Thursday, September 29, 2011

Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel, Gabriel, and Raphael

Miraculous Signs of Archangel Michael
Miraculous Signs of Archangel Michael
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The following excerpt is from the Saint Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary:

The feast of the three archangels - Saint Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is venerated by the Catholic Church on September 29. The three archangels serve as messengers of God.

St. Michael whose name means “Who is like God” and he is also known as "the prince of the heavenly host." He was the archangel who fought against Satan and all his evil angels, defending all the friends of God. St. Gabriel which means “God is my strength” appeared three times as a messenger. He had been sent to Daniel to explain a vision concerning the Messiah. St Raphael meaning “God has healed” is the archangel who took care of Tobias on his journey.

The Archangel Prayers

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the hour of battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil, may God restrain him we humbly pray, and do thou oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits that roam through the world , seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Saint Michael the Archangel, please protect us from the evil one and help us to obtain the grace to do the Will of God.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel

Please announce the Holy Word of God to us, write it in our hearts, help us to remember it and to put it into practice.

Saint Raphael the Archangel

Fill me with the Love of God, with the ardent flame of Love of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, with the Love of all the angels and saints.

My Holy Guardian Angel

Protect me and guide me, open the way for me to do the Will of God in every action, remind me to praise God and to reject temptations

Angels and Archangels (in general)

O God, who in Thine ineffable Providence, hast sent Thy Holy Angels to watch over us: grant, we humbly pray, that we may always be defended by their protection and may rejoice in their fellowship forever. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God our Father, in a wonderful way You guide the work of angels and men. May those who serve You constantly in heaven keep our lives safe from all harm here on earth. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

Supported by the intercession of blessed Michael, Thine Archangel, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord, that the service we pay with our lips, we may lay hold of with our minds. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.

O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon your Holy Name, and as supplicants we implore your clemency, that by the intercession of Blessed Mary, ever Virgin Immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious Archangel St Michael, You would deign to help us against Satan and all other unclean spirits, who roam about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen.

St. Gabriel the Archangel

O God, who from among all the Angels did choose the Archangel Gabriel to announce the Mystery of Thine Incarnation: mercifully grant that we who keep his feast on earth may feel the effect of his patronage in heaven. Who lives and reigns, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen

O Blessed Archangel Gabriel, we beseech you, intercede for us at the throne of divine Mercy in our present necessities, that as you did announce to Mary the mystery of the Incarnation, so through your prayers and patronage in heaven we may obtain the benefits of the same, and sing the praise of God forever in the land of the living. Amen.

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel

O glorious Archangel, St Raphael, great Prince of the heavenly court, illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace, guide of those who journey by land or sea, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners: I beg you to assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you did help the young Tobias on his travels. And because you are the 'Medicine of God,' I humbly ask you to heal the many infirmities of my soul, and the ills which afflict my body, if it be for my greater good. I especially ask of you an angelic purity, which may fit me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Be pleased, O Lord God, to send to our aid St Raphael the Archangel: and may he, who, we believe, stands forever before the throne of Your Majesty, offer unto You our humble petitions to be blessed by You. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

More Prayers: Saint Michael Center
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux by Stephen B. Whatley

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. 2011 by Stephen B Whatley
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
By artist Stephen B. Whatley

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux by Stephen B Whatley - Flickr Photo Sharing!

By Stephen B. Whatley

"I have never given the good God anything but love; He will return that love. After my death I will let fall a shower of roses," so spoke Marie Francois Thérèse Martin (1873-1897) just before her tragic death.

The discovery of Saint Thérèse (canonised in 1925) has taken my breath away. She experienced an urgent calling to serve God; while suffering great mental as well as physical anguish - openly admitting to experiencing darknesses of the soul that she feared might crush her faith entirely.

As an artist, I have fought depressions all my life; and no less so than when, on the last day of August, I felt 'divinely pushed' to begin this tribute. Fighting through exhaustion and darkness; and therefore ever dependent on prayer, I felt the promise of roses...graces...I felt her like 'the little flower' that expressed her tender humility.

There are times when perhaps to those distant from any spiritual belief (even agnostic) can find God and I feel that such relatively contemporary Saints such as St Therese (whose presence in this life is recorded in photographs; that inspired this painting) can make the path to God more accessible.

Turn to her, in the must humble and simple of prayers....St Thérèse is known as a Saint, through whom miracles can occur. I pray that there will be miracles of healing, prosperity and waves of peace for all those who mourn. Remembering all those who lost their lives and their families and friends who grieve in New York City on September 11.

Stephen B. Whatley, September 11, 2011

Saint Thérèse de Lisieux (2011)
Oil on canvas
24 x 18in / 61 x 46cm
Private collection, Georgia, USA
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dr. David Levy: Praying with Patients

Dr. David Levy: Praying with Patients - CBN TV - Video

The following excerpt is from

Neurosurgeon Dr. David Levy wanted to bring his faith into his practice because he believed that he needed to use all the means God can use for healing – even prayer. Since he has addressed his patients’ spirituality and made prayer a part of his regular interactions with his patients, he has seen positive results. He says his patients’ lives have reached levels in their spiritual, physical, and emotional health that they never had before.

Read more: Praying with Patients
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our Lady of Medjugorje's Monthy Message to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

September 25, 2011 Monthy Message to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti

Our Lady of Medjugorje: "Dear children! I call you, for this time to be for all of you, a time of witnessing. You, who live in the love of God and have experienced His gifts, witness them with your words and life that they may be for the joy and encouragement to others in faith. I am with you and incessantly intercede before God for all of you that your faith may always be alive and joyful, and in the love of God. Thank you for having responded to my call."
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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Boy who nearly drowned makes miracle recovery

Boy who nearly drowned makes miracle recovery - KAYU

The following excerpt is from

By Amy Moreno

SPANAWAY, WA - About six weeks after 12-year-old Dale Ostrander nearly drowned, he returned to his Spanaway, home, Tuesday.

In August, he was caught in a riptide off the Long Beach peninsula and pulled out into deep water. He spent nearly 20 minutes submerged. When rescuers pulled his lifeless body out of the water, his chances of survival were small.

Ostrander surprised everyone when he opened his eyes and spoke a few days after he had no pulse. From that point his recovery has been nothing short of a miracle.

The Ostrander family is grateful for the support and prayers that poured in from around the world. Pictures snapped at the scene showed church friends on their knees. The family believes prayer is the reason he beat the odds.

“It’s a story not only of hope, but a story that God still works miracles,” said Chad Ostrander, Dale’s father.

Read more: Miracle Recovery
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Sheen Intercession Cited in Boy's Alleged Miraculous Healing

Photograph from The Catholic Post

The Catholic Post : Featured Article - Sheen intercession cited in area boy's alleged miraculous healing

The following excerpt is from the Catholic Post:

By Jennifer Willems

That James Fulton Engstrom is celebrating his first birthday on Friday is amazing. In fact, some would call his life a miracle.

Considered stillborn on Sept. 16, 2010 after a healthy pregnancy and “a beautiful, short labor,” James was without a pulse for the first 61 minutes of his life. It was only when doctors at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria were ready to call the time of death that his little heart started beating.

His parents, Travis and Bonnie Engstrom, believe James is alive due to the intercession of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Servant of God.

On Sept. 7, a tribunal of inquiry was sworn in to investigate the Goodfield tot’s alleged miraculous healing. Joining James and his family at the ceremony in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel in the Spalding Renewal Center in Peoria were Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC; Dr. Andrea Ambrosi, postulator for Archbishop Sheen’s cause for beatification and canonization; and members of the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation board, some of whom are relatives of the late archbishop.

Read more: Miraculous Healing
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Miracles in Medjugorje

Miracles in Medjugorje

The following excerpt is from

By Suzanne Murray

They go to church, they walk the steps and they pray the rosary. For centuries the faithful throughout the world have been praying to Mary, asking her to intercede. All hoping that Mary will answer their petition.

Over the years thousands have gathered to see the blessed mother. Many say she has been revealing herself, more this century than ever before.

But why?

People travel the globe in hope of a spiritual experience, but here, we have been lucky. Believers say the blessed mother has revealed herself to the Tri-State's faithful many times. They say she has appeared in Falmouth, a church in Norwood, and Cold Spring was infused with followers in 1992.

Some say these visions are the most important thing going on right now in the world and they are bringing hope to those who believe.

It happened to Wayne Weibel, a journalist in South Carolina, and now he travels the world telling about it.

"If somebody had told me the story I wouldn't have believed it. But it was happening to me so I couldn't deny it. I've been doing it ever since. She just spoke to me. I said she spoke to me, she spoke to my heart," explained Wayne Weibel.

Tucked in the mountains in Bosnia-Herzegovina there's a little village called Medjugorje. And for millions around the world the most important event of our time is happening there.

Believers say the blessed mother revealed herself to six children on a hillside in 1981. She told them that she will appear every day until she shares ten secrets with each of them. They say the secrets are events that will happen on earth in the near future and when she has revealed all the secrets she will stop appearing daily.

Jackie Janson has 14 children, 40 grandchildren and lives in Burlington. She's traveled to Medjugorje three times.

"When the blessed mother appeared to the kids in the church the whole outside lit up too," said Jackie.

Jackie was one of hundreds of people from the Tri-State that came to listen to Wayne, a convert, with a message of hope.

"These are the children and they need guidance and her role is to bring the children back to the son, and this is why there is a Medjugorge, Lourdes and Guatelope's," said Wayne.

Mary's main message- prayer, and it is for everyone, not just Catholics.

Read more: Miracles in Medjugorje
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Monday, September 12, 2011

Muslim Student Group Invites Pope to Speak at Conference in Bali


The following excerpt is from Catholic News Service:

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Leaders of Indonesia's largest Muslim student group came to the Vatican to extend an invitation to Pope Benedict XVI to speak at a conference in Bali in 2012. The leaders of the Indonesian Islamic Student Association, or Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam, met Sept. 10 with Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, reported Fides, the Vatican's missionary news agency. The student association, which counts about 1 million members, was founded in 1947 and is "the oldest, largest and most influential" student group in Indonesia, Fides said. In addition to inviting the pope to address their conference on dialogue and peace, Fides said, the students spoke to Cardinal Tauran about ways to promote dialogue and religious pluralism and to begin forms of collaboration with Catholics.

Read more: Muslim Student Group Invites Pope to Bali
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

In Remembrance of 9/11: Pray for Healing and World Peace

9/11 Memorial - Parsippany, NJ
Photo by Loci B. Lenar

By Loci B. Lenar

In remembrance of all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, please join in prayer for healing and world peace.

The Millennium Prayer is written to pray daily to Our Heavenly Father for world peace. 

Jesus said in Mark 11:23-24, "Amen, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it shall be done for him. Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will recieve it and it shall be yours."

Millennium Prayer for World Peace

God the Father
Creator of the Heavenly Kingdom
We petition the Court of Heaven
And humbly pray for mercy and divine intervention.

Send forth blessings of spiritual deliverance—
Free nations from the strife of war—
Release cultures from the shackles of poverty—
Instill stability and prosperity—
Healing earth of suffering—
With saving grace for humanity—

We implore Heaven for miraculous signs
By altering the destiny of humankind
Into a glorious era of peace and harmony
Through divine love and prayerful unanimity—

Almighty Father we graciously thank thee
In granting our prayers through the name and power
of your divine Son, Jesus Christ.

Prayer Copyright 2005 Loci B. Lenar
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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Michael Hingson Survives 9/11 because of Canine Hero

Michael Hingson: Thunder Dog - CBN TV - Video

Michael Hingson is blind and shares the incredible story of how his guide-dog Roselle got him down from the 78th floor of the North Tower in New York City on 9/11. 

Michael Hingson's new book, "Thunder Dog" describes the events of September 11, 2001 and is available in book stores.
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Family credits Virgin Mary statue for saving their house from wildfire

Family credits Virgin Mary statue for saving their house from wildfire – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs


Wildfires are raging in Texas. At the Garcia's home in Montgomery County, Texas the fire line comes right up to a statue of the Virgin Mary.  The family tells CNN affiliate KTRK they believe the statue helped saved their home.
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Friday, September 09, 2011

Prayer Support for Families Affected by Hurricane Irene and Flooding

Prayer of Confidence to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Photo by Loci B. Lenar

By Loci B. Lenar

Your Prayer Support is Requested

With so many families affected by Hurricane Irene on the east coast and from devastating flooding, including New Jersey, I am requesting your prayer support.  Please pray to Our Lord to help all the families to recovery and also to mitigate storms and natural disasters.

I wrote the following prayer in 2010 as a result of the earthquake in Haiti. While praying for the victims and their families, the Lord inspired my heart to compose a prayer in order to petition God to mitigate earthquakes and natural disasters.

Prayer to Mitigate Natural Disasters

God the Father,
we join together in prayer and
petition heaven for divine intervention
to mitigate earthquakes and natural disasters.
We invoke the powerful name of Jesus
to calm the storms of time
and to bring forth a millennium
of peace and tranquility.
We pray to the Virgin Mary
to intercede on behalf of humanity
for God's hand of mercy to bless us
with divine protection.
We ask this and thank thee
in the name of Jesus.

A copy of the prayer is available at the following link:

Thank you very much for your thoughtful prayer support!

A Reminder Regarding Monthly Prayer Service at St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Catholic Church holds a monthly service for prayer including special prayer intentions which are submitted through the website of

Previous services have included prayer for Christian Unity. However, prayers for world peace are always included.

The next prayer service is scheduled for Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 7:30 PM (EST) with Fr. Richard Tartaglia. The prayer service is held every third Thursday of each month with a new theme.  September will focus on the birth of Mary, Our Blessed Mother.

St. Mary's Church is located on 15 Myers Avenue, Denville, New Jersey.

There is great power through the Holy Spirit when people join together in agreement while praying for God’s help and intervention. However, if you cannot attend, you can still join in by praying with St. Mary's Church between the hours of 7:30-8:00 PM on September 15th for all special prayer intentions.

Prayer request can posted directly on at the following link:

May Our Lord have mercy and bless your prayer requests with divine favor.
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David Garibaldi: Jesus Painting

David Garibaldi: Jesus Painting from Thriving Churches on Vimeo.

David Garibaldi: Jesus Painting on Vimeo

Commentary by Loci B. Lenar

David Garibaldi is one extraordinary artist that will captivate you as he paints the face of Jesus on canvas.  He surprises the viewer with bold strokes of paint which at first appear abstract and then suddenly flips the painting over (bottom reversed to top) to reveal the face of Jesus.  Stunning work of art!
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Thursday, September 08, 2011

Paintings Inspired by Dreams of Mother Mary

Painter Mona Buencamino - Photo by ABS-CBN

A Filipina's Marian Paintings - ABS-CBN News - Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features

The following excerpt is from

By Mika Barrios

MANILA, Philippines – In 1989, Mona Buencamino dreamt of the Lady of Guadalupe urging her to paint despite not having any painting background at all.

As her dreams of Mother Mary recurred, which she routinely ignored, she finally gave in through her husband's advice.

She started with a small canvas but didn't find her work satisfying. After three hours of practice, she made her first masterpiece of Mother Mary, one of the paintings on display in the San Beda Alabang Museum today.

By June this year, she had finished 27 paintings, enough for the required 30 pieces for the San Beda Museum exhibit in commemoration of Mother Mary's birthday this September 8.

Entitled "Ave Maria", the Marian paintings of Buencamino will be at the Gallery II of the San Beda Museum and open to the viewing public until October 31.

Buencamino's works have found their places around the world, ranging from various provinces in the Philippines, Colombia and Italy. To date, she has made a total of 150 Marian paintings.

Read more: Mona Buencamino
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Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Catholic Life: Stephen B. Whatley the Praying Artist

Commentary by Loci B. Lenar

Stephen B. Whatley is a gifted and talented artist that paints with spiritual inspiration, which flows from his heart and soul on to the canvas in a contemporary flair of abstract colors. 

Stephen's Christian art is featured in the September 2011 issue of Catholic Life magazine.

I am very grateful to Stephen for allowing me to post his beautiful work on this blog.

His artwork is also on the homepage of and can be seen throughout our site with corresponding devotional prayers, including The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Prayers to Our Lady of Lourdes.


By Stephen B. Whatley

Blessed with my biggest interview and feature to date about my work and faith in Catholic Life magazine (September 2011) which has honoured me with the cover and a 6-page feature that includes 10 pictures.

Tony Glacius who interviewed me in July has written a powerful and hard hitting feature that covers my life experiences and career - all aspects including my expressions of my faith. From early tragedy, to the solace and trials of working with my art. The feature includes details on one of the spiritual experiences during one of my portrait sittings with a TV personality; my Royal commissions; and the profound reactions of American nuns, who discovered my work.

Catholic Life is available in the UK, USA and Canada. Deep gratitude to Tony Galcius and editor Brendan Gilligan who presented this feature so beautifully.
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Prayers to St. Raphael the Archangel

Saint Raphael the Archangel by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prayer for Healing to St. Raphael the Archangel

Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide of those who journey by land or sea or air, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners. I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you helped the young Tobias on his travels. Because you are the "medicine of God," I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of my soul and the ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favor (mention your petition) and the great grace of purity of prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Raphael of the glorious seven who stand before the throne of Him who lives and reigns, angel of health, the Lord has filled your hand with balm from heaven to soothe or cure our pains. Heal or cure the victim of disease, and guide our steps when doubtful of our ways. Amen

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel

Blessed Saint Raphael, Archangel, We beseech you to help us in all our needs and trials of this life, as you, through the power of God, didst restore sight and gave guidance to young Tobit. We humbly seek your aid and intercession, that our souls may be healed, our bodies protected from all ills, and that through divine grace we may become fit to dwell in the eternal Glory of God in heaven. Amen.

St Raphael Prayer: Patron of Travelers and Bearers of Good News

St. Raphael, archangel, you protected young Tobiah as he journeyed to a distant land. Protect all travelers and most especially those who go about near and far preaching the Gospel. Guide and inspire modern apostles who use the communications media to bring the Good News of Christ to many souls. You also brought healing and joy to all you met. Help those who bring the Word of God to souls, that they may be as instruments in God's Hands to draw many to lives of Christian holiness. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Raphael Before a Trip

Dear St. Raphael, your lovely name means "God heals." The Lord sent you to young Tobias to guide him throughout a long journey. Upon his return you taught him how to cure his father's blindness. How natural, therefore, for Christians to pray for your powerful help for safe travel and a happy return. This is what we ask for ourselves as well as for all who are far from home. Amen.

Prayer to St. Raphael: For the Choice of a Good Spouse

St. Raphael, you were sent by God to guide young Tobiah in choosing a good and virtuous spouse. Please help me in this important choice which will affect my whole future. You not only directed Tobiah in finding a wife, but you also gave him guidelines which should be foremost in every Christian marriage: "Pray together before making important decisions." If through prayer we keep God as the "third Partner" in our marriage, we will have the strength and grace we need to always accept and do His will. Amen.

Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be

Prayer to Saint Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings

O Raphael, lead us towards those we are waiting for, those who are waiting for us! Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings, lead us by the hand towards those we are looking for! May all our movements, all their
movements, be guided by your Light and transfigured by your joy.

Angel guide of Tobias, lay the request we now address to you at the feet of Him on whose unveiled Face you are privileged to gaze. Lonely and tired, crushed by the separations and sorrows of earth, we feel the need of calling to you and of pleading for the protection of your wings, so that we may not be as strangers in the Province of Joy, all ignorant of the concerns of our country.

Remember the weak, you who are strong--you whose home lies beyond the region of thunder, in a land that is always peaceful, always serene, and bright with the resplendent glory of God.


The following excerpt about St. Rapheal the Archangel can be read on

St. Raphael is one of seven Archangels who stand before the throne of the Lord.

He was sent by God to help Tobit, Tobiah and Sarah. At the time, Tobit was blind and Tobiah's betrothed, Sarah, had had seven bridegrooms perish on the night of their weddings. Raphael accompanied Tobiah into Media disguised as a man named Azariah. Raphael helped him through his difficulties and taught him how to safely enter marriage with Sarah.

Tobiah said that Raphael caused him to have his wife and that he gave joy to Sarah's parents for driving out the evil spirit in her. He also gave Raphael credit for his father's seeing the light of heaven and for receiving all good things through his intercession.

Raphael, Michael and Gabriel are the only Archangels mentioned by name in the bible. Raphael's name means "God heals." This identity came about because of the biblical story which claims that he "healed" the earth when it was defiled by the sins of the fallen angels in the apocryphal book of Enoch. Raphael is also identified as the angel who moved the waters of the healing sheep pool. He is also the patron of the blind, of happy meetings, of nurses, of physicians and of travelers.

His feast day is celebrated on September 29th.

More Devotional Prayers
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Friday, September 02, 2011

Our Lady of Medjugorje: September 2, 2011 Message to Visionary Mirjana Soldo

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

Our Lady of Medjugorje's message of September 2, 2011 to visionary Mirjana Soldo:

"Dear children; With all my heart and soul full of faith and love in the Heavenly Father, I gave my Son to you and am giving Him to you anew. My Son has brought you, the people of the entire world, to know the only true God and His love. He has led you on the way of truth and made you brothers and sisters. Therefore, my children, do not wander, do not close your heart before that truth, hope and love. Everything around you is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of God remains. Therefore, renounce everything that distances you from the Lord. Adore Him alone, because He is the only true God. I am with you and I will remain with you. I am especially praying for the shepherds that they may be worthy representatives of my Son and may lead you with love on the way of truth. Thank you."
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Thursday, September 01, 2011

Common Faith: Arab, Jewish Believers Bridge Divide

Common Faith: Arab, Jewish Believers Bridge Divide - CBN TV - Video

Excerpt from

Even in the Christian community in the Middle East, there is division between Messianic and Arab believers. A small group of Christians is bridging that gap.
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