Saturday, September 11, 2010

Feast of Our Lady of Good Voyage Commemorates Miracle at Sea

Feast of Our Lady of Good Voyage

Feast of Our Lady of Good Voyage commemorates miracle at sea |

The photograph and following story is from


NEW BEDFORD — A time of pilgrimage, prayer, remembrance and thanksgiving, the Feast of Our Lady of Good Voyage honors the Blessed Virgin Mary, patroness of those who make their living at sea.

The feast commemorates the apparition of the Virgin Mary to three fishermen off the coast of Cuba in 1600. In danger of shipwreck during a sudden, violent storm, they called upon Mary, the mother of Jesus, to save them. Suddenly, the storm died down, the sun began to shine and the sea became perfectly tranquil.

"Our Lady calmed the waters around (the fishermen) and got them back safely to shore," said Father Raphael Maria of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate of Our Lady's Chapel.

Likewise, the friars instruct Catholics to turn to God and Mary for refuge in times of tribulation.

While rowing to shore, the fishermen spied a luminous object following them, and upon rowing towards it, they discovered a small image of the Virgin Mary.

This image is now venerated in Cuba as the Virgin of Charity of Cobre and is the patroness of the country. A replica of the image is venerated at Our Lady's Chapel and is the focal point of our city's observance.

The two-day feast will begin at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 18, with a candlelight procession and veneration of the statue of Our Lady of Good Voyage, starting at Our Lady's Chapel, 600 Pleasant St. and passing through downtown in a circuitous route.

The solemn procession will step off from the chapel at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 19, as fishermen and friars carry statues, and worshippers sing hymns and say prayers in English and Portuguese.

Upon arrival at the waterfront, special prayers will be said for all fishermen and for those lost at sea.

"Then we will process back to the chapel, and there will be a reception in John Scotus Hall," said Father Raphael. "One and all are invited to come."

The friars request that everyone bring a potluck dish to share.

For more information, contact the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate at (508) 996-8274.

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