Sunday, January 07, 2018

The Epiphany of Our Lord

The Epiphany of Our Lord. 2018 by Stephen B Whatley
The Epiphany of Our Lord by Stephen B. Whatley | Flickr

By Stephen B. Whatley

The Epiphany of Our Lord - the visit of the Three Kings to humbly honour the Holy Baby Jesus in Bethlehem - is celebrated in the Catholic church here in the UK.

It's official date is January 6th, twelve days after Christmas and by The Grace of God I managed to paint this tribute yesterday, on the day (2018).

Blessings of Peace, love, light, hope, strength and humility ~ and healing wherever needed. There are so many prayers interwoven in these brushstrokes as it is the only way I can paint. God bless!"

~ Stephen B. Whatley, Artist, London UK

The art of Stephen B. Whatley is published on the website of

To view other works by the artist, please visit Mr. Whatley's website:

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