Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Delivered from Danger by the Power of Prayer

News Excerpt and Video from

A heart malfunction caused Steve DeMoss to go into a coma from which he miraculously awakened after being anointed by his pastor.

Doctors told Sharon DeMoss that Steve needed to wake up from the coma within 5 days, or he would suffer major brain damage. On the fourth day, he was showing no signs of recovery. She called a local church for prayer. “They came over immediately and they spent a long time,” Sharon said. “We worshipped. We prayed together. We held hands. We prayed over him. They anointed him with oil.”

By the next morning, Steve was awake and had no signs of brain damage. “When I woke up, my wife says, ‘Do you realize what just happened?’ I had all these tubes in me and everything. Then my kids came to me, my daughter and one of my sons, we huddled and we realized that the worst had passed.”

“I remember just being able to breathe after that,” Sharon said. “Like, it was going to be okay.”

“That was a pretty joyful realization that God’s restored what we had almost lost,” Steve said.

That same afternoon, Steve was walking around the hospital, and he was released just days later. “When I woke up, I heard that people were praying all over the world,” Steve said. “I had friends in Senegal, Uganda. I really believe that the prayers of the people is what brought me back. It was extremely touching for me. It just made me feel like, ‘I am so glad I am a part of the body of Christ.’”


The following scripture is a testament to God's word being true in our time as well as two thousand years ago:  

Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.  The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven.  James 5:14-15

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Shimon Peres gives Pope Frances personal invitation to visit Jerusalem

News excerpt from

A month and a half after his election as Pope, Francis welcomed the president of Israel Shimon Peres at the Vatican. Soon after their greeting, Peres asked the Pope to pray for his country.

As camera flashes went off, Peres joked with the Pope that now those sounds of camera shutters follow them everywhere. 

“It is part of our life now.”

They then met in private for about half an hour, using an interpreter to communicate. According to the Vatican press release, the Pope and the president spoke about the current political and social situation in the Middle East, peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and the importance of the city of Jerusalem. The Pope also expressed his concern for the conflict in Syria.

Pope Francis and Shimon Peres also highlighted the improvements in relations between Israel and the Holy See, since the creation of a bilateral permanent working commission 14 years ago.

Peres is on a three day tour to Italy, and will also meet with the Italian president and the new government. He will also receive the Medal of Honor for Peace at the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. Peres told the Pope he would pray for him there.

The Israeli president gave the Pope a Bible of Jerusalem with black leather binding, in Hebrew and English.

“It is the Holy Bible with a quotation.”

“Thank you very much.

In the first pages of the Bible, Shimon Peres wrote verses from the Book of Kings: “To His Holiness, Pope Francis, I hope you will prosper in everything that you do and wherever you go.”

“From the Book of Kings. With deep esteem. Signed by Shimon Peres, president of Israel. April 2013.”

The Pope gave the president a small white case with three commemorative medals of his pontificate.

Before saying goodbye, Peres invited the Pope to visit Israel.

“I am waiting for you in Jerusalem, and not just me, but all the people from Israel.”

Shimon Peres is the eight president that has met in person with Pope Francis at the Vatican, since his election on March 13.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Stephen B. Whatley Exhibits 'Paintings from Prayer' in London Show

St. James by Stephen B. Whatley

Saint James by Stephen B. Whatley |

Catholic Life has published a feature story on Stephen B. Whatley in the April 2013 issue regarding his beautiful 'Paintings from Prayer' now on exhibition and available for purchase at St. James Church in London. The show runs from April 17 to May 19, 2013.

The art of Stephen B. Whatley is also featured in the September 2011 issue of Catholic Life magazine. His inspiring story of being Babtized as an Anglican and then later being confirmed in the Catholic Church is an amazing reflection of his spiritual journey of faith. The article is reprinted on the following link: Stephen B. Whatley the Praying Artist.  ~Loci B. Lenar

'Paintings from Prayer' Exhibition - St. James Church, London

The photos and following news item regarding the exhibition is reprinted from the website of Stephen B. Whatley:

Now showing in central London is Stephen B. Whatley's 'Paintings from Prayer' exhibition at The Rectory, St. James's Church, Spanish Place, 22 George Street, London W1 (17 April - 19 May 2013).

The most recent of the artist's Catholic tribute paintings, Saint James - or James The Greater, one of the twelve apostles is on exhibit at the show.

A catalyst for the inspiration was the Statue of Saint James that stands high in St James's Church, Spanish Place. As a pilgrim who preached the Gospel in Spain, he is depicted with a staff and water bottle, palm fronds and a sword, symbols of his martyrdom ; while the scallop shell upon his hat is a recognized symbol of pilgrims in the Holy Land, as the shells are bountiful on the shores of Palestine.

Stephen was confirmed a Roman Catholic on this day April 23rd, in 2011, at St James's Church, Spanish Place; and his confirmation name is James.

April 2013 Catholic Life Magazine

For further information on where and when to see the exhibition in which this new painting is featured, please see the press release: Paintings from Prayer

St. James
Painted in 2013
Oil on canvas
35 x 24in/90 x 60cm

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Vatican doctors approve the miracle to make Wojtyla a saint

Excerpt from the Vatican Insider

By Andrea Tornielli - Vatican City

"A saint now!" The canonisation of Wojtyla is getting closer quickly and it could be celebrated next October. In fact, in the past few days, the medical council of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints has recognized as inexplicable one healing attributed to the blessed John Paul II. A supposed "miracle" that, if it is also approved by theologians and the cardinals (as it is very likely), will bring the Polish Pope, who died in 2005, the halo of sainthood in record time, just eight years after his death.

Read More: Blessed John Paul II

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Our Prayers are with the Victims and Families of the Boston Marathon Tragedy

Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father, we pray for divine intervention to end the violence in our world and nation. We also pray for divine protection for our families and neighbors. Surround us with your guardian angels and bless us with your peace. We ask this through your divine son, Jesus Christ. Amen.  ~Loci B. Lenar

St. Michael the Archangel

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel for God's Protection

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle,
be our protection against the malice and snares
of the devil.
May God rebuke him we humbly pray;
and do thou,
O Prince of the Heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits
who wander through the world
seeking the ruin of souls.

All Photographs by Loci B. Lenar