Sunday, October 18, 2015

Saint Mary's Parish Celebrates Sister Mary Joan Phillips 70 Years of Service in the Catholic Church

Saint Mary's Parish celebrated Sister Mary Joan Phillips 70 years of service in the Catholic Church on Saturday, October 17, 2015 with Mass and a banquet in the school auditorium.

Sister Joan has dedicated her life to God's work with almost 50 years at Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Denville, New Jersey. We all congratulate Sister Joan for devoting her life to God's service. God bless you Sister Joan!

Photographs by Loci B. Lenar

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The miracle behind the canonization of the parents of St Therese of Lisieux

Photograph and news excerpt from Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Seven-year-old Carmen has an extraordinary story. Because of her Blessed Louis Martin and Zelie Guerin, the parents of Saint Therese of Lisieux, will be canonized this Sunday in Saint Peter's Square.

The little girl was born prematurely in Spain in 2008 at just six months into pregnancy. She was fighting for her life for several weeks because of a cerebral hemorrhage and other severe ailments.

But her loved ones and many Carmelite sisters sought the miraculous intervention of the Martins. The Vatican recognized the baby’s healing as miraculous.

Little Carmen’s parents, her mother Carmen and her father Santos, have told her story in an exclusive interview with CNA.

Read more: The Miracle

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Spirit of St James's Church: 125th Anniversary Tribute

The Spirit of St James's Church, Spanish Place: 125th Anniversary Tribute. 2015 by Stephen B Whatley
A new painting created in 2015 by international artist Stephen B. Whatley | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

A new painting focusing on the Sanctuary and interior of St. James's RC Church, Spanish Place, London; which opened on September 29, 1890. Its rich history and association with Spain stretches back to the 16th century and is contained in the link from the Parish website:

Expressionist artist Stephen B. Whatley - whose Catholic tribute paintings have been exhibited at London's Westminster Cathedral - created the oil painting inspired by a series of drawings made on location inside the beautiful church, a jewel in Marylebone in central London. The painting was completed over several days - including the actual anniversary.

Oil on canvas
36 x 48in/91 x 122cm

Several of Mr. Whatley's paintings are published on the website of including a feature article about the artist from Catholic Life Magazine. The article is reprinted with permission on the following link:

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Monday, October 12, 2015

Saint Mary's Monthly Prayer Service Scheduled on October 15, 2015

Join us at Saint Mary's Catholic Church for its monthly prayer service at 7:30 pm with Fr. Richard Tartaglia on Thursday, October 15, 2015.

Saint Mary's Parish is located on 15 Myers Avenue, Denville, New Jersey.

Previous services have included prayer for Christian Unity. However, prayers for world peace are always included.

If you cannot attend St. Mary's prayer service, you can still join us by praying in unity with St. Mary’s Church for all special prayer intentions. Prayer requests submitted through are also prayed for during the service.

There is great power through the Holy Spirit when people join together in agreement while praying for God’s help and intervention.

Regarding prayer, Jesus said, "Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." (Matthew 18:19-20)

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

Submit your prayer requests to our website and our prayer ministry will pray for your needs:

Statue of Virgin Mary photographed at Saint Mary's Parish.

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Our Lady of Hope by Artist Stephen B. Whatley

Our Lady of Hope. 2015 by Stephen B. Whatley

Our Lady of Hope | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Reprinted by permission of the artist.

A new 2015 tribute to the Holy Mother of God, Our Lady of Hope by expressionist artist Stephen B. Whatley - inspired by the recorded description as witnessed by those who saw her miraculous appearance in the French village of Pontmain in 1871.

She was said to be dressed in a blue dress amassed with golden stars, wearing a black veil and carrying a red cross; her message was " Hope Through Prayer and The Cross".

The artist has a great affection for the USA so was happy to learn that the Oblate Fathers introduced the devotion to the USA in 1952.

Peace blessings of peace, healing, joy - and Hope!

Pastel on Paper, 2015
24 x 17in/59 x 42cm

For the Novena to Our Lady of Hope:

About the artist Stephen B. Whatley

Stephen B. Whatley is an expressionist painter, published in TIME magazine, whose major commissions include architectural paintings for public institutions including The Royal Collection of HM Queen Elizabeth II, London Underground and the BBC; and 30 paintings commissioned by the Tower of London permanently showcased throughout Tower Hill Underpass at Tower Hill. He has been presented to HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in recognition of his work.

The artist’s vibrant oil paintings are in private collections worldwide and public collections
including BBC Heritage, Historic Royal Palaces, the London Transport Museum, the Royal Collection, Westminster Cathedral & The Carrollton School of The Sacred Heart, Miami, USA.

 Born in London in 1965 he studied at The Ipswich and Norwich Schools of Art and The University of London in solo & group exhibitions, including London’s National Theatre, the ICA, the Lloyd’s Building, Olympia International Fine Art & Antiques Fair & Westminster Cathedral.

Stephen B Whatley’s work has also been published in The Guardian, Guardian Weekend magazine, HELLO!, MAJESTY, Metro London, The New York Times, The Sunday Express, The Daily Telegraph, The Times & USA TODAY; and is listed in David Buckman’s dictionary, Artists in Britain Since 1945.

Several of Mr. Whatley's Catholic Tributes are published on the website of

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Sunday, October 04, 2015

Our Lady's Message and Apparition to Mirjana

The Medjugorje Web - Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje

Our Lady's Message of October 2, 2015

"Dear children, I am here among you to encourage you, to fill you with my love and to call you anew to be witnesses of the love of my Son. Many of my children do not have hope, they do not have peace, they do not have love. They are seeking my Son, but do not know how and where to find Him. My Son is opening wide His arms to them, and you are to help them to come to His embrace. My children, that is why you must ...pray for love. You must pray very, very much to have all the more love, because love conquers death and makes life last. Apostles of my love, my children, with an honest and simple heart unite in prayer regardless of how far you are from each other. Encourage each other in spiritual growth as I am encouraging you. I am watching over you and am with you whenever you think of me. Pray also for your shepherds, for those who renounced everything for the sake of my Son and for your sake. Love them and pray for them. The Heavenly Father is listening to your prayers. Thank you." 

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