Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saint Peregrine the Patron Saint of Cancer Sufferers

Saint Peregrine. 2016 by Stephen B. Whatley

Saint Peregrine - 2016 by Stephen B. Whatley | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

From the website of artist Stephen B. Whatley: A new tribute painting of the Patron Saint of Cancer Sufferers, Saint Peregrine by expressionist artist Stephen B. Whatley.

Saint Peregrine is also the Patron Saint of AIDS and other illnesses as well as Cancer - so may all those who meditate upon the image, created and infused with prayers, receive light, hope, protection and ultimate healing relief. Peace.

The artist - a Catholic convert since 2011 - often gets, through prayer, what he feels a 'Divine Push' to paint such Christian tributes and felt directed to paint Saint Peregrine, with prayers for healing, light and hope for those suffering cancer in his life - and worldwide.

He had a deep feeling the day of painting - 21 February - was a significant date; and later, after painting, realised it was the day in 1935 that Jesus had appeared to the Polish nun, Sister (since 2000, Saint) Faustina, requesting she seek an artist and have a painting made depicting His Divine Mercy.

Stephen B. Whatley has painted several Divine Mercy images over the years; some of which were exhibited in his 2013 exhibition 'Paintings From Prayer' at London's Westminster Cathedral. There is a permanent walkway of his series of 30 paintings for the Tower of London, outside Tower Hill Station, London. 

Peregrine Laziosi (Italy, c.1260-1345) experienced a miracle of healing in his own life, at 60, when a cancerous growth in his leg threatened amputation. The night before the amputation he spent praying before a fresco of The Crucifixion and later in a sleep state felt Jesus descend from The Cross to touch his leg. The next day the doctors found no trace of the cancer and he was pronounced cured; word spreading quickly of the power of Trust in the Lord. 

The National Shrine of Saint Peregrine is at Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica in Chicago, Illinois, USA. This new painting took, alongside prayers, inspiration from a classic prayer card, acquired in New York in 2015.

More Information: 

Oil on canvas
30 x 24in/76 x 61cm   

Prayers to Saint Peregrine 

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Thursday, February 25, 2016


Photograph by Loci B. Lenar


(This Novena honors the nine months during which Our Lady carried Our Blessed Lord in her womb.)

"Hail, Holy Queen,...
Mother of Mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope!
To thee do we cry,
poor banished children of Eve;
to thee do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
thine eyes of mercy towards us;
and after this our exile,
show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb Jesus.
O clement, O loving,
O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen."

V - Pray for us, most holy mother of God.
R - That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

"Virgin of the Incarnation,
a thousand times we greet thee,
a thousand times we praise thee
for thy joy when God was incarnated in thee.
Because thou art so powerful
a Virgin and Mother of God,
grant what we ask of thee for the love of God."

Here state your first intention.
Repeat all of above and then state your second intention.
Repeat all of above and then state your third intention.


After the above prayers and intentions, say the Memorare.

Remember, O most Gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known
that anyone who fled to thy protection,
implored thy help
or sought thy intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence,
I fly unto thee,
O Virgin of Virgins,
my mother.
To thee do I cry,
before thee I stand,
sinful and sorrowful.
Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but in thy mercy hear and answer me.

Hail Mary...

Blessed and praised be
the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar,
in Heaven, on earth and everywhere.

(Pray for 9 days)

More Catholic Prayers

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Prayer to Saint Dymphna For Any Special Need

St. Dymphna Patron Medal

In Nervous or Emotional Distress 

Lord, our God, you graciously chose St. Dymphna as patroness of those afflicted with mental and nervous disorders. She is thus an inspiration and a symbol of charity to the thousands who ask her intercession. 

Please grant, Lord, through the prayers of this pure youthful martyr, relief and consolation to all suffering such trials, and especially those for whom we pray. (Here mention those for whom you wish to pray)

We beg you, Lord, to hear the prayers of St. Dymphna on our behalf. Grant all those for whom we pray patience in their sufferings and resignation to your divine will. Please fill them with hope, and grant them the relief and cure they so much desire. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord who suffered agony in the garden. Amen.

In Physical Illness 

I appeal to you in my illness, dear St. Dymphna. I would be so grateful for a total and happy recovery, for the blessed gift of health in every fiber of my being. May the Lord Jesus, who mercifully healed the sick during His earthly days, have pity on me and make me well again. Ask Him to command sickness to depart and grant me a full measure of health, that I may rejoice in giving Him glory and praise. Amen.

For Any Special Need

Glorious St. Dymphna, you are the patron of the nervous and emotionally disturbed. I am certain, however, that your charity embraces everyone. I am certain that you lend a listening ear to any prayer offered for any special need. You will, I am sure,take my problem to heart and pray for me that it may be happily settled. (Here mention your special problem or difficulty) You will plead for me and obtain the help I need. Already I offer you my sincere and grateful thanks, so great is my confidence that God will hear and answer your prayers. 


St. Dymphna, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, patron of nervous and emotional illnesses, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, crowned for the glory in heaven, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, faithful to your covenant with Christ, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, precious in the eyes of the Lord, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, our helper in every need, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, our friend at heaven's court, pray for us.

More Catholic Devotional Prayers 

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Catholic Radio Seeks to Promote Station and Year of Mercy with New Billboards

The Anchor - Serving the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts.

By Kenneth J. Souza
Anchor Staff

NEW BEDFORD, Mass. — As a Franciscan, Friar John Mary, F.I., has witnessed signs of faith throughout his life.

Now he’s hoping others will notice one of the signs that recently went up in the Greater New Bedford area promoting WPMW Radio CorMariae and its mission to spread the Good News.

The “micro FM” Catholic radio station that broadcasts at 88.5 on the dial and originates from studios above Our Lady’s Chapel in downtown New Bedford recently contracted with Boston-based Clear Channel Entertainment to advertise its mission via large billboards in three key locations.

“The station has been doing OK financially, and we found we could afford to do another campaign, which is always good because we’re always trying to look for ways to increase our listenership,” Friar John recently told The Anchor. “I think this is one of the most effective ways, other than a bumper sticker campaign.”

The billboards prominently feature a beautiful stained-glass image of Our Lady next to a Scripture passage — “Mercy and Truth have met” (Ps 85:10) — and are located near the intersection of Cove Road and Rockdale Avenue in New Bedford; near St. Mary’s Cemetery on Route 6 across from Shaw’s Supermarket on the New Bedford-Dartmouth line; and on Route 6 (State Road) in Dartmouth, about halfway between Reed and Cross roads.

“The first two went up in mid-January and the third is (going up this week),” Friar John said. “I’m happy with the locations. The one (at Cove Road and Rockdale Avenue) is very conspicuous, near a pretty busy intersection. You can see it as you slow down for the stoplight — it’s very viewable.”

Friar John explained how the billboard on Route 6 in Dartmouth, which can be spotted driving from Westport heading towards New Bedford, was actually a replacement for one that had originally been planned for Coggeshall Street in New Bedford.

“There’s been ongoing construction there,” he said. “It did get put up, but when I went to see it, there was (construction) equipment parked in front of it — it wasn’t a good location. I talked to Clear Channel and told them about it and they found out from the construction crew that the area isn’t going to be cleaned up anytime soon, so they very graciously did the right thing and moved us to the Dartmouth location.”

Friar John said he likes the relocated site better.

“The station is heard pretty well between New Bedford and Westport, and that’s where our signal originates,” he said. “Those coming from Westport heading to the (Dartmouth) Mall will see it.”

Unbeknownst to Friar John, there is also a notorious strip club not far from where the new billboard is located.

“One of our volunteers said that was a good location because the area needs it,” he said. “So I guess they need the prayers and they need to see Our Lady up there.”

The story behind the eye-catching image of the Blessed Mother that dominates the new billboards is perhaps proof positive of Divine intervention in the radio station’s latest advertising campaign.

Friar John first noticed the depiction of Our Lady on the Facebook page of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary — a group that did a recent recording session at Radio CorMariae.

“I contacted them to see if they had a high-resolution image of it and they said they found it on the Internet and they didn’t know much more about it,” he said. “They didn’t have the source to give me.”

  Stained Glass Window Photographed by Loci B. Lenar  

Thankfully, a graphic design artist named Mary Flannery who does work for the Franciscan Friars was able to do a little digital digging online and discovered that the image, entitled “Immaculate Heart of Mary,” was a photograph taken by Loci B. Lenar and was prominently featured on his Flickr page, blog and website ( She contacted him and he graciously gave WPMW permission to use it in the billboard campaign.

Ironically enough, Lenar has also been featured several times on the syndicated radio program “Sacred Treasures,” which currently airs on WPMW Radio CorMariae.

“He has all these websites and blogs about miracles and conversion stories,” Friar John said. “The thing that got me is this image could have been from anywhere in the world, but the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart found it, used it, which got me to see it, and then it all led back to someone with a connection to our radio station. I really believe it was Divine providence that it’s now being used on our billboard.”

Since we are in the midst of the Year of Mercy as proclaimed by Pope Francis, Friar John said he also wanted to connect that with what the radio station was doing.

“In our last (advertising) campaign, we used the phrase: ‘Behold your mother,’” he said. “I know Our Lady can work with her own image — she doesn’t need words — but I just didn’t want us to have a blank billboard on one side, so I was looking for a good Scripture quote.”

Friar John did a quick Bible search for quotes relating to mercy and came across the line “Mercy and Truth have met” from the Book of Psalms.

For him, it was the perfect quote to include alongside the woman praised in “Hail Holy Queen” as the “Mother of Mercy.”

“I believe that in Pope Francis calling for the Year of Mercy to start on December 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, he had Our Lady in mind,” Friar John said. “Of course, we always talk about mercy, but we have to accompany it with truth — the truth being our faith, the Church, the Sacraments, and Our Lord Himself.

“So we have a merciful, motherly figure in Our Lady and then the Church being the truth — so God knew what He was doing when He put the two together. They go hand-in-hand.”

Friar John said the plan is to keep the billboards up at least throughout the month, but hopefully with additional funding they might be able to extend the campaign even further.

“We want to have the billboards up as long as possible while the funds are coming in,” he said. “On our website we have a page specifically for making donations to support the billboard campaign. People can either use a credit/debit card on the website, or send us a check.”

Since Radio CorMariae doesn’t subscribe to the costly Arbitron ratings system to gauge how many listeners they have, Friar John said it’s important to get feedback via advertising campaigns like this and through word-of-mouth.

“For a station like ours we wouldn’t be involved in the techniques they use and we wouldn’t be able to pay for those services,” he said. “They say if you receive one call during a show, that means there are probably another 99 listeners out there. It’s always pleasant to hear when someone does give you feedback, because then you know someone is getting something out of it. This is why we meet on a regular basis with our volunteers to help publicize the station.”

Tax-deductible donations to support the billboard campaign may be sent to: Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, P.O. Box 3003, New Bedford, Mass. 02741-3003. Please write “Billboard Campaign” on the memo line of the check or money order.

For more information about the campaign or to make a donation online, visit

First published on February 17, 2016 by The Anchor.
(Reprinted with Permission)
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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Historic encounter with Pope Francis and Patriarch of Moscow

Historic encounter with Pope and Patriarch of Moscow: We are not competitors but brothers

News story from

As is customary in Russian tradition, Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis greeting each other with three kisses on the cheek. It is an embrace that has taken nearly a thousand years to occur.

"I am delighted to see you.”
"Thanks brother.”

Once seated, the Patriarch initiated the conversation with the help of translators.

"How was your flight your Holiness?”
"Very good, thank God, very good.”

They spent a few minutes chatting in front of journalists and the cameras were able to capture his first words.

"Nevertheless, we have the opportunity to talk heart to heart.”
"That's what I want to do. We are brothers, we have the same baptism, we are bishops.”

They signed this historic joint statement, two hours after their closed-door meeting.

Once again, with this embrace, both churches are much closer today than they were yesterday.

"The result of the conversation allows me to ensure that currently the two Churches can cooperate together to defend Christians around the world, with full responsibility, work together so that there is no war, that human life is respected worldwide.”

"We speak clearly without mumbling and I confess that I felt the consolation of the Spirit in this dialogue.”

The Pope thanked everyone involved in making this meeting with the Patriarch a possibility. Among them, their hosts, the people of Cuba and Raul Castro.

"I appreciate your active availability, if it continues, Cuba will be the capital of unity.”
In their joint statement, the two leaders demand the protection for persecuted Christians, especially in Syria and Iraq; They highlight the importance of the family based on marriage; Call to Protect the life of the unborn and even made an appeal for peace in the Ukraine. In addition, they stress that Catholics and Orthodox are not
"competitors but brothers.”

And with just one signature by Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill, they seal the end of a feud that lasted almost a thousand years ago

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"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." (John 3:17)

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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Meet the Catholic Chaplain going to Super Bowl 50 with the Carolina Panthers

The Catholic players on the Carolina Panthers team won’t be missing their Sunday Mass obligation on Super Bowl Sunday. One Charlotte priest is heading to Super Bowl 50 after being invited to serve as their chaplain ahead of the big game.

Read More: The Catholic Company

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