Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pray for Peace of Jerusalem

Millions to Pray for Peace of Jerusalem

The following excerpt is from Charisma News Online:

By Adrienne S. Gaines -

Organizers say 300,000 churches in 175 nations—including underground congregations in China and the Middle East—will participate in the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, which is considered the world's largest Israel-focused prayer event.

Eagles' Wings founder Robert Stearns, who is hosting the prayer day with Foursquare Church leader Jack Hayford, will lead a prayer event from the Tayelet Haas Promenade in Jerusalem. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Christian Broadcasting Network President Michael Little and Rabbi Shlomo Riskin of Efrat are scheduled to participate in the gathering, which will be broadcast on God TV.

"We are living in challenging days, when Jerusalem is under tremendous pressure on all sides," Stearns said. "The prayers of faithful people on her behalf will make a difference, especially as Christians and Jews from the nations, along with Arab Christians and Jews from Israel, stand together in Jerusalem on Oct. 3."

The eight-year-old effort is rooted in Psalm 122:6, which calls on believers to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. But Stearns said Jerusalem is growing increasing central in world events, which should further motivate Christians to intercede.

"The centrality of Jerusalem to global affairs has never been more obvious and more at the forefront," he said. "... The city of Jerusalem is [having] and will have in the future massive global geopolitical ramifications. So Christians must become educated on the complex issues surrounding the city of Jerusalem."

Stearns said Christians will intercede for all Israel's inhabitants, both Arabs and Jews, and the prayer day won't center on politics.

"We do not pray from nor towards a specific political agenda," he added. "But we pray from a scriptural basis, which we believe transcends momentary political understanding and ultimately works toward God's intended blessing for all people."

Read More: Pray for Peace

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Entire Maryland Episcopal Parish Becoming Catholic - Signs of Christian Unity

Reverend Jason Cantania,
rector of Mount Calvary Episcopal Church,
Baltimore, Maryland,

Heading to Rome: Entire Maryland Episcopal Parish Becoming Catholic - U.S. - Catholic Online

The photograph and following excerpt is from Catholic Online:

By Randy Sly

Mount Calvary Episcopal Church will vote in October on full-communion with the Catholic Church.

The Process which brought the whole parish to this historic moment began with a Vestry retreat in October 2007 where it was decided unanimously that Mount Calvary should explore the possibility of becoming part of the Roman Catholic Church. Since then the All Saints Sisters of the Poor were received into the Catholic Church and the Apostolic Constitution for Anglicans coming into full communion was promulgated.

Read More: Mount Calvary Episcopal Church

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

Today's Feast Day: The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Messengers of God

St. Michael the Archangel - Saints and Angels - Catholic Online

From Catholic Online:

St. Michael the Archangel - Feast day - September 29th  

The name Michael signifies "Who is like to God?" and was the war cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against satan and his followers. Holy Scripture describes St. Michael as "one of the chief princes," and leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over the powers of hell. He has been especially honored and invoked as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles.

Although he is always called "the Archangel," the Greek Fathers and many others place him over all the angels - as Prince of the Seraphim.


Commentary by Loci B. Lenar

With violence and adversity being prevalant throughout the world, the intercessory Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel is important today than ever before.  The following biblical scripture from Daniel 12:1, 3-4 appears to be relevant for our times.

"At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then.  But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.  Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.  But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the time of the end; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle,
be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou,
O Prince of the Heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits
who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.


The stained glass window detail of Archangel Michael can be seen inside the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Catholic church is located on High Street in Hackettstown, NJ, USA.

Photograph Copyright 2010 Loci B. Lenar

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Unity between Orthodox and Catholic Church Draws Near

Orthodox and Catholic participants at the historic meeting in Vienna.
Sister Churches: Communion between Orthodox and Catholic Draws Near - Living Faith - Home and Family - Catholic Online

The photograph and following excerpt is published on Catholic Online:

By Deacon Keith Fournier

A form of restored communion between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches is near.

Participants in the 12th Session of the "Joint Theological Commission for Dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches" prayed together and discussed the relationship between the two Churches. They did so with humility and a desire to heal the division which has existed in the Body of Christ for over a millennium. This meeting points us in the direction of where this dialogue is headed, a restored communion between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches.

Read More: Signs of Christian Unity

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

September 25, 2010 message from Our Lady of Medjugorje to visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti:

"Dear children! Today I am with you and bless you all with my motherly blessing of peace, and I urge you to live your life of faith even more, because you are still weak and are not humble. I urge you, little children, to speak less and to work more on your personal conversion so that your witness may be fruitful. And may your life be unceasing prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call."

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Lenar to share Personal Testimony regarding God's Spiritual Gifts on Radio Maria

Signs and Wonders - Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

Lenar to share Personal Testimony regarding God's spiritual gifts on Radio Maria - Prwire - Catholic Online

Logo Courtesy of Radio Maria
Denville, NJ (September 17, 2010) - Kathie Duggan, host of Radio Maria has invited Loci B. Lenar as a guest to share his personal testimony on the topic of signs and wonders on her Catholic radio show, Sacred Treasures.

Lenar's conversion began in1990 and was followed by several spiritual events. As a result of the occurrences, Lenar searched for a spiritual advisor and later connected with Father Richard Tartaglia of St. Mary's Church. Fr. Tartaglia is Lenar's spiritual advisor for more than fifteen years. Lenar is also a parishioner of Saint Mary's. Father Martin Glynn is head pastor at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, which is located on the corner of Route 46 and Myers Avenue in Denville, New Jersey.

Lenar will discuss the spiritual presence of angels including the events leading up to a sign of a cross which appears annually on his property in Mine Hill, New Jersey. Lenar will share his story of being healed of several medical conditions with prayer and through the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

Hear Lenar's remarkable account of witnessing the Miracle of the Sun and his life changing spiritual encounter with Jesus.

Listen in and take note of Lenar's interesting discernment of God's calling for the church to move forward with Christian unity.

Learn more about Lenar's perspective on God's plan for evangelizing the world by tuning into Radio Maria on Monday, September 27, 2010. Radio Maria is an instrument for spreading faith related news pertaining to Catholicism and is a tool for evangelization and conversion.

Regardless of your geographical location, listeners can connect and hear Sacred Treasures by visiting Radio Maria's website at The show is broadcasted weekly on Monday's between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm (EST).

Some of Lenar's testimony can be read by visiting his site at The website was created and launched in 2008 as a gathering place for all Christians and Catholics to renew their religious faith by reading inspirational news and using daily devotional prayers. With increased reports of the miraculous, Lenar embarked on broadcasting events in order to bring public awareness to signs and wonders arising from Jesus Christ.

Visitors to the website can also post prayer requests at the following link:

Lenar's blog: Angels, Wonders, and Miracles of Faith, also provides updated news connected to Christianity and Catholicism with biblical insight. Keep informed by visiting the site at

Radio Maria Stations

580 AM - Alexandria
1360 AM - New Iberia
89.7 FM - Natchitoches
91.1 FM - Lake Charles

88.1 FM - D'Iberville

1600 AM - Springfield
88.7 FM - Anna

88.1 FM - Hollidaysburg

1250 AM - Port Arthur

91.3 FM - Peshtigo


Contact Loci B. Lenar:

Contact Radio Maria:

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Catholic Officials to Investigate Claims of Second Newman Miracle

CNS STORY: Catholic officials to investigate claims of second Newman miracle

The following story is from the Catholic News Service:

By Simon Caldwell

Catholic News Service

LONDON (CNS) -- Catholic officials are investigating claims that a severely deformed baby was born in a perfectly normal condition after the child's mother prayed to Cardinal John Henry Newman for a miracle.

Andrea Ambrosi, the Vatican lawyer in charge of Cardinal Newman's cause for canonization, has revealed in a BBC program to be broadcast Sept. 18 that he hopes the inexplicable healing may be the miracle needed to canonize Cardinal Newman as Britain's next saint.

Pope Benedict XVI will beatify Cardinal Newman at a huge open-air Mass in Birmingham's Cofton Park Sept. 19, the last day of his four-day visit to England and Scotland. However, a second miracle is needed to name the 19th-century cardinal as a saint.

"I am about to leave for Mexico City precisely because that could be the miracle for his canonization," Ambrosi said in the documentary -- "Newman: Saint or Sinner?" -- excerpts of which were released by the BBC Sept. 9.

"We are in a very preliminary phase," he added. "I cannot say anything yet, but this shows how the cardinal answers these prayers."

Former British government minister Ann Widdecombe -- who, like Cardinal Newman, was Anglican before becoming Catholic -- will present the television program. She told Catholic News Service Sept. 13 that the alleged healing occurred after prenatal scans revealed that the unborn baby was "severely deformed."

The doctors, she said, were convinced they could do nothing to help the fetus, but the mother, a devout Catholic, insisted on going through with the pregnancy.

"The child was born perfect following the mother praying to Newman, and scientists can't explain it," said Widdecombe.

Father Richard Duffield, provost of the Birmingham Oratory, confirmed in an e-mail to CNS that "an investigative tribunal into a further miracle ... is about to open in the Archdiocese of Mexico City."

"The reported miracle took place after the formal announcement of Newman's beatification (in July 2009)," he said. "This means that if it is found to be genuine it would be eligible for consideration as the second miracle necessary for Newman's canonization. It is expected that witness statements from those concerned and from the medical teams will be ready to send to Rome in early 2011.

"The process of investigation needs to be very thorough, and we should be cautious," he said. "But it is always exciting to hear reports of Newman's intercession and the evident devotion there is to him all over the world."

U.S. Deacon Jack Sullivan of Marshfield, Mass., whose healing from a crippling spinal condition in August 2001 was the miracle that allowed for Cardinal Newman's beatification, will read the Gospel during the beatification Mass.

Pope Benedict has waived his own rules to preside over the ceremony rather than sending a Vatican delegate to conduct the ceremony.

Cardinal Newman was an Anglican theologian who became a Catholic after first founding the Oxford Movement to try to return the Church of England to its Catholic roots.


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Monday, September 13, 2010

Pope Benedict's Trip to England an Outreach for Reunion and Beatification of Cardinal Newman

Rev. C.J. McCloskey

Beyond the Beatification of Cardinal Newman: Pope's Trip to England an Outreach for Reunion - International - Catholic Online

The photograph and following excerpt is posted on Catholic Online:

By Father C. John McCloskey III
Wall Street Journal -

What is most intriguing about Benedict's upcoming visit to England is its ecumenical significance. He has made a remarkable offer to members of the Anglican Communion throughout the world to be received into the Church, singly or in whole congregations, bringing with them their liturgical traditions and even their pastors and bishops.

CHICAGO, IL (Wall Street Journal) - This month Pope Benedict XVI will travel to England for an unprecedented state visit to the United Kingdom, meeting with the Queen at Balmoral Castle and giving an address to Parliament. The occasion for this historic event, however, is not church or international politics-although political issues will doubtless be touched upon-but the beatification (the penultimate step towards sainthood) of John Henry Cardinal Newman.

Newman, whose long life spanned most of the 19th century, was perhaps the greatest religious figure of the last 200 years of British history. Converting from Anglicanism to Catholicism at the age of 44, he wrote cogently and beautifully under both religious affiliations, and was a lightning rod in the passionately argued religious controversies of his time, such as infallibility of the Pope or the legitimacy of Anglicanism as the state church.

Valuing his religious influences as a thinker and evangelizer of the highest caliber, Pope Benedict has made an exception of his thus-far universal practice of not participating in beatification ceremonies. Hence, his trip to Great Britain.

En route to this honor were the standard ecclesial steps: the examination of Newman's life and writings; a declaration that he had lived a life of extraordinary virtue; and official approval by doctors and theologians of a miraculous cure after prayers that Newman would intercede with God on the sufferer's behalf.

The miracle in question holds special interest for Americans, being the recovery in 2001 from a debilitating back condition of the Massachusetts lawyer and deacon Jack Sullivan. His cure was a very modern "media miracle" provoked by a series on Newman on EWTN, Mother Angelica's Catholic broadcasting network. At the end of each episode, a prayer card for Newman was displayed on the screen. Mr. Sullivan prayed for the long-dead cardinal's intercession before God for a cure. The rest (following rigorous medical and ecclesial examination) is now history.

Although Newman was a devout and humble man of great personal warmth and sensitivity, it is difficult to think of him apart from his public career. The author of seminal books of theology and philosophy, such as "The Development of Doctrine" and "A Grammar of Assent," he also dashed off the greatest autobiography in English, "Apologia pro Vita Sua" (a media sensation in his time), in a matter of weeks after personal attacks on his honesty.

Newman's experience in helping found what is today the University College of Dublin inspired his extended argument for a classical liberal education, "The Idea of a University." He also wrote novels of religious conversion and hymns still sung in both Protestant and Catholic churches, such as "Lead, Kindly Light."

He also won early (and continuing) renown as a brilliant preacher. The atheist novelist George Eliot memorized the whole of one of them, "The Second Spring," and would recite it at the drop of a hat at private salons.

As a young and ardent Anglican priest, Newman and like-minded others originated the "Oxford Movement" in an attempt to revive the ancient doctrines and zeal for the "old religion" in an increasingly liberalizing Anglican Church. From the early 1830s up to his conversion to Catholicism in 1845, Newman battled the yielding spirit of Anglican toleration for indifferentism, which manifested itself in the belief that one religion was as good as another.

When his arguments were rejected by his Anglican superiors and he came to believe that his continued membership in the Church of England separated him from what he had now come to regard as the true Church, he converted to Catholicism and was ordained in Rome. Returning to England, he settled in Birmingham, where he founded the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, from which came the famous Brompton Oratory in London.

Newman died in 1890 popularly considered a saint. Over a century later, the Church is vindicating this judgment of the people of the U.K. and the whole English-speaking world. Pope Benedict's decision to preside over Newman's beatification reflects his love and respect for a fellow theologian whose work he has studied from his seminary days, and whose influence on the Second Vatican Council made him perhaps the most influential theologian on the council, even though it was meeting more than 70 years after his death.

Read More: Catholic Online

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Feast of Our Lady of Good Voyage Commemorates Miracle at Sea

Feast of Our Lady of Good Voyage

Feast of Our Lady of Good Voyage commemorates miracle at sea |

The photograph and following story is from


NEW BEDFORD — A time of pilgrimage, prayer, remembrance and thanksgiving, the Feast of Our Lady of Good Voyage honors the Blessed Virgin Mary, patroness of those who make their living at sea.

The feast commemorates the apparition of the Virgin Mary to three fishermen off the coast of Cuba in 1600. In danger of shipwreck during a sudden, violent storm, they called upon Mary, the mother of Jesus, to save them. Suddenly, the storm died down, the sun began to shine and the sea became perfectly tranquil.

"Our Lady calmed the waters around (the fishermen) and got them back safely to shore," said Father Raphael Maria of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate of Our Lady's Chapel.

Likewise, the friars instruct Catholics to turn to God and Mary for refuge in times of tribulation.

While rowing to shore, the fishermen spied a luminous object following them, and upon rowing towards it, they discovered a small image of the Virgin Mary.

This image is now venerated in Cuba as the Virgin of Charity of Cobre and is the patroness of the country. A replica of the image is venerated at Our Lady's Chapel and is the focal point of our city's observance.

The two-day feast will begin at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 18, with a candlelight procession and veneration of the statue of Our Lady of Good Voyage, starting at Our Lady's Chapel, 600 Pleasant St. and passing through downtown in a circuitous route.

The solemn procession will step off from the chapel at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 19, as fishermen and friars carry statues, and worshippers sing hymns and say prayers in English and Portuguese.

Upon arrival at the waterfront, special prayers will be said for all fishermen and for those lost at sea.

"Then we will process back to the chapel, and there will be a reception in John Scotus Hall," said Father Raphael. "One and all are invited to come."

The friars request that everyone bring a potluck dish to share.

For more information, contact the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate at (508) 996-8274.

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Saturday, September 04, 2010

EWTN: Our Lady of Fatima - Fr. Andrew Apostoli with Michael La Corte

YouTube - Sunday Night Live - Our Lady of Fatima - Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR with Michael La Corte - 08-22-2010

The following information is from the World Apostolate Fatima:

For those faithful followers, that cannot get EWTN, or who missed the Special on Fatima with Reverend Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R. and Michael La Corte, Executive Director of the World Apostolate of Fatima; it is now available for viewing on YouTube.

1.) Why is Fatima Important Today?

2.) An update on the Russian Prophecy

3.) Does Our Church Believe Russia was Consecrated? What are the Facts?

4.) Details about the Miracle of the Sun...And much much more!

For more information about Our Lady of Fatima and her message, view the video or visit the following link: World Apostolate of Fatima, USA

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Friday, September 03, 2010

Church seeks recognition for Virgin Mary vision

Church seeks recognition for Virgin Mary vision
Tradition holds she appeared in Brown County in 1859

The following video and story appeared on Fox11online:

Reporter: Kristin Crowley

ROBINSONVILLE - Wisconsin could find itself in a unique part of history because of a reported holy sighting.

Hope and faith have drawn tens of thousands of people a shrine in Brown County throughout the past 150 years. People who say it's a holy experience.

“It's a good feeling, I don't know exactly how to explain it, but it's just a good feeling,” said Val Dubois of Brown County.

In October 1859, Sister Adele Brise claimed the Virgin Mary spoke to her and told her to teach God's word to children. The Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help was built on the site, and has kept a steady following of people like Hal and Val Dubois.

“It's been there since I was a kid. When I was five or six years old, I remember going there,” said Hal Dubois.

Shrine volunteer Karen Tipps says visitors find spirituality at the site. Now church officials are investigating the apparent visions.

“It became a great devotional spot over the years,” said Tipps.

“Bishop (David) Ricken initiated the investigation in January of 2009. So he appointed some scholars in the theology of the blessed Virgin Mary to look into the documentation of the history of the shrine and the apparition and to make some recommendations reports to him,” said Rev. John Doerfler.

Doerfler says if Ricken declares there's enough moral grounds to claim the apparition really did happen, this site will make national history.

“If it were approved, this would be the only approved apparition site of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the United States,” said Doerfler.

Doefler says there could be a variety of outcomes from the investigation. The information could support the sightings happened, didn't happen or the results could be inconclusive. But some say whatever the ruling, it doesn't matter.

“It doesn't affect what people have felt here for the last 150 years. It's not going to affect what people feel here for the next 150 years,” said Tipps.

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