Thursday, September 22, 2011

Boy who nearly drowned makes miracle recovery

Boy who nearly drowned makes miracle recovery - KAYU

The following excerpt is from

By Amy Moreno

SPANAWAY, WA - About six weeks after 12-year-old Dale Ostrander nearly drowned, he returned to his Spanaway, home, Tuesday.

In August, he was caught in a riptide off the Long Beach peninsula and pulled out into deep water. He spent nearly 20 minutes submerged. When rescuers pulled his lifeless body out of the water, his chances of survival were small.

Ostrander surprised everyone when he opened his eyes and spoke a few days after he had no pulse. From that point his recovery has been nothing short of a miracle.

The Ostrander family is grateful for the support and prayers that poured in from around the world. Pictures snapped at the scene showed church friends on their knees. The family believes prayer is the reason he beat the odds.

“It’s a story not only of hope, but a story that God still works miracles,” said Chad Ostrander, Dale’s father.

Read more: Miracle Recovery

Sheen Intercession Cited in Boy's Alleged Miraculous Healing

Photograph from The Catholic Post

The Catholic Post : Featured Article - Sheen intercession cited in area boy's alleged miraculous healing

The following excerpt is from the Catholic Post:

By Jennifer Willems

That James Fulton Engstrom is celebrating his first birthday on Friday is amazing. In fact, some would call his life a miracle.

Considered stillborn on Sept. 16, 2010 after a healthy pregnancy and “a beautiful, short labor,” James was without a pulse for the first 61 minutes of his life. It was only when doctors at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria were ready to call the time of death that his little heart started beating.

His parents, Travis and Bonnie Engstrom, believe James is alive due to the intercession of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Servant of God.

On Sept. 7, a tribunal of inquiry was sworn in to investigate the Goodfield tot’s alleged miraculous healing. Joining James and his family at the ceremony in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel in the Spalding Renewal Center in Peoria were Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC; Dr. Andrea Ambrosi, postulator for Archbishop Sheen’s cause for beatification and canonization; and members of the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation board, some of whom are relatives of the late archbishop.

Read more: Miraculous Healing