Friday, February 12, 2010

The Shrine of Saint Jude

Ascension of Jesus Christ

News Story by Loci B. Lenar

The Shrine of Saint Jude has a beautiful array of statues on display with lovely stained glass window art. The shrine is located on the premises of Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church.  The church is also a short distance from Route 80 and can be found on 100 Fair Street in Paterson, New Jersey.  The church pastor is Msgr. Thomas Coletta.

The Virgin Mary

My visit to the shrine on Thursday, February 11, began inside with photographing some eye-catching works of art including a sculpture of the Virgin Mary and a large window which shows the Ascension of Jesus Christ. The same window has a depiction of St Jude on the lower half.  In order to appreciate the artwork, I photographed the top and bottom of the window separately. 

Saint Jude

The stained glass shown below combines the Ascension of Jesus Christ and Saint Jude into an exquisite window of art.  Anyone visiting the church will be delighted with the lovely interior.

After taking some photographs, I knelt down in the church pew and prayed to Our Lord Jesus Christ for the needs of all who were visiting the church. Mass began at 12:00 noon and was followed by novena prayers.

Everyone in attendance joined together in prayer for the nine week Winter Solemn Novena in Honor of Saint Jude and Our Lady of Fatima.  The novena is prayed every week on Thursday.  The novena began on January 21st and will conclude on March 18th.

I mailed my petitions to the shrine in advance of the nine week novena and also requested a devotional candle to be lit for the nine week period. My novena included a request for an era of peace and for violence to be mitigated and extinguished throughout the world. 
Our Lady

After the church service, I walked outside and photographed an interesting statue of Our Lady.  On the prior day, New Jersey was covered with snow from a storm that had passed through the tri-state era.  A small amount of snow from Wednesday's inclement weather covers part of the statue. 

However, what I found to be remarkable is the beautiful blue eyes of Our Lady, which I payed no attention to while photographing the icon.  It wasn't until I arrived at home and examined the photos that I truly recognized the beauty of the artwork.  The statue is also showing some signs of aging with paint beginning to peel off in areas. 

Our Lady of Victories Church - Side Entranceway

In any event, the shrine's website indicates that Our Lady of Victories Church had been completed in 1892.  With that in mind, perhaps the church is now in need of some exterior restoration, specifically with the statues of Our Lady, and Saint Jude.

If you do decide to visit the shrine, please check the church schedule by calling the rectory at 973-279-0487, since doors are closed immediately on completion of Mass and right after the recitation of novena prayers.

Copyright 2010 Loci B. Lenar

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

67 Miraculous Healings Confirmed in Lourdes

ROME REPORTS TV News Agency - The 67 miracles of Lourdes

The following excerpt is from Rome Reports TV News Agency:

Catherine Latapie was the first person to be miraculously cured at Lourdes. She was healed of paralysis in 1858. And on the same day she was cured, she gave birth to a boy who later became a priest.

Her spectacular cure was a test case that started an era of reported miracles that’s lasted ever since. These claims have increased over the years, and led to the setting up of a “Medical Bureau” at the Marian shrine in 1905. The office studies cases of those who claim to have been miraculously cured.

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