Showing posts with label ultasound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ultasound. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2016

Divine image appears in mom-to-be’s ultrasound picture

Bill Alecia Fülkerson/via Facebook
Excerpt of story from NY Daily News

An Indiana woman’s prenatal checkup turned out to be a divine experience.

Aley Meyer’s ultrasound photo showed not only her baby boy, but also an image of what appears to be Jesus on the cross.

"We took a picture of it and blew it up on my phone to get a closer look and it is so much detail,” she told WFIE-TV. “You can see the hair and his legs crossed and everything.”

The Evansville mom-to-be did not even notice the cross-like figure at first, but once her mother shared the ultrasound photo on Facebook, the comments went crazy.

Baby Easton is due in June and Meyer finds it to be a sign that all will be right with the birth.

Read more: Divine Image 

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