Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our Lady of the New Millennium

Our Lady of the New Millennium

Mother of the Redeemer, with great joy we call you blessed.

In order to carry out His plan of salvation, God the Father chose you before the creation of the world. You believed in His love and obeyed His word.

The Son of God desired you for His Mother when He became man to save the human race. You received Him with ready obedience and undivided heart.

The Holy Spirit loved you as His mystical spouse and filled you with singular gifts. You allowed yourself to be led by His hidden and powerful actions.

On the eve of the third Christian Millennium, we entrust to you the Church which acknowledges you and invokes you as Mother.

To you, Mother of the human family and of the nations, we confidently entrust the whole of humanity, with its hopes and fears. Do not let it lack the light of true wisdom. Guide its steps in the ways of peace. Enable all to meet Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Sustain us, 0 Virgin Mary, on our journey of faith and obtain for us the grace of eternal salvation. O clement, O loving, O sweet Mother of God and our Mother, Mary!

By Pope John Paul II

The photograph is a partial detail of a larger stained glass window which can be seen inside of Our Lady of Victories Church. The Catholic church is located on Fair Street in Paterson, NJ, USA.

Photograph Copyright 2010 Loci B. Lenar

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

U.S. Marine Walks Away from Shot to Helmet

Feb. 15: Marine Lance Cpl. Andrew Koenig shows the spot on
 his helmet where a Taliban bullet struck right above his eyes.

U.S. Marine Walks Away From Shot to Helmet - Afghanistan Map War -

The photograph and following story is an excerpt from

MARJAH, Afghanistan — It is hard to know whether Monday was a very bad day or a very good day for Lance Cpl. Andrew Koenig.

On the one hand, he was shot in the head. On the other, the bullet bounced off him.

In one of those rare battlefield miracles, an insurgent sniper hit Lance Cpl. Koenig dead on in the front of his helmet, and he walked away from it with a smile on his face.

"I don't think I could be any luckier than this," Lance Cpl. Koenig said two hours after the shooting.

Gunnery Sgt. Shelton, a 36-year-old veteran from Nashville, said he had never seen a Marine survive a direct shot to the head.

But next to him was Cpl. Christopher Ahrens, who quietly mentioned that two bullets had grazed his helmet the day the Marines attacked Marjah. The same thing, he said, happened to him three times in firefights in Iraq.

Cpl. Ahrens, 26, from Havre de Grace, Md., lifted the camouflaged cloth cover on his helmet, exposing the holes where the bullets had entered and exited.

He turned it over to display the picture card tucked inside, depicting Michael the Archangel stamping on Lucifer's head. "I don't need luck," he said.

Lance Cpl. Koenig put his dented helmet back on his head and climbed the metal ladder to resume his rooftop duty within an hour of being hit.

To read complete story, visit the following link: Fox News


For additional inspirational news and photographs, please visit the following link and read the Miraculous Signs of Archangel Michael 

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