Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where Miracles Happen by Joan Wester Anderson

Where Miracles Happen - Joan Wester Anderson
Author of Books on Angelic Visitations

By Loci B. Lenar

Joan's updated book, Where Miracles Happen, is inspiring and touched my soul with God's spiritual presence. While reading Part One: Miracles through Prayer, I was captivated in Sue Markgraf's interesting testimony.

Joan writes that Sue had wondered if her hard work as a writer would lead to anywhere. After having the thought, Joan says, Sue saw an intense ray of light coming through the window in front of her.

Joan describes Sue seeing a figure in the radiance. Sue says, she felt the figure speaking to her, "Go back to your story." And then said to her, "Peace is coming."

Joan writes that since that time, Sue has continued to wonder about the meaning of the blissful vision.  However, she is now confident about her work and God's plan for her.

After reading the remarkable story, it was "perfect timing" for me to write a letter to my friend, Joan, and share my thoughts about Sue's vision.

Through providence and prayerful discernment, I believe that my testimony about the Miraculous Signs of Archangel Michael, which can be read on, sheds some light on God's plan.

In a spiritual locution I received on September 14, 2009, Jesus called all to join together and "pray for divine protection" in order to mitigate and extinguish violence throughout the world and to usher in an "era of peace."   The locution was also shared with my spiritual advisor, Father Richard Tartaglia of St. Mary's Church.

Our Lady of Fatima also spoke of an era of peace in her 1917 apparitions to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. For further information on Our Lady's message, please visit the following link: World Apostolate of Fatima, USA.

God indeed works in mysterious ways in connecting people at the appropriate time.

Joan Wester Anderson's book is certainly inspirational and Where Miracles Happen!

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Miracle at Knock Shrine - Woman Healed of Multiple Sclerosis

Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland Basilica

Miracle at Knock Woman Reveals All - Irish News - Irish Central

The following news story appeared on

By CATHY HAYES, Staff Writer

As part of the documentary “Apparitions”, which recently aired in Ireland, Marion Carroll discussed the day that she was cured of her crippling disease, multiple sclerosis, at the Marian Shrine in Knock.

Though many have reported visitations of the Virgin Mary at Knock over the years Marion’s case it the first miracle. The officials at Knock believed that the authenticity of her case warranted that it be sent to the Vatican to be authenticated. It is currently under review there. Hers is the first miracle from Knock to be sent to the Vatican.

Back in 1989 Marion was literally crippled with pain. She was carried into the Basilica at Knock on a stretcher and brought to the alter where a bishop blessed her.

In the interview she said “I was brought over to the Basilica and it was at the time that I got this beautiful feeling, a magnificent feeling. It was like a whispering breeze telling me that if the stretcher was opened I could get up and walk.”

After she realized what had happened she said she didn’t know what to do. She said “I didn't say anything in case I looked stupid. When I got back to St. John's-the rest home for the sick at Knock, I asked for the stretcher to be opened and I was able to stand up and I even drank a cup of tea unaided. There was no stiffness and no pain, it was like experiencing every bit of happiness you have ever dreamed of".

Marion now spends her time helping in the Church and speaking to those who feel in need of divine aid. She joked “When you work for the lord you’re given a mop and a bucket. So that’s what I do for him.”

She has written her autobiography about her experience and she speaks about it with those who ask but she also feels that her cure was a personal gift to her. She said “I meet a lot of people who tell me that they had this or that experience with our Lord and I tell them ‘That’s beautiful but that’s a gift to you. It doesn’t mean that you should go out and share it’.”

On September 3, 1989, Marion entered Knock Shrine in a stretcher. She had recently been bought an electric wheelchair. She said that she had stopped her family taking any photographs of her in her weak and ill condition as she believed that she would soon die and wished her children to only remember her as a healthy woman.

More than ten years on and Marion has no symptoms of her illness. Doctors are dumbfounded. They agree that no combination of the drugs or therapies, which she had been subscribed, could have cured her so instantly and completely.

She walked out of Knock that day, cured.

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