A new painting created in 2015 by international artist Stephen B. Whatley | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
A new painting focusing on the Sanctuary and interior of St. James's RC Church, Spanish Place, London; which opened on September 29, 1890. Its rich history and association with Spain stretches back to the 16th century and is contained in the link from the Parish website: www.sjrcc.org.uk/page7/parishhistory.html
Expressionist artist Stephen B. Whatley - whose Catholic tribute paintings have been exhibited at London's Westminster Cathedral - created the oil painting inspired by a series of drawings made on location inside the beautiful church, a jewel in Marylebone in central London. The painting was completed over several days - including the actual anniversary.
Oil on canvas
36 x 48in/91 x 122cm
Several of Mr. Whatley's paintings are published on the website of www.Christian-Miracles.com including a feature article about the artist from Catholic Life Magazine. The article is reprinted with permission on the following link: http://www.christian-miracles.com/artofstephenbwhatley.htm