Monday, March 19, 2012


Our Lady Video Trailer

The video trailer of Our Lady and following press release is from Jessica Murray, Marketing Manager at Tell Tale Productions:

Halifax, Nova Scotia – March, 2012 Blessed Mother. Star of the Sea. Queen of Heaven. Madonna. Our Lady. She goes by many names and is celebrated by both Christians and Muslims around the world. She is one of the most celebrated women in history, even though little is actually known about her. She gave birth to the one of the most famous historical figures of all time, but she is only mentioned in the bible seven times. Each year millions of people around the world do pilgrimages to shrines dedicated to her and many claim to experience miracles.  

Our Lady is a one hour documentary that chronicles the life and significance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and her apparitions and appearances on earth. Since 1981, Mary has been appearing in one of the most visited religious sites on the planet: Medjugorje, Bosnia. The film follows a pilgrimage led by New Brunswick native Marie Desjardins as she and a dozen others journey to Medjugorje for the 30th anniversary of these spiritual events.

Our Lady is created, written, and directed by Michael MacDonald and produced by Edward Peill of Halifax-based Tell Tale Productions Inc.

Medjugorje is potentially the most important event in modern history. It is a call to action for all to put their own interests aside to serve their fellow human beings.” says MacDonald. “As the Blessed Virgin said to the visionaries, God is real. He asks us to live like eternal beings - to remember that our pains and sufferings are only temporary. We must prepare ourselves daily by learning to love, and to accept love.

The film features world-renowned Marian experts Judith Dupre, Lesley Hazelton, and Charlene Spretnak as they reveal the role that Mary has played over the past 2000 years and the devotion she has fostered in so many followers around the world.

A new iPhone app called iMary will also be released in conjunction with the premiere of the Our Lady documentary. The iMary mobile app is the ultimate smartphone accessory for anyone interested in the Virgin Mary. The app features a complete and detailed database of all the Marian shrines across Canada with a geo-locator function indicating the distance from the user’s location. It also contains a comprehensive list of devotions, a Marian calendar, and a rosary. The iMary app is available on iTunes with a portion of the proceeds from each sale being donated to charity.

Our Lady will have its world broadcast premiere on VisionTV on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 10 PM ET / 7 PM PT (Check local listings). VisionTV is Canada’s only English language cable and satellite television analog specialty channel that airs multi-faith, multicultural and family-oriented entertainment programming.

Our Lady was produced in association with VisionTV, ZoomerMedia Limited, and CTS TV with funding from the Canada Media Fund, and Provincial and Federal tax credits.

For Media Inquiries please contact:

Jessica Murray - Tell Tale Productions Inc.  Marketing Manager
Tel: (902) 482-4650    

Feast Day of St. Joseph

St. Joseph - Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

St. Joseph - Saint and Angels - Catholic Online

The following excerpt regarding the history St. Joseph is found on Catholic Online:

Feastday: March 19

Patron of the Universal Church

Everything we know about the husband of Mary and the foster father of Jesus comes from Scripture and that has seemed too little for those who made up legends about him.

We know he was a carpenter, a working man, for the skeptical Nazarenes ask about Jesus, "Is this not the carpenter's son?" (Matthew 13:55). He wasn't rich for when he took Jesus to the Temple to be circumcised and Mary to be purified he offered the sacrifice of two turtledoves or a pair of pigeons, allowed only for those who could not afford a lamb (Luke 2:24).

Despite his humble work and means, Joseph came from a royal lineage. Luke and Matthew disagree some about the details of Joseph's genealogy but they both mark his descent from David, the greatest king of Israel (Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38). Indeed the angel who first tells Joseph about Jesus greets him as "son of David," a royal title used also for Jesus.

We know Joseph was a compassionate, caring man. When he discovered Mary was pregnant after they had been betrothed, he knew the child was not his but was as yet unaware that she was carrying the Son of God. He planned to divorce Mary according to the law but he was concerned for her suffering and safety. He knew that women accused to adultery could be stoned to death, so he decided to divorce her quietly and not expose her to shame or cruelty (Matthew 1:19-25).

We know Joseph was man of faith, obedient to whatever God asked of him without knowing the outcome. When the angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him the truth about the child Mary was carrying, Joseph immediately and without question or concern for gossip, took Mary as his wife. When the angel came again to tell him that his family was in danger, he immediately left everything he owned, all his family and friends, and fled to a strange country with his young wife and the baby. He waited in Egypt without question until the angel told him it was safe to go back (Matthew 2:13-23).

We know Joseph loved Jesus. His one concern was for the safety of this child entrusted to him. Not only did he leave his home to protect Jesus, but upon his return settled in the obscure town of Nazareth out of fear for his life. When Jesus stayed in the Temple we are told Joseph (along with Mary) searched with great anxiety for three days for him (Luke 2:48). We also know that Joseph treated Jesus as his own son for over and over the people of Nazareth say of Jesus, "Is this not the son of Joseph?" (Luke 4:22)

We know Joseph respected God. He followed God's commands in handling the situation with Mary and going to Jerusalem to have Jesus circumcised and Mary purified after Jesus' birth. We are told that he took his family to Jerusalem every year for Passover, something that could not have been easy for a working man.

Since Joseph does not appear in Jesus' public life, at his death, or resurrection, many historians believe Joseph probably had died before Jesus entered public ministry.

Joseph is the patron of the dying because, assuming he died before Jesus' public life, he died with Jesus and Mary close to him, the way we all would like to leave this earth.

Joseph is also patron of the universal Church, fathers, carpenters, and social justice.
We celebrate two feast days for Joseph: March 19 for Joseph the Husband of Mary and May 1 for Joseph the Worker.

There is much we wish we could know about Joseph -- where and when he was born, how he spent his days, when and how he died. But Scripture has left us with the most important knowledge: who he was -- "a righteous man" (Matthew 1:18).

In His Footsteps:
Joseph was foster father to Jesus. There are many children separated from families and parents who need foster parents. Please consider contacting your local Catholic Charities or Division of Family Services about becoming a foster parent.

Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church, watch over the Church as carefully as you watched over Jesus, help protect it and guide it as you did with your adopted son. Amen

Read more: History of St. Joseph

Devotional Prayers: Prayers to St. Joseph

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Promoting faith, joy and hope through music videos

Promoting faith, joy and hope through music videos

The following news report is found on

To inspire a culture of life through music...this is one of the goals of “MUSIC VISIONS.” It's a Catholic non-profit organization that tries to entertain and inspire the next generation through music videos.

Nowadays, millions of teenagers spend hours watching music videos, whether on a television set or through one's phone. But oftentimes, those videos glorify anything but values. MUSIC VISIONS tries to change that by producing high quality videos that promote faith, joy and hope.

Its first project is titled “Beside You.” Based on a true story, it follows the journey of a young woman as she deals with an unplanned pregnancy. Other videos that promote values in every day challenges, are also in the works.

The goal is to expose young adults to positive music videos, but that same goal also applies to broadcasters, who are willing to air these types of videos to a large audience.

The group is made up by a small team of international professionals. But it's also looking for sponsors and talented artists with unreleased songs. If you think, you're a good fit, their website,, has all the details. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who is Saint Patrick?

Saint Patrick Stained Glass Window - Photo by Loci B. Lenar

St. Patrick - Saints and Angels - Catholic Online

The following information is from CatholicOnline:

St. Patrick of Ireland is one of the world's most popular saints. (Feast Day March 17)

Apostle of Ireland, born at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland, in the year 387; died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, 17 March, 461.

Along with St. Nicholas and St. Valentine, the secular world shares our love of these saints. This is also a day when everyone's Irish.

There are many legends and stories of St. Patrick, but this is his story.

Patrick was born around 385 in Scotland, probably Kilpatrick. His parents were Calpurnius and Conchessa, who were Romans living in Britian in charge of the colonies.

As a boy of fourteen or so, he was captured during a raiding party and taken to Ireland as a slave to herd and tend sheep. Ireland at this time was a land of Druids and pagans. He learned the language and practices of the people who held him.

During his captivity, he turned to God in prayer. He wrote "The love of God and his fear grew in me more and more, as did the faith, and my soul was rosed, so that, in a single day, I have said as many as a hundred prayers and in the night, nearly the same." "I prayed in the woods and on the mountain, even before dawn. I felt no hurt from the snow or ice or rain."

Patrick's captivity lasted until he was twenty, when he escaped after having a dream from God in which he was told to leave Ireland by going to the coast. There he found some sailors who took him back to Britian, where he reunited with his family.

He had another dream in which the people of Ireland were calling out to him "We beg you, holy youth, to come and walk among us once more."

He began his studies for the priesthood. He was ordained by St. Germanus, the Bishop of Auxerre, whom he had studied under for years.

Later, Patrick was ordained a bishop, and was sent to take the Gospel to Ireland. He arrived in Ireland March 25, 433, at Slane. One legend says that he met a chieftain of one of the tribes, who tried to kill Patrick. Patrick converted Dichu (the chieftain) after he was unable to move his arm until he became friendly to Patrick.

Patrick began preaching the Gospel throughout Ireland, converting many. He and his disciples preached and converted thousands and began building churches all over the country. Kings, their families, and entire kingdoms converted to Christianity when hearing Patrick's message.
Patrick by now had many disciples, among them Beningnus, Auxilius, Iserninus, and Fiaac, (all later canonized as well).

Patrick preached and converted all of Ireland for 40 years. He worked many miracles and wrote of his love for God in Confessions. After years of living in poverty, traveling and enduring much suffering he died March 17, 461.

He died at Saul, where he had built the first church.

Why a shamrock?

Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Trinity, and has been associated with him and the Irish since that time.

In His Footsteps:  
Patrick was a humble, pious, gentle man, whose love and total devotion to and trust in God should be a shining example to each of us. He feared nothing, not even death, so complete was his trust in God, and of the importance of his mission.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Our Lady of Good Counsel by Stephen B. Whatley

Our Lady of Good Counsel

Our Lady of Good Counsel by Stephen B. Whatley - Flickr Photo Sharing

By Stephen B. Whatley

A recent tribute drawing (created in 2012) to this devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus; originating from a miracle in Italy in the 15th century.

Blessings of hope, healing and restoration through the Holy Mother and Child.

The history of Our Lady of Good Counsel can be read on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Charcoal on paper,
16.5 x 11.5in/42 x 30cm

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

St. Mary's Catholic Church - Evening Prayer Service on March 15th

Stations of the Cross - St. Mary's Church, Denville, NJ
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

St. Mary's Catholic Church holds a monthly service for prayer including special prayer intentions which are submitted through the website of

Previous services have included prayer for Christian Unity. However, prayers for world peace are always included.

There is great power through the Holy Spirit when people join together in agreement while praying for God’s help and intervention.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:19-20

The next prayer service is scheduled for Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 7:30 PM (EST) with Fr. Richard Tartaglia. The prayer service is held every third Thursday of each month with a new theme.

March will focus on Lent and penance.

Lent prepares us through sacrifice and prayer for a spiritual renewal of the soul. However, Easter rejuvenates our lives as God the Father calls us to live by the gospels of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by transforming us into the resurrected image of His divine son.

St. Mary's Church is located on 15 Myers Avenue, Denville, New Jersey, USA.

However, if you cannot attend, you can still join in with your own special prayer intentions by praying with St. Mary's Church between the hours of 7:30 - 8:00 PM on March 15th.

Please submit your prayer requests to our site at the following email: PrayerRequest@Christian-Miracles.comYou email will remain confidential.

May Our Lord have mercy and bless your prayer requests with divine favor.

For updates, please visit on Facebook. While visiting, please consider supporting our site by giving a thumbs up. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

In Lourdes, how a cure is proven to be a miracle

In Lourdes, how a cure is proven to be a miracle

The following excerpt from is regarding Our Lady and miracles connected to her apparitions in Lourdes, France.

( Lourdes, France is location of the most miracles recognized by the Catholic Church. It all started in 1858, when Catherine Latapie was miraculously cured of paralysis after drinking the spring water where apparitions of the Virgin Mary had taken place.

There soon became so many claims of miraculous healing that a medical bureau was established to investigate.

Today it's headed by the Italian Dr. Alesandro de Franciscis. He's served as the bureau's lead physician since 2009, making him the 15th doctor in an uninterrupted series. He's also the first non-French to hold the title.

He says the position is like no other job he's ever held.

Dr. Alessandro de Franciscis
Physician, Lourdes Medical Bureau

“I am the only doctor that I know of in the world that people come to see and to tell me 'doctor I am cured.'”
In the 130 year history of the Lourdes Medical Bureau, there have been over 7,000 documented cures that can not be medically explained. However, the Shrine has only recognized 67 as miracles.

Whether they go on to become miracles or not depends on the Church. If it's found that medicine can not explain a cure, it is then sent to the bishop of the diocese where that person is from.

Read more: Lourdes

Friday, March 09, 2012

Pope John Paul II Destined for Sainthood

Pope John Paul II 

Former pope destined for sainthood

The following excerpt is from

A second miracle attributed to the late pope John Paul II has been reported and he could be made a saint soon, Italy's Panorama weekly said on Thursday, citing documents sent to the Vatican.

The miraculous healing occurred just weeks after John Paul II's beatification on May 1 last year, which put him on the path to sainthood just six years after his death and was attended by over a million people.

The first miracle attributed to the late pope was the healing of a French nun, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, who recovered from Parkinson's disease.

To be officially certified as a miracle by the Catholic Church, healings have to be instantaneous, irreversible and without scientific explanation.

The second miracle, about which no details were reported, was chosen from among four reported miracles and documented by the promoter of Karol Wojtyla's canonization, Bishop Slowomir Oder, Panorama said.

The magazine said the case was being studied by experts from the Congregation for the Cause of Saints and, if it occurred, could lead to the canonization of the late pope within the next 12 months.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Future Spanish saint's intercession cured 3-year-old

Future Spanish saint's intercession cured 3-year-old

The following excerpt is from the Catholic News Agency (CNA):

On Oct. 21, Spaniards will celebrate the canonization of Sister Carmen Salles y Barangueras, whose cause for sainthood was approved after her intercession caused the miraculous cure of a 3-year-old Brazilian girl suffering from a brain condition.

The miracle occurred in Sao Paolo in 1999 when 3 year-old Maria Isabel Gomes de Melo Gardelli was suffering from acute cerebral ischaemia, which left her with paralysis, deformities in her face.

With no hope of recovery, her treatments were stopped and her parents, themselves doctors, brought her home to care for her until her eventual passing. Together with Maria Isabel’s classmates at Maria Inmaculada School in Sao Paolo, the family began a novena to Sister Carmen Salles for a miraculous cure.

The postulator for Sister Carmen’s cause for canonization, Mother Maria Asuncion Valls Salip, told CNA it was “on the fifth day of the novena that she was cured…the prayers of children are very powerful.”

Doctors were skeptical that she was completely cured. Even if she received years of therapy and treatment, they said, she would be at serious risk of epilepsy and other secondary illnesses.
Since the time of her healing, Maria Isabel has undergone 27 different medical examinations “and absolutely no long-term effects remain,” Mother Valls said. Now at age 15, she has even been offered careers in modeling.

Mother Valls said she is also a “brilliant student” with “a great ability to comprehend.” “There is no doubt this is a miracle,” she added.

A recent CAT scan shows scars from her condition remain visible on her brain, which Mother Valls said demonstrate the miraculous nature of her recovery.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Sheik Mohammed Amen: Healing AIDS and HIV

Sheik Mohammed Amen: Healing AIDS and HIV - CBN TV - Video

An Ethiopian man witnessed a vision of Jesus that healed him from an incurable disease. After being healed he converted from Islam to Christianity and now shares his testimony and the love of Jesus Christ in Ethiopia.

Abraham Sarker: Jesus and the Muslim - CBN TV - Video

Abraham Sarker: Jesus and the Muslim - CBN TV - Video

The testimony that Abraham Sarker gives about his conversion to Christianity is very powerful. He was a devout follower of Islam. Then a dream started a chain reaction that led to his salvation in Jesus Christ. 

Sometime later, his father with other members of the family also convert to Christianity.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Prayers to St. Dymphna

 St. Dymphna Image From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prayers to St. Dymphna

(Patroness of those afflicted with mental and nervous disorders)

In Nervous or Emotional Distress

Lord, our God, you graciously chose St. Dymphna as patroness of those afflicted with mental and nervous disorders. She is thus an inspiration and a symbol of charity to the thousands who ask her intercession.

Please grant, Lord, through the prayers of this pure youthful martyr, relief and consolation to all suffering such trials, and especially those for whom we pray. (Here mention those for whom you wish to pray).

We beg you, Lord, to hear the prayers of St. Dymphna on our behalf. Grant all those for whom we pray patience in their sufferings and resignation to your divine will. Please fill them with hope, and grant them the relief and cure they so much desire.

We ask this through Christ our Lord who suffered agony in the garden. Amen.

In Physical Illness

I appeal to you in my illness, dear St. Dymphna. I would be so grateful for a total and happy recovery, for the blessed gift of health in every fiber of my being. May the Lord Jesus, who mercifully healed the sick during His earthly days, have pity on me and make me well again. Ask Him to command sickness to depart and grant me a full measure of health, that I may rejoice in giving Him glory and praise. Amen.

For Any Special Need

Glorious St. Dymphna, you are the patron of the nervous and emotionally disturbed. I am certain, however, that your charity embraces everyone. I am certain that you lend a listening ear to any prayer offered for any special need. You will, I am sure,take my problem to heart and pray for me that it may be happily settled. (Here mention your special problem or difficulty) You will plead for me and obtain the help I need. Already I offer you my sincere and grateful thanks, so great is my confidence that God will hear and answer your prayers. Amen.

St. Dymphna, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, patron of nervous and emotional illnesses, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, crowned for the glory in heaven, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, faithful to your covenant with Christ, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, precious in the eyes of the Lord, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, our helper in every need, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, our friend at heaven's court, pray for us.

Read more: Biography of St. Dymphna

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Our Lady of Medjugorje's Monthly Message to Marija Pavlovic

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

February 25, 2012 Message from Our Lady to Marija Pavlovic

"Dear children! At this time, in a special way I call you: 'pray with the heart'. Little children, you speak much and pray little. Read and meditate on Sacred Scripture, and may the words written in it be life for you. I encourage and love you, so that in God you may find your peace and the joy of living. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Friday, February 24, 2012

Benedictine nun set to make splash at this years Oscar ceremony

Benedictine nun set to make splash at this years Oscar ceremony

The following excerpt is from

Among the Holywood stars walking the red carpet at this year's Oscars, will be this 73 year old Benedictine nun. She now goes by the name Mother Dolores and she belongs to the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Connecticut. But long before she was known as Dolores Hart, a rising young actress.

She is the subject of a new documentary “God is Bigger than Elvis” that has been nominated for an academy award. It's her life story, from an acting career that placed her in 11 movies alongside Elvis Presley to taking solemn vows to lead the cloistered life of a nun.

She starred in films as diverse as “Where the Boys Are” alongside George Hamilton, to the 1961 film “Francis of Assisi”.

This new documentary will focus not only on her Hollywood career and life as a nun, but also the daily activities of her sisters, that work to keep a farm on their monastery.

The documentary is set to premiere on HBO this April 5th. Those in Hollywood are calling this the 'homecoming' for their lost star Dolores Hart.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Aline Umegwaneza: Forgiving Genocide

Aline Umegwaneza: Forgiving Genocide - CBN TV - Video

Aline Umegwaneza: Forgiving Genocide

Aline Umegwaneza survived the genocide in Rwanda, most of her family did not. This is her story of survival and forgiveness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pope explains the significance of Lent and Ash Wednesday

Pope explains the significance of Lent and Ash Wednesday

The following excerpt is from

During the Pope's general audience, Benedict XVI talked about the meaning of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday. The Pope explained the significance of having 40 days of Lent. He also described it as a time for “spiritual renovation.”


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today the Church celebrates Ash Wednesday, the beginning of her Lenten journey towards Easter. The entire Christian community is invited to live this period of forty days as a pilgrimage of repentance, conversion and renewal.

In the Bible, the number forty is rich in symbolism. It recalls Israel’s journey in the desert, a time of expectation, purification and closeness to the Lord, but also a time of temptation and testing. It also evokes Jesus’ own sojourn in the desert at the beginning of his public ministry, a time of profound closeness to the Father in prayer, but also of confrontation with the mystery of evil.

The Church’s Lenten discipline is meant to help deepen our life of faith and our imitation of Christ in his paschal mystery.

In these forty days may we draw nearer to the Lord by meditating on his word and example, and conquer the desert of our spiritual aridity, selfishness and materialism. For the whole Church may this Lent be a time of grace in which God leads us, in union with the crucified and risen Lord, through the experience of the desert to the joy and hope brought by Easter.

Sunday, February 19, 2012 Pressroom on PRLog

Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Southern Blvd., Chatham, NJ - Photo by Loci B. Lenar Pressroom on PRLog (Press Releases) Reports news connected to Christianity and Catholicism with Biblical insight. Publicizing inspirational stories about signs, wonders, and miracles of faith.

Jan 22, 2012
Baptized as an Anglican, Stephen B. Whatley was drawn to the Catholic Church and now is a practicing Catholic. This artists' amazing spiritual journey of faith is being recognized internationally for his Christian Tributes.

Mar 31, 2011
Since 2005 a cross with an outline of a shield has appeared annually on the property of Loci B. Lenar in Mine Hill, New Jersey. Again on March 27, 2011, sunlight is shining on the backyard fence and creating an image of a cross.

Feb 08, 2011
The Catholic Church holds a monthly service for prayer including special prayer intentions that are submitted through the website of The next evening prayer service is scheduled for Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 7:30 PM (EST)

Feb 08, 2011
Visitors to the website can now easily read news pertaining to signs and wonders with use of iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc. The site also has a large gallery of faith related photography.

Jan 19, 2011
Tune into Radio Maria on January 24th for a Live Discussion regarding God's Healing Grace. Listen in and learn more about how God works miracles through prayer! Guests include Loci B. Lenar, Donna Ott, and Fr. Richard Tartaglia.

Nov 27, 2010
“It was unexpected,” says Donna Ott, a parishioner and administrative assistant at St. Mary's, sharing her testimony about being healed of painful arthritis.

Sep 17, 2010
Lenar to discuss signs and wonders on Catholic radio

Oct 24, 2009
Prayers for Life and World Peace Acknowledged by Heaven

Jun 21, 2009
Lenar's website and blog recognized for reporting news of signs, wonders, and miracles of faith.

Oct 21, 2008
Over a thousand visitors attended the National Blue Army Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 13, 2008, to celebrate the 91st anniversary of the Fatima apparitions. 
Aug 28, 2008
Sunlight appears to be shining through the stained glass window, creating beautiful rainbow colors! The rays of light appear to be flowing towards the ceiling. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Medjugorje Message: Muslims and Christians Join for Apparitions

The Medjugorje Message: Muslims and Christians join for apparitions

The following excerpt appears on

Up to 100,000 people are expected to attend a two-day prayer event in Lebanon which will host Marija Pavlovic, the Medjugorje visionary who receives Our Lady’s message for the world each month.

The visionary’s visit is in response to a personal request by Our Lady to go to the Lebanon, which Marija received during one of her apparitions with the Blessed Mother. It will precursor the Feast of the Annunciation a week later.

The feast of the Annunciation, March 25, is jointly celebrated by Christians and Muslims in Lebanon and is a national holiday instituted two years ago by the Lebanese government as a national Christian-Muslim day, something that never occurred before in the history of Christian-Muslim relations in the country.

Read more: Muslims and Christians Join for Apparitions

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monthly Prayer Service at St. Mary's Church on February 16th

St. Mary's Church - Photo by Loci B. Lenar

Please consider visiting St. Mary's Catholic Church for Mass and prayer services.

The church holds a monthly service for prayer with Fr. Richard Tartaglia including special prayer intentions which are submitted through the website of

Previous services have included prayer for Christian Unity. However, prayers for world peace are always included.

The prayer service is held every third Thursday of each month with a new theme.

Presentation of Child Jesus in the Temple

February will focus on Candlemas and Lent. What is Candlemas? February 2nd marks the date of the presentation of the child Jesus in the temple, as well as the purification of Mary after the birth of Jesus.

Please join us in prayer with your own special intentions on February 16th between the hour of 7:30 and 8:00 PM.  However, if you cannot attend, you can still join in by praying in unity with St. Mary’s Church for all special prayer intentions.

Email your prayer requests to

If you live in the area or plan on visiting New Jersey, please consider attending and joining in the evening prayer service with Fr. Richard Tartaglia. The service begins with singing of hymns followed with psalm prayers and then reading of the gospels. After the reading, Fr. Tartaglia gives his homily which is followed with a prayer of intercession for Special Prayer Intentions (prayer requests). The Lord's Prayer is recited and after that there is a closing prayer with a blessing given by Fr. Tartaglia. The prayer service is concluded with a closing song.

St. Mary's Catholic Church is located on 15 Myers Avenue in Denville, New Jersey. Father Martin Glynn is the head pastor of the church.

Monthly Prayer Schedule with Related Topics for 2012

Pray for Life - Thursday, January 19 at 7:30 P.M.

Candlemas and Lent - Thursday, February 16 at 7:30 P.M.

Lent and Penance - Thursday, March 15 at 7:30 P.M.

Easter and Resurrection - Thursday, April 19 at 7:30 P.M.

No Thursday prayer service in May

John the Babtist - Thursday, June 21 at 7:30 P.M.

(Note: Additional dates will be added when available)

St. Mary's Weekly Mass Schedule

Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 AM

Saturday: 5:00 PM

Weekdays: 8:00 AM and 12:05 PM - (Except June ~ Labor Day - No 12:05 PM)

First Fridays: 8:00 AM, 12:05 PM, 8:00 PM - (Except June ~ Labor Day - No 12:05 PM)

Holy Days: 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 12:00 noon, 7:00 PM

Eve of Holy Days: 5:00 PM

Sunday, February 12, 2012

2012 New Jersey Provincial Directory

2012 NJ Provincial Directory - Catholic Star Hearld

2012 NJ Provincial Directory

Now in its 70th year, the 2012 New Jersey Provincial Directory is the place businesses, educators, clergy, religious, church professionals and Catholic parishioners turn to for the most up-to-date and comprehensive listings for these dioceses.

The directory is published in NJ by the Catholic Star Herald for the Diocese of Camden and has more than 400 pages.

The directory is available at the following link:

A beautiful graphic design by a new photographer is used for the 2012 edition. 

2011 NJ Provincial Directory - Cover by Loci B. Lenar

However, the Genealogy of Jesus, a photograph by Loci B. Lenar was published as the front book cover to last years 2011 New Jersey Provincial Directory.

The directory supplies useful information about NJ parishes and organizations.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Prayers to Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes by Stephen B. Whatley

Intercessory Prayers to Our Lady of Lourdes

Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

Oh ever immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfortess of the Afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings. Look upon me with mercy. When you appeared in the grotto of Lourdes, you made it a privileged sanctuary where you dispense your favors, and where many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal. I come, therefore, with unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession. My loving Mother, obtain my request. I will try to imitate your virtues so that I may one day share your company and bless you in eternity. Amen.


Hail Mary, poor and humble Woman, Blessed by the Most High! Virgin of hope, dawn of a new era, We join in your song of praise, to celebrate the Lord’s mercy, to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom and the full liberation of humanity.

Hail Mary, lowly handmaid of the Lord, Glorious Mother of Christ! Faithful Virgin, holy dwelling-place of the Word, Teach us to persevere in listening to the Word, and to be docile to the voice of the Spirit, attentive to his promptings in the depths of our conscience and to his manifestations in the events of history.

Hail Mary, Woman of sorrows, Mother of the living! Virgin spouse beneath the Cross, the new Eve, Be our guide along the paths of the world. Teach us to experience and to spread the love of Christ, to stand with you before the innumerable crosses on which your Son is still crucified.

Hail Mary, woman of faith, First of the disciples! Virgin Mother of the Church, help us always to account for the hope that is in us, with trust in human goodness and the Father’s love. Teach us to build up the world beginning from within: in the depths of silence and prayer, in the joy of fraternal love, in the unique fruitfulness of the Cross.

Holy Mary, Mother of believers, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Regarding the painting of Our Lady of Lourdes, artist Stephen B. Whatley writes, "It was cloudy and gray in London on February 11, 2011 as I prayed in preparation to paint this tribute from my heart and soul - but just as I began, the sun broke through the clouds: my prayers were for healing for all those I know who are sick and suffering. I hope viewers will be blessed with peace, hope and healing, through faith, by seeing this painting" 

In need of prayer?  Send requests to

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Ex-atheist describes near-death experience

Ex-atheist describes near-death experience |

The following excerpt is from


In 1985 Mr. Storm 38 and his wife Beverly were in Paris on the last day of an art tour. Buckled over by searing pain in the middle of his stomach he was rushed to the hospital. Awaiting emergency surgery he knew he was dying. He said good-bye to his wife and drifted into darkness.

Standing up he realized he was between two hospital beds. He looked at Beverly who was motionless staring at the floor sitting in the chair next to his bed. He spoke to her but she didn't seem to hear.
As he bent over to look at the face of the body in the bed he was horrified to see the resemblance that it had to his own face. But he knew that was impossible because he was standing over the person and looking at him.

Off in the distance outside the room in the hall he heard voices calling him. They were pleasant voices male and female young and old calling to him in English.

"Come out here" they said. "Don't you want to get better?"

He stepped out into the hall full of anxiety. The area seemed to be light but very hazy and he couldn't make out any details.

He followed them shuffling along in his bare feet with the memory of pain in his belly yet feeling very much alive. The fog thickened as they went on and it became gradually darker.

Overwhelmed with hopelessness he told them he would go no farther and that they were liars. He could feel their breath on him as they shouted and snarled insults.

Then they began to push and shove him about and he began to fight back. A wild frenzy of taunting screaming and hitting ensued. As he swung and kicked at them they bit him.

Even though he couldn't see anything in the darkness he was aware there were dozens or hundreds of them all around and over him and that his attempts to fight back only provoked greater merriment.

They began to tear off pieces of his flesh and he realized that he was being taken apart and eaten alive methodically slowly so that their entertainment would last as long as possible. In that wretched state he lay there in the darkness.

Suddenly remembering a prayer from childhood Sunday School class he said "Yea though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me."

To his amazement the cruel merciless beings were incited to rage by his prayer. They screamed at him 'There is no God! Nobody can hear you!" But at the same time they were backing away. He realized that saying things about God was actually driving them away and he became more forceful. They became more rabid cursing and screaming against God but in time they retreated back into the distant gloom beyond his hearing.

Alone destroyed and yet painfully alive in this horrible place he yelled out into the darkness "Jesus save me."

Far off in the darkness he saw a pinpoint of light like the faintest star in the sky. The star became brighter and brighter. As it came closer he realized that he was right in its path and he might be consumed by its brilliance.

This was a living being approximately 8 feet tall and surrounded by an oval of radiance. The brilliant intensity of the light penetrated his body. Ecstasy swept away the agony. Tangible hands and arms gently embraced him and lifted him up. He slowly rose up into the presence of the light and the torn pieces of his body miraculously healed before his eyes.

(To read an excerpt from Howard Storm's book go to

Read more: Howard Storm

Monday, February 06, 2012

Church points to prayer for man's second chance at life

Church points to prayer for man's second chance at life

The video and following excerpt is from

By Jennifer Meckles

On January 22nd, Fred McAfee attended a morning worship at Covenant Life Worship Center in Lake City, TN. He got out of his chair to give an offering, and collapsed suddenly.

"No breath, no heartbeat... just completely collapsed," remembers Pastor Tony McAfee.

Several people attempted to revive Fred McAfee, and an ambulance was called. While the congregation waited, they prayed.

"Its an amazing story, really, about the power of prayer," said the pastor. "And that miracles still do happen."

After about 10 minutes, McAfee suddenly awoke. He credits his faith for his survival.

Read more: Fred McAfee

Saturday, February 04, 2012

2012 A Year of Divine Favor

Photo by Loci B. Lenar

By Loci B. Lenar

In a spiritual locution I received on December 28, 2011, Jesus communicated that 2012 will also be a year of divine favor.  On December 22, 2010, Our Lord conveyed the same message regarding 2011.
Therefore, I am repeating what I wrote previously about the message: The key to answered prayer is to remain faithful to the gospels.
Pray for your families and friends. Pray for loved ones. Pray for those in need of healing from illness. Pray for restoration of marriages and finances. Pray for our nation and world. Pray for an era of peace and Christian unity.

I believe God's time has arrived to evangelize the world with a great move of the Holy Spirit as we move forward in this decade. 

Now is the time to act with the power of prayer.  Pray with an open heart and give thanks and praise to Our Lord!

I believe it's time to remove all negativity that may hinder your ability to move forward, and focus on the promises God gives us by reading the gospels. Trust and believe in the word of God and let Our Lord Jesus Christ guide you to peace and answered prayer.
"See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Isaiah 42:9
Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:23-24
May Our Lord open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing of divine favor.

Both locutions were shared with my spiritual advisor, Father Richard Tartaglia of St. Mary's Church, Denville, NJ, USA.

In need of prayer? Send requests to

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Daniel Pajuelo: religious who speaks about God through rap music

Daniel Pajuelo: religious who speaks about God through rap music

The following excerpt is from

February 1, 2012. ( Born 33 years ago in Valencia, Spain, Daniel Pajuelo is a computer engineer, a member of the Marian Society, and a rapper. He says he found God when he was 17. After, he joined the Society of Mary where he was encouraged to develop his talents, which included his rap.

He works as a teacher and his dedication to young people encouraged him to get a microphone and start rhyming. In his concerts he found a warm welcome from the audience but also some surprise.

Daniel Pajuelo
Religious Rapper

“It's easy for young people to learn by memory. They find it easy to learn phrases that have a message behind it. Nowadays, they don't learn the Creed, but they can learn a rap song that length wise, is basically the Creed six times over.”

Daniel, known as SMDANI, gives away what was given to him for free. In 2009, he released his first album 'Giving life 3^N' which can be downloaded on his website. He says he's not looking for fame, but only hopes to continue helping people through his lyrics.

For this religious rapper, the New Evangelization means to speak about God in new and different way-and that includes rapping to the beat of music.

Read more: Daniel Pajuelo

Monday, January 30, 2012

Chris Tomlin 'I Will Rise' - Christian Music

Chris Tomlin ' I Will Rise' - YouTube

Chris Tomlin's 'I Will Rise' is Christian music at its best. It soars with the Holy Spirit!

The following excerpt is from the website of

Chris Tomlin is an interesting enigma. With nine No. 1 songs and over three million album sales to his credit, he’s one of the most successful artists in music. At the same time, he’s one of the least known. Ask anyone about Chris Tomlin and only a few will tell you they know him well.

There’s a reason for the subtle mystery. All the songs---including such anthems as “How Great is Our God,” “Forever,” and “Holy is the Lord,” the sold out concert dates around the world and the millions in CD sales have never been about elevating Chris Tomlin, but about worshiping God.

“I just love that God uses me,” he says, “but my role isn’t to grab as much attention as I possibly can, but to really point people to God. I don’t spend my time thinking how to make myself more popular, so maybe that why I there’s a bit of a mystery there.”

When Tomlin stands in front of a throng of believers, it’s his desire to disappear, to surrender to the Holy Spirit and help others release the concerns of the world and focus on worshipping the God who created them. He’s excelled at that calling for more than a decade and at the very heart of his ministry is an arsenal of songs that have become anthems, sung by believers all over the globe. His last three albums Hello Love, See the Morning and Arriving have been certified gold, signifying sales of more than 500,000 units and Arriving has been certified platinum with sales over a million, truly impressive feats in an ailing music industry. On the CCLI charts, which measure the songs used in churches, Tomlin has five songs in the top ten and 15 in the top 100.

Read more: Chris Tomlin

Bruce Van Natta: Saved by Angels

Bruce Van Natta: Saved by Angels - CBN TV - Video

He was pinned under a massive logging truck. Bruce was certain he would die until the miraculous happened.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Healing Mass Celebration Scheduled for 2012 at World Apostolate of Fatima, USA

Fr. Paul Ruge - Photo by Loci B. Lenar

The World Apostolate of Fatima, USA, will celebrate a Healing Mass every third Sunday from May to December 2012 with Fr. Paul Ruge. The Mass will begin with Divine Mercy Prayer at 3:00 PM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will follow after the Homily.

The National Blue Army Shrine is located in Warren County on the grounds of the World Apostolate of Fatima at 674 Mountain View Road, (Asbury) Washington, New Jersey.

I would suggest calling the Catholic shrine at (908) 689-1700 for any changes or updates for the Healing Mass schedule.

Blessed Sacrament Chapel - Photo by Loci B. Lenar

If you have a medical condition, I would suggest attending the Healing Mass. If you cannot attend, consider calling or visiting your local church and request a copy of their annual mass schedule. Most Catholic churches will have at least one Healing Mass during the calender year which includes the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.

Other Christian denominations hold various healing services as well. Check with the local church pastor.

Holy scripture encourages those who are ill to receive the Anointing of the Sick.  So what does scripture say about God's healing grace?

Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. -James 5:14-15

Please consider joining Fr. Paul Ruge as he celebrates the Healing Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. 

Healing Mass Schedule

May 20, 2012

June 17, 2012

July 15, 2012

August 19, 2012

September 16, 2012

October 21, 2012

November 18, 2012

December 16, 2012

Additionally, the shrine holds daily Mass at 12:00 Noon in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Please consider visiting and reading Father Paul Ruge's interview with Fr. Hubert Schiffer. Father Schiffer miraculously survived the atomic explosion on August 6, 1945 at Hiroshima, Japan. To read the story and to view a documentary trailer, please visit the following link: Rosary Miracle at Hiroshima

Our Lady of Medjugorje's Monthly Message to Marija Pavlovic

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

Our Lady's Message of January 25, 2012 to Marija Pavlovic:

 "Dear children! With joy, also today I call you to open your hearts and to listen to my call. Anew, I desire to draw you closer to my Immaculate Heart, where you will find refuge and peace. Open yourselves to prayer, until it becomes a joy for you. Through prayer, the Most High will give you an abundance of grace and you will become my extended hands in this restless world which longs for peace. Little children, with your lives witness faith and pray that faith may grow day by day in your hearts. I am with you. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mary, Mother of Peace by Stephen B Whatley

Mary, Mother of Peace by Stephen B. Whatley

A new work of art created on the first day of 2012: World Day of Peace.

In September 2011, the art and faith of Stephen B. Whatley was the subject of a major feature and interview in Catholic Life magazine.

For anyone who was unable to obtain a copy, the full feature is now available to read online at:

Mary Mother of Peace - January 1, 2012 by Stephen B. Whatley
Charcoal on paper, 23.4 x 16.5in/ 59 x 42cm