Showing posts with label modern art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modern art. Show all posts

Sunday, January 07, 2018

The Epiphany of Our Lord

The Epiphany of Our Lord. 2018 by Stephen B Whatley
The Epiphany of Our Lord by Stephen B. Whatley | Flickr

By Stephen B. Whatley

The Epiphany of Our Lord - the visit of the Three Kings to humbly honour the Holy Baby Jesus in Bethlehem - is celebrated in the Catholic church here in the UK.

It's official date is January 6th, twelve days after Christmas and by The Grace of God I managed to paint this tribute yesterday, on the day (2018).

Blessings of Peace, love, light, hope, strength and humility ~ and healing wherever needed. There are so many prayers interwoven in these brushstrokes as it is the only way I can paint. God bless!"

~ Stephen B. Whatley, Artist, London UK

The art of Stephen B. Whatley is published on the website of

To view other works by the artist, please visit Mr. Whatley's website:

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