Showing posts with label Miraculous Movements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miraculous Movements. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Amazing Accounts of Muslims coming to Christ

God's "Miraculous Movement": Amazing Accounts of Scores of Muslims coming to Christ

The following excerpt is from

What's even better than one Muslim coming to the Lord Jesus and being saved? A whole mosque-full of people receiving Christ!

As astonishing as it sounds, that is the report from a former church planter who worked among Muslims in West Africa.

Jerry Trousdale, now the director of International ministries for City Team International, has written a book, Miraculous Movements, that details some of the "unprecedented" events taking place currently among the Muslim population there.

Trousdale notes that there have been "multiple cases of entire mosques coming to faith" in Christ; "tens of thousands" of Christians with Muslim background who are now dedicated to fasting and praying as intercessors for the Muslim people; seemingly impossible achievements being done through ordinary people allowing God to use them, along with many other extraordinary happenings.

Trousdale told the Christian Post (CP), "This is just good news that God is in the same business as He was in the book of Acts. Disciples are multiplying greatly and even priests, imams and sheikhs are becoming obedience to the faith. So I no longer doubt that we can finish the task in this generation."

The CP article recounts one of the remarkable stories from Trousdale's book in which a man who'd been a respectable Muslim businessman had a dream that Jesus appeared to him telling him that He [Jesus] was the Light of the world—when he woke up he could no longer see. The dream and his loss of sight impacted him so much, he converted to Christianity, and—after attending Bible studies at a prayer camp—he became an effective witness and church-planter for the Lord among Muslim groups.

Read more: God's Miraculous Movement