, Jesus had warned him in a dream. Thirty years later, the devout Catholic continues to dedicate his life to sharing his faith and carrying out a personal mission connected to the ushering in the future Era of Peace that was promised by Our Lady of Fátima in 1917.

Today, Lenar’s ministries include his popular website ( – featuring news on miracles, saints and other faith topics – and his photographs of sacred art. Many of his photos are visually stunning; others are truly miraculous.

(Several photographs including prayers written by Lenar are published in the book. The statue on the book cover is a photograph shot by Lenar at the 100 Year Anniversary of Our Lady Fatima on October 13, 2017 at The National Blue Army Shrine on the grounds of the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA. The Catholic shrine is in Warren County, New Jersey. The shrine celebrated the six apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children of Fátima, Portugal.

Claire Smith is a Catholic author whose works include Forty Catholics who Shaped the World in Which we Live, The Great Catholics Trivia Challenge, Can I Confess by E-Mail?, Catholicism - Now I get It!, and approximately one thousand newspaper articles.


Take a leap of faith and read the book!

"So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Our Lady's Message of November 25, 2016

Our Lady of Medjugorje: Message of November 25, 2016 to Marija Pavlovic Lunetti

“Dear children! Also today, I am calling you to return to prayer. In this time of grace, God has permitted me to lead you towards holiness and a simple life – that in little things you discover God the Creator; that you fall in love with Him; and that your life be a thanksgiving to the Most High for everything He is giving you. Little children, in love, may your life be a gift for others and God will bless you; but you, witness without interest - out of love for God. I am with you and intercede before my Son for all of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Divine image appears in mom-to-be’s ultrasound picture

Bill Alecia Fülkerson/via Facebook
Excerpt of story from NY Daily News

An Indiana woman’s prenatal checkup turned out to be a divine experience.

Aley Meyer’s ultrasound photo showed not only her baby boy, but also an image of what appears to be Jesus on the cross.

"We took a picture of it and blew it up on my phone to get a closer look and it is so much detail,” she told WFIE-TV. “You can see the hair and his legs crossed and everything.”

The Evansville mom-to-be did not even notice the cross-like figure at first, but once her mother shared the ultrasound photo on Facebook, the comments went crazy.

Baby Easton is due in June and Meyer finds it to be a sign that all will be right with the birth.

Read more: Divine Image 

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Monday, August 03, 2015

Our Lady's Message of August 2, 2015


Our Lady's Message to Visionary Mirjana Dragicevic- Soldo

“Dear children, I, as a mother who loves her children, see how difficult
the time in which you live is. I see your suffering, but you need to
know that you are not alone. My Son is with you. He is everywhere. He is
invisible, but you can see Him if you live Him. He is the light which
illuminates your soul and gives you peace. He is the Church which you
need to love and to always pray and fight for – but not only with words,
instead with acts of love. My children, bring it about for everyone to
come to know my Son, bring it about that He may be loved, because the
truth is in my Son born of God – the Son of God. Do not waste time
deliberating too much; you will distance yourselves from the truth. With
a simple heart accept His word and live it. If you live His word, you
will pray. If you live His word, you will love with a merciful love; you
will love each other. The more that you will love, the farther away you
will be from death. For those who will live the word of my Son and who
will love, death will be life. Thank you. Pray to be able to see my Son
in your shepherds. Pray to be able to embrace Him in them.”

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Friday, July 10, 2015

In Her Footsteps: The Story of Kateri Tekakwitha


She is the first Native American woman to be recognized as a saint. Learn about St. Kateri Tekakwitha through the testimonies of those who have been touched by her, including the young boy whose miraculous cure led to her canonization.

Don’t miss “In Her Footsteps: The Story of Kateri Tekakwitha”!

Airs 11 p.m. ET, Saturday, July 11, 2015—exclusively on EWTN!

Find EWTN at

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Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Our Lady's Monthly Message to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo

The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

Virgin Mary's Message of June 2, 2015 to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo

"Dear children, I desire to work through you, my children, my apostles, so that, in the end, I may gather all my children there where everything is prepared for your happiness. I am praying for you, that through works you can convert others, because the time has come for acts of truth, for my Son. My love will work in you - I will make use of you. Have trust in me, because everything that I desire, I desire for your good, the eternal good created by the Heavenly Father. You, my children, my apostles, are living an earthly life in union with my children who have not come to know the love of my Son, who do not call me 'mother' - but do not be afraid to witness Truth. If you are not afraid and witness courageously, the truth will miraculously win, but remember, strength is in love. My children, love is repentance, forgiveness, prayer, sacrifice and mercy. If you will know how to love, by your works you will convert others, you will enable the light of my Son to penetrate into souls. Thank you. Pray for your shepherds. They belong to my Son. He called them. Pray that they may always have the strength and the courage to shine with the light of my Son."

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Timely Message Regarding Archangel Michael and God's Reign of Peace

Message from Jesus: “My Father’s timing to fulfill Revelation 20:1-3 has arrived”

By Loci B. Lenar

On Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday of 2015, I received the following message from Jesus through a locution.  Our Lord communicated: “My Father’s Will is to mitigate apocalyptic events, suddenly it will happen.”  Jesus made reference to Our Heavenly Father’s timing in fulfilling Revelation 20:1-3 with a thousand year reign of peace. 

Jesus connected His communication to Our Lady’s message that I had received in a spiritual locution on February 26, 2015. Our Lady’s communication said: "Consecrate the world to Saint Michael the Archangel's protection," and made reference to the violence in our world including the chaos in the Middle East. 

In my locution, Jesus went on with His announcement and said, “Therefore, consecrate the world to Michael the Archangel’s protection in accordance with Revelation 20:1-3 to accelerate and move forward with a millennium of peace.”

Our Lord made reference to scripture and Revelation 20:1-3, “I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.”  This scripture is connected to St. Michael the Archangel and his work in successfully completing God’s plan for world peace.  In fulfilling this scripture, Our Lady of Fatima’s promise for world peace is accomplished. 

In addition, Jesus indicated the process of consecration: The Holy Father  (Our Pope) with church parishes and clergy are to join in prayer concurrently to consecrate the world to Michael the Archangel’s protection in accordance with Revelation 20:1-3; Hence, fulfilling scripture and the Word of God.  Jesus communicated, “I Will mitigate apocalyptic events, lawlessness, violence, and persecution of the faithful - suddenly it will happen.”  

Jesus than made a direct comparison to Pope John Paul II and his action in consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on March 25, 1984, in St. Peter’s Square, Rome. This was done in accordance with Our Lady of Fatima's request.  Shortly after, the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union/Russia broke up with the fall of communism.  Suddenly it happened!

There’s an additional scripture which also holds true to our current time: "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people - everyone whose name is found in the book - will be delivered." (Daniel 12:1)

This message is of great importance and must not be disregarded!

May the Holy Spirit be a guiding light for God's church and His people. 

Please pray for the fulfillment of Revelation 20:1-3 in our time. Thank you very much for your prayer support.

This locution was shared with Fr. Richard Tartaglia, my spiritual director/confessor from Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Denville, New Jeresy, USA. 

Read More: Locutions and Miraculous Signs of Archangel Michael

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Saturday, May 02, 2015

The Virgin Mary's Message of May 2, 2015 to Mirjana

Our Lady of Medjugorje's Apparition and Message to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo

"Dear children, open your hearts and try to feel how much I love you and how much I desire for you to love my Son. I desire for you to come to know him all the better, because it is impossible to know him and not to love him – because he is love. I, my children, know you. I know your pain and suffering because I lived through them. I laugh with you in your joy and I cry with you in your pain. I will never leave you. I will always speak to you with motherly tenderness. And I, as a mother, need your open hearts to spread the love of my Son with wisdom and simplicity. I need you to be open and sensitive to the good and mercy. I need you to be united with my Son, because I desire for you to be happy and to help me to bring happiness to all of my children. My apostles, I need you to show everyone the truth of God, so that my heart, which suffered and today suffers so much pain, can win in love. Pray for the holiness of your shepherds, so that in the name of my Son they could work miracles, because holiness works miracles. Thank you.

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Miracle: Blood of Saint Januarius liquifies during Francis’s visit to Naples

News excerpt and photo from

The blood of St Januarius liquified in the presence of a pope for the first time since 1848 on Saturday.

The blood of the patron saint of Naples, which is normally solid, partially liquified after Pope Francis kissed the relic during his day trip to the southern Italian city.

According to AFP, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe of Naples showed the vial to the congregation in the city’s cathedral, saying: “The blood has half liquified, which shows that St Januarius loves our Pope and Naples.”

Pope Francis responded: “The bishop just announced that the blood half-liquified. We can see the saint only half loves us. We must all spread the word, so that he loves us more!”

The blood last liquified for a pope in the presence of Pius IX. The phenomenon did not occur when St John Paul II visited Naples in 1979 and Benedict XVI visited the city in 2007.

Read more: Saint Januarius Miracle

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Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Reflection of Cross Appears on House in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Photograph by Carla Chavez-Archuleta

By Loci B. Lenar

God works in mysterious ways through signs and wonders, especially during times of difficulty and while praying for assistance. He will affirm his word through divine providence and miracles.

With that in mind, Carla Chavez-Archuleta of Albuquerque, New Mexico has shared several images of a cross of light that she photographed in December of 2014 using her Samsung Galaxy Note 3.  

Carla says, "A few months back, I read the article of the Shield of Archangel Michael on and have been in awe of this event ever since."

Same photo as above but cropped for better viewing

Carla said, "I was surprised when my husband and I were driving home Christmas Day (December, 2014) and I saw this same reflection on a home near ours.  I asked my husband to turn around to get another look.  We tried to take photos but it seemed to start to fade like it did not want to be photographed.  I saw the reflection again on the way home yesterday (December 30, 2014) and was able to get a photo. I even went to the other side of the house to see if there might be something causing the reflection, but I don't see anything that would cause that reflection."

Photograph courtesy of Carla Chavez-Archuleta

"I have been praying to Archangel Michael for months for assistance.  I still pray today as I greatly need his intercession for a miracle.  I take this as a sign that he is with me and letting me know he has everything under control."

Same photo as above but cropped for better viewing

"I just wanted to share the photo with you as you reported on the reflection in your link." Carla said.

The fact that Carla has seen a similar cross is indeed a confirmation that God continues to give us hope with signs during our time of need. He will never abandon us.

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. (Psalm 55:22)

In 2005, a Cross of Light with a surrounding shield appeared on my backyard fence in Mine Hill, NJ, while my family was experiencing a time of adversity.  I was praying for God's intervention and to Saint Michael the Archangel for protection when the image began to appear. Awaiting for God's Timing, my prayers were answered and the issues were mitigated. More information regarding my (Lenar) testimony on this matter with photographs can be read on

Without hesitation, we should not underestimated the power of prayer. God will answer our prayers at the appropriate time. 

Jesus said, "Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."  (Matthew 18:19-20)

Whatever circumstances that we may face today, God is there to give us the strength to move forward and will protect us from the storms of time.

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling,  no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.  (Psalm 91:9-12)

Read more news on angels on the following link: Miraculous Signs of Archangel Michael

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Sunday, November 02, 2014

The Virgin Mary's Monthly Message from Medjugorje

Our Lady of Medjugorje's Message of November 2, 2014 Conveyed to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo

“Dear children, I am with you with the blessing of my Son, with you who love me and who strive to follow me. I also desire to be with you who do not accept me. To all of you I am opening my heart full of love and I am blessing you with my motherly hands. I am a mother who understands you. I lived your life and lived through your sufferings and joys. You who are living the pain understand my pain and suffering because of those of my children who do not permit the light of my Son to illuminate them; those of my children who are living in darkness. This is why I need you – you who have been illuminated by the light and have comprehended the truth. I am calling you to adore my Son so that your soul may grow and reach true spirituality. My apostles, it is then that you will be able to help me. To help me means to pray for those who have not come to know the love of my Son. In praying for them you are showing to my Son that you love Him and follow Him. My Son promised me that evil will never win, because you, the souls of the just, are here; you who strive to say your prayers with the heart; you who offer your pain and suffering to my Son; you who comprehend that life is only a blink; you who yearn for the Kingdom of Heaven. All of this makes you my apostles and leads you towards the victory of my heart. Therefore, my children, purify your hearts and adore my Son. Thank you.”
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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Prayer Heals Man from Sinus Cancer

News story and video from

By Tim Smith

Jacob Boger had severe headaches, watery eyes, and felt fatigued all the time. MRI tests showed a tumor in his nasal cavity, behind his eyes. A subsequent biopsy revealed even more… cancer. “I had ignored the symptoms for so long that the cancer had progressed through the 1st stage, the 2nd stage, and the 3rd stage. And by the time we did the biopsy, I was in the 4th stage, and given a less than 10% chance to live. The cancer was eating a hole in my skull and was heading toward my brain.”

Jacob needed immediate chemo and radiation. His doctor told him about the possible side effects. “’It’s going to make you sterile. Your saliva glands are going to be destroyed. Your taste buds are going to be destroyed. The radiation that’s going to go with this treatment is going to destroy your hair follicles. You’ll never have hair on the sides of your head again.’”

The tumor was 4 inches in diameter. Jacob started his treatments immediately. His doctor said he would live only 5 more years. “He said that for the 5 years I’d be battling the cancer. (He told me) even if it went into remission, that at the level that it’s at, stage 4 that it’s at, and the aggressiveness that it’s at, it’s going to come back. One of the warning signs that he gave me was that if I ever wake up, or through the day, have cerebral fluid coming out of my nose, which was a clear, salty kind of fluid, he said, ‘Just rush to the hospital. You’re done at that point.’”

Jacob was a Christian, and believed God would heal him. “I was constantly listening to teachings on healing. I was constantly in my Bible, and I was in prayer. And I would tell God, ‘Your Word says, ‘By Your stripes, I am healed.’ And I believe Your Word. You tell me to stop taking these treatments; I’ll stop taking the treatments, because my faith is in Your Word.’”

Jacob says that’s exactly what happened. “I woke up in the middle of the night one night, and just as clearly as I’m speaking to you right now, I heard God tell me, ‘It’s over. It’s finished. It’s done. Stop taking the treatments.’ The peace of God was on me, and I said, ‘God, You told me to do it, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.’”

“That day, I walked in and told him, ‘Doctor, I’m done.’ And he treated me with respect and I appreciated that. I said, ‘Yes, sir.’ He said, ‘Will you get one more MRI?’”
“I said, ‘I will.’ I got the MRI that day. He scheduled it that day. He wasn’t kidding around. Three days later, I go back into his office and he put the films up on the board and he says, ‘This is where the tumor was. This is the aggression. This is how big it was, and this is the new film. There’s no tumor. Your tumor vanished.’”

“Medically speaking, these cannot be the same person. Not ‘unlikely’ or not ‘It’s not very probable.’ They absolutely cannot be the same person. There was no scar tissue. The bone had been replaced. (It was) All fresh bone. No scar tissue there. There was absolutely no evidence that cancer had ever been in my body.”

“He said, ‘Nothing we did could have caused this. We don’t make tumors vanish. The bone that had eroded away has been replaced. It looks like you got your miracle.’”

“I said, ‘Yes, sir, I got my miracle.’”

Read more: Healing Miracle
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Friday, December 06, 2013

St. Nicholas: Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa

News excerpt and photo from Catholic Online

By Peg Luksik

HARRISBURG, PA. (Catholic Online) - Years ago, a little girl named Virginia O'Hanlon wrote to the editor of the New York Sun asking if Santa Claus was real.  His answer, which spoke of skeptical men in a skeptical age who only believed in what they could see, is as relevant today as it was when Frank Church wrote it.

The name and face of Santa has been plastered over advertising, billboards, movies and television.  We have single Santa's looking for wives, reluctant Santa's trying to escape their destinies, drafted Santa's to replace one who is "retiring", and even bad Santa's.  The stories all have happy endings, with the magic of the North Pole somehow saving the day.

Thankfully, none of them is Santa.  Because Saint Nicholas, like every saint, is real.

He was born in Asia Minor and was bishop of the town of Myra in the fourth century.  When he died he was buried in the cathedral there.  When the Saracens conquered Myra in the early eleventh century, his remains were moved to the Italian city of Bari in 1087. His tomb is visited by thousands every year, even to this day.

His bones exude a clear liquid, called the "manna of Saint Nicholas", which is extracted from the shrine every year on May 9 in a formal ceremony conducted by the Rector of the Basilica in Bari, in the presence of the delegate of the Pope, the Archbishop of Bari, an Orthodox Bishop, civil authorities, the local clergy and the faithful.  This has happened every year since 1980.  The manna is distributed and is considered a relic with healing properties.

Nicholas is the patron saint of children, Russia, Greece, Sicily, sailors, prisoners, bakers, and pawnbrokers.  His image is second only to Mary's in religious icons of both the Eastern and Western churches.

The stories of his generosity and kindness are legendary.

Santa Claus is a translation of his name.

Saint Nicholas is a person who made that connection.  When people pretend to be Santa, they act with levels of generosity and charity and kindness that they do not normally exhibit.  In other words, they get closer to God.  In doing so, they discover happiness.

And even in the convoluted versions of Santa being pushed by today's secular media, that message of happiness through goodness continues to resonate.

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.  He is not just an idea.  He was, and is, a saint.  A saint who reminds us that we are loved without limits.  A saint who challenges us to remove the limits on how we love others.  A saint who calls us to holiness as we prepare to celebrate the greatest gift mankind has ever received.

Read more: Saint Nicholas
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How One Prayer Healed Autism


Gina and Brian witnessed their son Ethan experience victory over autism.
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Thursday, September 19, 2013

San Gennaro 'miracle' repeated in Naples

News excerpt and photo from GazzettaDelSud

Naples, September 19 - The Miracle of San Gennaro was repeated on Thursday when the blood of Naples' patron saint liquefied at 9:41 Italian. A huge crowd of faithful, who had been pouring into the city's cathedral and the square outside from the early hours of the day, greeted the announcement of the miracle recurrence with warm applause.

Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, the Archbishop of Naples, held up a phial containing the blood of the 3rd-century saint while a traditional white handkerchief was waved.

The miracle takes place on the anniversary of the martyrdom of San Gennaro (St. Januarius) in September 305 AD. The dried blood of the saint is preserved in two glass phials and traditionally liquefies three times a year, the Church says, thanks to the devotion and prayers of the faithful. Aside from the anniversary of the saint's beheading, the miracle also takes place on December 16 to commemorate the 1631 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, believed to have been halted by the saint's intervention, and again on the Saturday before the first Sunday in May. On this occasion, there is a procession through the city's streets to recall the many times the relics have been moved over the centuries. 

A group of Italian scientists has analysed the contents of the phials, establishing that they do contain blood, but have been unable to explain the phenomenon.

Read More: San Genaro Miracle
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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Our Lady's Monthly Message to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti

The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

Message of August 25, 2013 from Our Lady to Visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti

"Dear children! Also today, the Most High is giving me the grace to be with you and to lead you towards conversion. Every day I am sowing and am calling you to conversion, that you may be prayer, peace, love - the grain that by dying will give birth a hundredfold. I do not desire for you, dear children, to have to repent for everything that you could have done but did not want to. Therefore, little children, again, with enthusiasm say: 'I want to be a sign to others.' Thank you for having responded to my call."

The image of Our Lady is from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Friday, August 23, 2013

Doctor Declares Miracle After Father, Dead for 45 Minutes, Wakes Up When Son Prays and Screams: 'You're Not Going to Die Today'

Lawrence Yahle

Excerpt from

By Leonardo Blair , CP Reporter

A doctor at the Kettering Medical Center in Ohio pronounced a miracle this month after a man he had declared dead for 45 minutes came back to life after the man's 17-year-old son prayed over his lifeless body and screamed: "You're not going to die today."

"Well, they (doctors) were working on him for 45 minutes and all the doctors and nurses came into the room. They sent us into a counselling room. They didn't have to say anything, you just knew they were gonna pronounce him dead," the teenager told CNN about his father, Tony Yahle, 37, a diesel mechanic.

But something wasn't right with the way the doctors were reacting said Lawrence.

"They almost just looked at us and no emotion almost. Everyone in tears. For some reason, I just thought 'he's 37 years old, he's never had a heart problem. He's not dead in that room," he said in defiance while sporting a crucifix around his neck, surrounded by his father, mother and two sisters.

"I go back there, my pastor, he was there. We were praying next to the room. I was in the doorway and something came in me and got me to point at him and I said 'dad, you're not going to die today.'"

"When I said that, I stood there for a few more moments and then started walking back to the counseling room to comfort my sisters and my mom and anyone else. I took about three steps when my pastor called," he continued.

"He looked at me and said, 'Lawrence, Lawrence,' got my attention then he said 'your dad, he has a heartbeat. So I got the rest of the counselling room and cheered everyone with that news. So it was awesome!" he said.

Tony's cardiologist at Kettering Medical Center, Dr. Raja Nazir, told that it was a "miracle."

"I'm calling it a miracle because I've never seen anything like it," said Nazir.

"When I looked at the electrical activity, I was surprised," Nazir said after Lawrence had prayed and screamed at his father. "I thought we'd better make another effort to revive him."

And when he did, said Nazir: "Very slowly, the heart rate was picking up."

The incident took place on Aug. 5 and doctors thought that Tony Yahle would need a heart transplant or would be in a vegetative state for the rest of the life, but everything he has done since he came back from the dead has defied all medical logic.

Read more: Doctor Declares Miracle
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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Monthly Medjugorje Messages from Our Lady to Visionaries Mirjana and Marija

Medjugorje Messages | MEDJUGORJE TODAY

July 25, 2013 Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti

“Dear children! With joy in my heart I call all of you to live your faith and to witness it with your heart and by your example in every way. Decide, little children, to be far from sin and temptation and may there be joy and love for holiness in your hearts. I love you, little children, and accompany you with my intercession before the Most High. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

July 2, 2013 Message to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo

“Dear children, with a motherly love I am imploring you to give me the gift of your hearts, so I can present them to my Son and free you – free you from all the evil enslaving and distancing you all the more from the only Good – my Son – from everything which is leading you on the wrong way and is taking peace away from you. I desire to lead you to the freedom of the promise of my Son, because I desire for God’s will to be fullfilled completely here; and that through reconcilliation with the Heavenly Father, through fasting and prayer, apostles of God’s love may be born – apostles who will freely, and with love, spread the love of God to all my children – apostles who will spread the love of the trust in the Heavenly Father and who will keep opening the gates of Heaven. Dear children, extend the joy of love and support to your shepherds, just as my Son has asked them to extend it to you. Thank you.”

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

St. Michael, For Personal Protection

Miraculous Signs of Archangel Michael
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

Prayer of the Day for Sunday, July 14, 2013 - Catholic Online

St. Michael, the Archangel! Glorious Prince, chief and champion of the heavenly hosts; guardian of the souls of men; conqueror of the rebel angels! How beautiful art thou, in thy heaven-made armor. We love thee, dear Prince of Heaven!

We, thy happy clients, yearn to enjoy thy special protection. Obtain for us from God a share of thy sturdy courage; pray that we may have a strong and tender love for our Redeemer and, in every danger or temptation, be invincible against the enemy of our souls. O standard-bearer of our salvation! Be with us in our last moments and when our souls quit this earthly exile, carry them safely to the judgement seat of Christ, and may Our Lord and Master bid thee bear us speedily to the kingdom of eternal bliss. Teach us ever to repeat the sublime cry: "Who is like unto God?" Amen.


The statue of Archangel Michael is displayed inside St. Michael's Church, Netcong, New Jersey. For additional information about this remarkable statue and the rainbow that appeared around Archangel Michael, please visit the following link: Miraculous Signs of Archangel Michael
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Do You Believe? Holy image appears behind child battling leukemi

19 Action News|Cleveland, OH|News, Weather, Sports

The news video and following excerpt is from 19 Action News:

KIRTLAND, OH (WOIO) - Believer or not, the image behind Erin Potter, a Kirtland girl battling leukemia, is stunning. It certainly stunned her mom.

"My reaction immediately, it's Mary, they hear us, she's there," Jen Potter said.

The picture of Erin, running with sparklers, was taken in her backyard by a friend just after the family learned that Erin's cancer was back, for the third time, and she was facing a second bone marrow transplant.

"I didn't necessarily see it as a sign that Erin is fine and is going to walk out of this, but it's a sign that we're watching over her," Jen added.

Just after the picture was taken, Erin had that transplant, and right now, she's cancer-free.

Read more: Do you Believe?
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