Monday, October 17, 2011

Prayer for Married Couples

The Monitor - Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Trenton, NJ

Commentary by Loci B. Lenar

The Monitor is a newspaper published by the Catholic Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey. The publication requested permission to use one of my stained glass window photographs in their September 15, 2011 issue.

The photograph of Jesus and Mary at the Wedding at Cana appears on page four in the article "For the Love of God" by Mary Morrell. The image also appears on page six and is combined with a Prayer for Married Couples.

The stained glass window can be seen inside Saint Peter the Apostle Church, Baldwin Road, Parsippany, New Jersey.

Jesus and Mary at the Wedding at Cana - Stained Glass Window Detail
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

Prayer for Married Couples - (The Monitor)

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
By the Sacrament of marriage,
your grace unites man and woman
in an unbreakable bond of love and peace.

You have designed the chaste love of husband
and wife for the increase both of the human family
and of your own family born in baptism.

You are the loving Father of this world of nature;
you are the loving Father of the new creation of grace.

In Christian marriage you bring
together the two orders of creation:
Nature's gift of children enriches the world
And your grace enriches also your Church.

May those who are called
to the vocation of marriage always be mindful
of your love and presence in their lives.

For More Devotional Prayers:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Go! Sign: Christ in the Deaf Community

Go! Sign Magazine - Issue 77

Go! Sign Magazine: Christ in the Deaf Community

Commentary by Loci B. Lenar

Recently I was contacted by Esther Maycock, Media Co-ordinator and editor of "Go! Sign," a magazine that she indicates helps meet the individual spiritual and social needs of Deaf people.

Esther requested permission to use two of my photographs in the Summer 2011 issue, which by the way is published in the UK. I am delighted to announce that two stained glass windows which I photographed in St. Jude's Catholic Church and St. Virgil Church, both located in NJ, are published on page 22 in this beautiful and informative magazine. The photographs are used for an article that explains the mystery of the Holy Trinity. 

I believe it's very important to reach out with the gospels by helping everyone in need of God's blessing and grace, especially through such inspiring magazines as Go! Sign.

The Lamb of God - St. Virgil Church, Morris Plains, NJ
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

The following excerpt is from the website of

Of the 250,000 people who use British Sign Language (BSL) as their first or second language, only 2% are professing Christians mainly due to the lack of BSL or interpreted services. Globally, they are the fourth largest unreached group in the world. Our vision is to see more Deaf people coming to know Christ through our mission “Go! SIGN” Christ in the Deaf Community” focusing on evangelism, Christian network, teaching, equipping and outreach work.

Baptism of Jesus - St. Jude's Catholic Church - Hopatcong, NJ
Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

In fulfilling the “Go! SIGN Christ in the Deaf Community” vision, GO! SIGN (the working name of Christian Deaf Link UK) is dedicated to serving the spiritual and social needs of Deaf people, their families and friends through the G.R.A.C.E. programme:

  • Growth in the network of Deaf Christian groups, leaders, churches, fellowship and individuals
  • Renewal and spiritual growth through training, support, events and conferences
  • Access to information promoting Deaf Christian issues, support and service provisions
  • Churches: strengthening members through Deaf Spiritual Awareness, network support and equipping
  • Evangelism via drama shows, video resources and training
To achieve this purpose, Go! Sign, as an interdenominational organisation, works towards:

Developing and providing opportunities to Deaf people, their families and friends, recognising and accepting each other to serve in the Christian community;

Developing public awareness and breaking down barriers created by society’s attitude towards deafness and the consequences of being Deaf in the wider Christian community;

Offering Deaf people full responsibility and leadership in all areas of work through role-model examples and training;

Offering opportunities to Deaf people, as fellow-workers with hearing Christians, to demonstrate their abilities and potential, and gain acknowledgement of God’s given gifts;

Offering advice, information and support to enable Deaf people to increase their self-esteem and skills in their own churches and/or fellowship groups;

Reaching out to the Deaf Community through Christian and Outreach programmes.

For more information, visit the following link: Go! Sign