Friday, October 28, 2011

Hollywood plans newest biblical films on lives of Noah, Moses and Judah Maccabee

Hollywood plans newest biblical films on lives of Noah, Moses and Judah Maccabee

Excerpt from

Hollywood is preparing three big films on biblical personalities. These are the stories of Noah, Moses and Judah Maccabee.

On October 3, Paramount Pictures announced the start of the movie production “Noah”. After a tough battle with 20th Century Fox, Paramount came away with the rights to the project.

The film will be directed by Darren Aronofsky and has the same screenwriter from “Gladiator”. While the main actor is slated to be Christian Bale.

The other two biblical projects are being produced by Warner Brothers.

The first is the big-budget film “Gods and Kings” about the life of Moses. Among the possible directors, Steven Spielberg has been mentioned as a possibility.

According to The Guardian newspaper, this project could be delayed by the other Warner project on Judah Maccabee from Mel Gibson.
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pope canonizes Luigi Guanella, a hero of the defense of life

Pope canonizes Luigi Guanella, a hero of the defense of life

The following news is from

Italian Luigi Guanella was a champion for the defense of life. Born in 1842, he founded two congregations dedicated to serving those who were disabled and abandoned by their families.

Behind every person he would see a gift from God, which he said, has value in itself. He defended the dignity of the elderly, sick, and the mentally and physically disabled, who were abandoned or badly treated by their families.

Pino Beneditos
San Giuseppe Rehabilitation Center (Italy)

“One day, the bishop of Como showed up because he had to speak with him about their activities, their charitable projects, and Don Guanella was with the mentally disabled, with his 'good kids'. He was playing cards with them and to make them happy he finished the game, but had to leave the bishop in the waiting room.”

He would tell the priests and nuns who followed him to trust in God's help, but to work hard in their lives. The fruits of their labor are obvious. The group includes 700 female religious, 528 male religious, and 265 households spread across Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia.

The miracle that led to his canonization is the healing of William Gleeson from the United States. He suffered a neck injury from skating. His doctors said, he had little hope.

Pino Beneditos
San Giuseppe Rehabilitation Center (Italy)

“The mother, without saying anything to William or the doctors, placed a relic under the pillow, prayed and obtained this miracle: for her son to recover without any problems.”

William is one of thousands of pilgrims who will attend the canonization ceremony. Among them, will also be several handicapped, who receive help from the rehabilitation center founded by Don Guanella.
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Friday, October 21, 2011

Pope canonizes Mother Boniface, known for work toward women’s economic independence

Pope canonizes Mother Boniface, known for work toward women’s economic independence

The following news story is from

( - The Spanish nun Bonifacia Rodriguez will be remembered for her fight to help poor women to learn a trade. Before becoming a nun, she was actually a rope maker. She went on to found her own religious order known as the Servants of St. Joseph, right in the local shop where she worked.

It was in 1874, in the midst of the industrial revolution. From that moment, she and the Jesuit Francisco Butinyà devoted themselves to helping poor women to make a decent living and discover their faith in everyday life.

The new order allowed the nuns to dress like the artisans of the country. There was no dowry asked of them to enter the convent, where they would work side by side with lay people. It was a project that did not please everyone.

Sister Victoria López
Servant of Saint Joseph

“It was a life project that was too new for it to be understood. Still, some clergy of Salamanca don't understand it. They don't grasp how the gospel works in the project that's so close to the business world.”

As a result the bishop of Salamanca dismissed Mother Boniface and decided the order would be devoted to education. Boniface died being virtually excluded by her own order in 1905.

Years later, in 1936 her writings were rediscovered and the congregation again recognized her as the founder.

Sister Victoria López
Servant of Saint Joseph

“It's recognizing a charisma that was born in the heart of Nazareth. A charisma that is aimed at working women, poor women, women who are often abused, or underpaid, or deprived of liberty.”

The miracle that made her a saint took place in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was the healing of a 33 year old man who suffered from an incurable stomach disease.

Sister Victoria López
Servant of Saint Joseph

“The entire world was waiting for it to die, but the community had begun to ask Mother Boniface for the healing of Kasongo Bavón. And inexplicably and unexpectedly, this boy was cured.”

Currently, the congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph has around seven hundred sisters, working in one hundred communities in twelve countries. They are the successors of a simple working woman who had the courage to face the challenges of her time including being forced out of her order by those closest to her.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Catholic Church studying possible miracle of John Paul II in Yucatan, Mexico

Catholic Church studying possible miracle of John Paul II in Yucatan, Mexico

The following news story from is regarding a miracle attributed to Blessed John Paul II:

( - In the coming days, an official study will look at an alleged miracle obtained through the intercession of the Blessed John Paul II in the state of Yucatan, Mexico.

The case is the healing of this woman, Sara Guadalupe Fuentes García. She was suddenly cured of a tumor that blocked 80% of her throat and required emergency surgery.

It was during the recent visit of John Paul II relics to Mexico. The woman says that she had placed a picture of the pope on her chest and throat to ask for healing.

The bishop of Yucatan will investigate the case. If confirmed, it could become the miracle to be submitted to the pope to declare the Blessed John Paul II as a saint.
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Prayer for Married Couples

The Monitor - Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Trenton, NJ

Commentary by Loci B. Lenar

The Monitor is a newspaper published by the Catholic Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey. The publication requested permission to use one of my stained glass window photographs in their September 15, 2011 issue.

The photograph of Jesus and Mary at the Wedding at Cana appears on page four in the article "For the Love of God" by Mary Morrell. The image also appears on page six and is combined with a Prayer for Married Couples.

The stained glass window can be seen inside Saint Peter the Apostle Church, Baldwin Road, Parsippany, New Jersey.

Jesus and Mary at the Wedding at Cana - Stained Glass Window Detail
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

Prayer for Married Couples - (The Monitor)

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
By the Sacrament of marriage,
your grace unites man and woman
in an unbreakable bond of love and peace.

You have designed the chaste love of husband
and wife for the increase both of the human family
and of your own family born in baptism.

You are the loving Father of this world of nature;
you are the loving Father of the new creation of grace.

In Christian marriage you bring
together the two orders of creation:
Nature's gift of children enriches the world
And your grace enriches also your Church.

May those who are called
to the vocation of marriage always be mindful
of your love and presence in their lives.

For More Devotional Prayers:
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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Go! Sign: Christ in the Deaf Community

Go! Sign Magazine - Issue 77

Go! Sign Magazine: Christ in the Deaf Community

Commentary by Loci B. Lenar

Recently I was contacted by Esther Maycock, Media Co-ordinator and editor of "Go! Sign," a magazine that she indicates helps meet the individual spiritual and social needs of Deaf people.

Esther requested permission to use two of my photographs in the Summer 2011 issue, which by the way is published in the UK. I am delighted to announce that two stained glass windows which I photographed in St. Jude's Catholic Church and St. Virgil Church, both located in NJ, are published on page 22 in this beautiful and informative magazine. The photographs are used for an article that explains the mystery of the Holy Trinity. 

I believe it's very important to reach out with the gospels by helping everyone in need of God's blessing and grace, especially through such inspiring magazines as Go! Sign.

The Lamb of God - St. Virgil Church, Morris Plains, NJ
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The following excerpt is from the website of

Of the 250,000 people who use British Sign Language (BSL) as their first or second language, only 2% are professing Christians mainly due to the lack of BSL or interpreted services. Globally, they are the fourth largest unreached group in the world. Our vision is to see more Deaf people coming to know Christ through our mission “Go! SIGN” Christ in the Deaf Community” focusing on evangelism, Christian network, teaching, equipping and outreach work.

Baptism of Jesus - St. Jude's Catholic Church - Hopatcong, NJ
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

In fulfilling the “Go! SIGN Christ in the Deaf Community” vision, GO! SIGN (the working name of Christian Deaf Link UK) is dedicated to serving the spiritual and social needs of Deaf people, their families and friends through the G.R.A.C.E. programme:

  • Growth in the network of Deaf Christian groups, leaders, churches, fellowship and individuals
  • Renewal and spiritual growth through training, support, events and conferences
  • Access to information promoting Deaf Christian issues, support and service provisions
  • Churches: strengthening members through Deaf Spiritual Awareness, network support and equipping
  • Evangelism via drama shows, video resources and training
To achieve this purpose, Go! Sign, as an interdenominational organisation, works towards:

Developing and providing opportunities to Deaf people, their families and friends, recognising and accepting each other to serve in the Christian community;

Developing public awareness and breaking down barriers created by society’s attitude towards deafness and the consequences of being Deaf in the wider Christian community;

Offering Deaf people full responsibility and leadership in all areas of work through role-model examples and training;

Offering opportunities to Deaf people, as fellow-workers with hearing Christians, to demonstrate their abilities and potential, and gain acknowledgement of God’s given gifts;

Offering advice, information and support to enable Deaf people to increase their self-esteem and skills in their own churches and/or fellowship groups;

Reaching out to the Deaf Community through Christian and Outreach programmes.

For more information, visit the following link: Go! Sign
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Friday, October 14, 2011

The Greatest Miracle - Movie Trailer

MovieToMovement - Now Playing Movies and Movie Details

The following excerpt regarding the animated film is from

The Greatest Miracle

Coming to 3D theaters across the country beginning October 14th!

The Greatest Miracle is a contemporary story of hope, inspiration and faith. The film follows three Catholics who have each reached a period of crisis. The first, Monica, is a widowed mother doing everything possible to provide for her son, Diego. The second, Don Chema, is a public bus driver who receives the news that his child is ill and without hope of survival. The third, Doña Cata, is an elderly woman who feels she has little left to live for.

These stories intertwine when Monica, Don Chema and Doña Cata feel a great need to visit their local parish. They have no idea that their lives are about to change forever. With the help of their guardian angels, each will witness the true meaning of the Mass and the supernatural forces behind Christ's sacrifice on the altar - a constant struggle between good and evil ending in a triumphant victory of Faith.

Read more: The Greatest Miracle
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Mighty Macs Opens in Theaters on October 21, 2011

The Mighty Macs Movie Poster

The Mighty Macs - About the Movie

Review By Loci B. Lenar

I am pleased to express my delight in attending The Mighty Macs pre-release, which by the way went beyond by expectations. The screening of this uplifting movie was held on August 9, 2011 at the AMC Clifton Commons 16, Route 3, Clifton, NJ.

The Mighty Macs is a movie that soars with inspiration and is an enjoyable first-rate sports flick, especially for basketball fans! I was pleasantly surprised on its cheery and good-humored approach in connecting with a general audience by integrating faith into the film and showing its effect on the woman's college basketball team.

Interesting Fact and Movie Trivia: Basketball coach, Cathy Rush is a Babtist; and her assistant, Sister Sunday is Catholic. The movie is based on a true story and is indeed a wonderful showcase for communicating on how Christians of various denominations can interact together for a common goal - Winning for God!

The women's basketball team at Immaculata College soars to a national championship for the first time in its 1971-72 season! The team also wins the National Women's College Basketball Championships in 1973 and 1974!

I highy recommend buying tickets and seeing this flick when it opens in theaters on October 21, 2011.


The following excerpt is from the website of

It's 1971. Cathy Rush is a woman ahead of her time ... and she's about to embark on an adventure for the ages. A new era is dawning in the country and in collegiate athletics, where a national champion will be crowned for the first time in women's basketball.

In the lead up to this historical season, major universities are preparing their game plans to win that first title. Meanwhile a tiny all-women's Catholic college in Philadelphia has a more modest goal: find a coach before the season begins. Providentially, Cathy Rush is about to find Immaculata College.

Recently married, Cathy is dealing with the aftermath of a truncated playing career. While cultural norms would have her staying at home, she's willing to do the hard work necessary to help her new team reach their goals—or perhaps she's just trying to achieve her unfulfilled dreams through them.

From the beginning, her challenges are as imposing as the big-school teams Immaculata will face on the court. Cathy learns there is no gymnasium on campus, she receives little support from the school's Mother Superior, and the school is in dire financial straits. To top it off, she may not even have enough players to field a team!

While it appears the Macs don't have a prayer, all hope is not lost. With the help of Sister Sunday—a spunky assistant coach—and the support of a booster club of elderly nuns, Coach Rush creates a new game plan that just might bring the team—and the school—together.

THE MIGHTY MACS is based on the incredible true story of the 1971-72 Immaculata College team that started in obscurity but became the original Cinderella story in women's basketball. This team of pioneers went from barely making that inaugural tournament to the first dynasty in their game. And Cathy Rush, the woman that was ahead of her time, became immortalized when she was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.

THE MIGHTY MACS stars Carla Gugino as Cathy Rush; David Boreanaz as her husband, NBA referee Ed Rush; Marley Shelton as Sister Sunday; and Academy Award and Tony Award winner Ellen Burstyn as Mother St. John. The film was written, directed, and produced by Tim Chambers. The film's executive producers are Pat Croce, the former president of the NBA's Philadelphia 76ers, and Vince Curran, a successful businessman and former basketball star at Penn. Curran and Chambers are founders and partners of Quaker Media.

Read more: The Mighty Macs 
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Signs of Christian Unity: Episcopal Parish Received into Catholic Church

Pastor and People from Former Episcopal Parish Received into Catholic Church - U.s. - Catholic Online

The following excerpt is from Cathoic Online:

WASHINGTON, DC (Catholic Online) - On Sunday morning, October 9, almost 80 parishioners of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Bladensburg, Maryland were received into full communion with the Catholic Church by Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington during Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

St. Luke's parish is a small, tight-knit congregation with a majority of their members from Africa and the Caribbean. While enjoying a rich cultural diversity, the church has been unified in it's one dream - becoming a part of the new Anglican Ordinariate as Catholics in full-communion with the Church.

Cardinal Wuerl was visibly joyful throughout the confirmation Mass and expressed his personal delight, during his homily, in receiving these faithful pilgrims. [His prepared remarks are available in a separate article.]

The cardinal spoke of the increasing momentum toward unity in the Church since Vatican II, with the Anglican Ordinariate the most recent response to those who desire to enter in.

"In recent years," he stated, "there have been communities in the Anglican Communion who said, 'we're ready!'

"Pope Benedict XVI, hearing that call, said 'Why do we not prepare a vehicle to allow this corporate reunion to take place?'

The Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus became that vehicle, as a way for the Church to receive individuals and parishes that desire to enter into full-communion. They have also been invited to bring their rich Anglican heritage with them.

The Cardinal stated that the St. Luke Community eagerly anticipated the announcement of the Ordinariate in America and their establishment as a Catholic Parish with the ordination of their pastor. He also said they approached him about moving forward.

"They asked, 'Rather than wait; why can't we just start now?' In God's good time the Holy See will announce the Ordinariate."

Today's Rite of Reception was the culmination of their preparation.

Read more: Episcopal Parish Received into Catholic Church
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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Catholic Church to Canonize Father Louise Guanella after Confirming Miracle

Catholic church to canonize new saint after accepting Pa. miracle report -

The following excerpt is from The Mercury:

The Catholic Church will canonize Father Louise Guanella, founder of the religious orders of the Servants of Charity and Daughters of Saint Mary Providence, and the Pious Union of Saint Joseph Prayer Association, on Sunday, Oct. 23.

According to a press release from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the canonization is happening after the Roman Catholic Church confirmed the healing of a Springfield, Pa., man was attributable to Guanella.

William Glisson Jr. was restored to full health after falling into a coma from a rollerblading accident in 2002 after members of Don Guanella Village, members of the Servants of Charity and family members of Glisson used two relics from the priest and prayed for Guanella's intercession in Glisson's recovery.

"In November 2009, the medical commission of the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints declared there were no scientific, natural, or medical reasons for his cure. And in January 2010, the Pontifical Theological Commission confirmed that William Glisson's healing was obtained through the intercession of Blessed Father Louis Guanella," read the press release from the archdiocese.

Read more: Father Louise Guanella
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Sunday, October 02, 2011

Our Lady of Medjugorje's Monthy Message to Mirjana Soldo

Genealogy of Jesus
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

October 02, 2011 Monthly Message to Mirjana Soldo

"Dear children; Also today my motherly heart calls you to prayer, to your personal relationship with God the Father, to the joy of prayer in Him. God the Father is not far away from you and He is not unknown to you. He revealed Himself to you through my Son and gave you Life that is my Son. Therefore, my children, do not give in to temptations that want to separate you from God the Father. Pray! Do not attempt to have families and societies without Him. Pray! Pray that your hearts may be flooded with the goodness which comes only from my Son, Who is sincere goodness. Only hearts filled with goodness can comprehend and accept God the Father. I will continue to lead you. In a special way I implore you not to judge your shepherds. My children, are you forgetting that God the Father called them? Pray! Thank you."
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Do not forget your guardian angel, says Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI - CNA Photograph

Do not forget your guardian angel, Pope says : Catholic News Agency (CNA)

The following excerpt is from CNA:

Vatican City - (CNA/EWTN News) - Pope Benedict XVI used his Sunday Angelus address to remind Christians to call upon their guardian angel for help throughout life.

“Dear friends, the Lord is always near and active in human history, and follows us with the unique presence of His angels, that today the Church venerates as 'Guardian,' in other words those who minister God's care for every man,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered in Rome's St. Peter's Square, October 2.

“From the beginning until death,” he said, “human life is surrounded by their constant protection.”

The Pope's comments come on the Feast of the Guardian Angels, a day celebrating the Catholic Church's teaching that each person is assigned an angel to help protect and guide them through life. It was Pope Clement X who first extended the feast day to the entire Church in the early 17th century.

Read more: Feast of the Guardian Angels
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Saturday, October 01, 2011

A Church Tribunal is Investigating a Possible Miracle of Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Possible miracle of Archbishop Fulton Sheen under investigation

The following news story is from

( - He's remembered as a preacher, archbishop and a gifted communicator. His name was Fulton Sheen, a dynamic priest who became a well known television personality in the 1950's.

Years later, his name is making headlines once again. A Church tribunal is investigating whether a newborn was saved through the intercession of archbishop Sheen. If it's confirmed, it could further his cause for beatification.

The alleged miracle happened in Pioria, Illinois where Sheen was ordained. It all started over a year ago, when Bonnie Engstrom and her husband were expecting a baby boy. They prayed that Sheen would look after the pregnancy. In fact, they decided the boy's middle named would be Fulton.

Despite a healthy pregnancy, the baby was delivered, but without a pulse. The boy's parents told the Catholic Post that for 61 minutes, the boy had no heartbeat. It was the longest minute of their lives. They began praying to Sheen, and within seconds he was baptized under the name James Fulton. CPR was performed and experts were called in. Eventually, his little heart started beating.

His parents were told that the boy might be blind. They also told them, his medical condition could be unstable. A year later, his parents say, he's doing just fine.

The family is convinced that archbishop Sheen played a role in the boy's survival. They say the gifted communicator and EMMY award winner, is also their miracle worker.

For now, witnesses and medical data will be analyzed in Pioria. Once the tribunal makes its case, the file will then go to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome. That team, will then pass its own conclusion and recommendations to the pope.
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