Saturday, November 29, 2014

Saint Andrew Christmas Novena


Lawrence OP - Flickr Photo Sharing 

Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, O My God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen

It is piously believed that whoever recites the prayer fifteen times a day from the feast of St. Andrew (November 30th) until Christmas (December 25th) will obtain what is asked.

 The novena is not actually addressed to Saint Andrew but to God Himself, asking Him to grant our request in the honor of the birth of His Son at Christmas. 

(Imprimatur: +MICHAEL AUGUSTINE, Archbishop of New York, New York, February 6, 1897)

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wishing Everyone a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Prayer

Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks.

Thank you for all the graces and blessings. You have betowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage. Our food and shelter, our health, the loves we have for one another, our family and friends.

Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity, please grant us continued graces and blessing throughout the coming year.

This we ask in the Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Brother. Amen.

Visit the following link for More Devotional Prayers.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Virgin Mary's Message of November 25, 2014

Our Lady of Medjugorje

Medjugorje WebSite - Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages and Apparitions

Our Lady's message conveyed to Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti:

“Dear children! In a special way, today I am calling you to prayer. Pray, little children, so that you may comprehend who you are and where you need to go. Be carriers of the good news and be people of hope. Be love for all those who are without love. Little children, you will be everything and will achieve everything only if you pray and are open to God’s will – to God who desires to lead you towards eternal life. I am with you and intercede for you from day to day before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mary of Nazareth - Two Part Mini-Series on EWTN

Beginning November 22, 2014, EWTN presents “Mary of Nazareth”, a two-part mini-series that depicts the Virgin Mary from her childhood through the Resurrection of Jesus, capturing the essence of her profound faith and trust in God.

Don’t miss “Mary of Nazareth”! Part 1 airs 8 p.m. ET, Saturday, November 22 and Part 2 airs 8 p.m. ET, Saturday, November 27 -- exclusively on EWTN!

Find EWTN at
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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Exodus: Gods and Kings

Official Final Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX - YouTube

From director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Prometheus) comes the epic adventure "Exodus: Gods and Kings," in Theaters - December 12, 2014. 

Moses (Christian Bale) rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses (Joel Edgerton), setting 400,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its cycle of deadly plagues.

Cast includes: Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, John Turturro, Aaron Paul, Ben Mendelsohn, Sigourney Weaver, Ben Kingsley
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mary, Did You Know? New Christmas Video by Pentatonix

Official Video - Pentatonix - YouTube

Mary, Did you Know? Beautifully sung by the five member band, Pentatonix. Just in time for Christmas!

The song is published in the new Holiday album, "That's Christmas To Me," and is available from iTunes.

Review from iTunes: 

Pentatonix's fourth studio album and second holiday-themed release, 2014's That's Christmas to Me, showcases more of the innovative a cappella group's electronic dance music-influenced vocal sound.

The album comes on the heels of the group's other 2014 release, PTX, Vol. 3, and two years after the Yuletide EP PTXmas. Here, the former NBC Sing-Off season three champions perform a bevy of Christmas classics including "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing," "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy," "Silent Night," and others, as well as the newly minted title track original.
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Monday, November 17, 2014

Image of Virgin Mary grows on tree in Iowa

Excerpt from CodeWit World News

What you believe about the mysterious image on the tree in Polk City, Iowa likely depends on your personal belief system. Whether it is a case of divine intervention or simply the mind playing tricks on you doesn’t seem to matter. Each will see what he wants to see.

Read More: Image of Virgin Mary grows on tree in Iowa

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Miraculous Prayer to St. Joseph in Any Urgent Need

Pauline Books and Media Digital - YouTube

This Miraculous Prayer from the 16th century has brought help to many in their hours of greatest need. Jesus listened to St. Joseph while on earth and still listens to him now when he intercedes for our needs.
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Thursday, November 06, 2014

Guardian Angels Watch Over Us

Photograph by Loci B. Lenar - St. Michael's Church

Catholic Weekly Newspaper of the Fall River Diocese -

By Linda Andrade Rodrigues, Anchor Correspondent

NEW BEDFORD, Mass. — Guardian angels are the servants and messengers of God.

“How great the dignity of the soul, since each one has from his birth an angel commissioned to guard it,” St. Jerome said.

The “Catechism of the Catholic Church” teaches that as purely Spiritual creatures, angels have intelligence and will: they are personal and immortal, surpassing in perfection all visible creatures, as the splendor of their glory bears witness.

“The Holy Spirit advises me,” and “there’s the angel who advises me,” said Pope Francis. “Nobody walks alone, and none of us can believe we are alone.”

Nine years ago I interviewed a devout Catholic who believes she had an encounter with an angel. She works in marketing and lives in Rhode Island. She shared her story on the condition of anonymity.

Sitting in the front passenger seat of her boyfriend’s car, the woman, along with her two girlfriends, was riding around town late one night.

Out of the blue, a car cut them off running them off the road. Spinning out of control, they crashed into a telephone pole.

“I remember the point of impact,” she said. “I was holding onto the door with a death grip to brace myself as we hit the pole.”

Her boyfriend and friends managed to crawl out of the crushed car, but she was trapped inside.
“I remember not being able to feel my legs,” she said. “I panicked because I couldn’t catch my breath.”

The telephone pole was inside the car; her feet were in the engine compartment.

“I actually saw my life flash before my eyes at the moment of impact,” she said. “I remember seeing family members who had passed on.”

She heard their voices calling to her.

Then she saw a hand coming through the twisted metal. She reached for it.

“I’m a nurse,” the person said.

She told the nurse about the voices.

“Don’t listen to them,” the nurse said. “You’re going to be fine. It’s not your time yet.”

It would take more than an hour for emergency personnel to cut her out of the car with the Jaws of Life. All the while, she kept asking for the nurse who had promised not to leave her.

But the paramedics told her, “There’s nobody here. We’re going to take care of you.”

Her injuries were grave. Her legs and pelvis were shattered, she had massive internal injuries and bleeding, as well as a blood clot. She received Last Rites.

She spent three months in the hospital’s trauma unit, and it would take a year of intensive physical therapy for her to walk again.

A short time after her discharge from the hospital, she arranged to meet the paramedics who had saved her life.

“They couldn’t believe I was there,” she said. “They assumed I wasn’t going to make it.”
Once again, she asked them about the nurse. They told her there was a witness walking his dog in the woods, but there was no nurse.

“It may have been your mind playing games with you,” the paramedic said. “Your body was in shock.”

Today she bears few scars from the accident that nearly took her life. She is married to her boyfriend, the driver of the car, and is convinced a guardian angel came to her on the night of the accident.
“I still feel she’s watching over me,” she said. “I always feel protected.”

A resident of Mine Hill, N.J., Loci Lenar reports news of Christian signs and wonders on his blog and website — “Angels, Wonders and Miracles of Faith” ( and “Signs, Wonders and Miracles” ( — which have recorded over a million page views.

Lenar also documents his own spiritual encounters, following instructions from his spiritual advisor, Father Richard Tartaglia of St. Mary’s Church in Denville, N.J.

Sharing his experiences, he has been interviewed several times for the program “Sacred Treasures” on the international Catholic station Radio Maria, which is broadcast locally by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate of Our Lady’s Chapel in New Bedford at 88.5 FM (WPMW).

Lenar often visits churches to photograph stained glass windows and statues to use on his website and blog.

Five years ago he stopped to pray at The Church of St. Michael in Netcong, N.J., and photographed a statue of St. Michael the Archangel.

“Without the flash, you see the striking rainbow beyond the statue and around the arms,” he told me. “I gave the small memory card to Father Richard.”

Catholics invoke St. Michael the Archangel in prayer for physical protection.

Lenar said that Jesus is calling people to pray for divine protection, not just for their families but for the world.

“We are living in difficult times, but through prayer we could change things,” he said. “The message is now more important than ever before to invoke the powerful name of Jesus and to pray for the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel to protect our families and nation, especially in light of the violence surrounding our world and the Middle East.”

Two years ago thieves broke into the basement of St. Bernard Catholic Church in Assonet, causing massive damage to the property, pilfering church offerings and leaving behind a feeling of unease that this sacred ground had been violated.

Consequently, Father Michael Racine inserted the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel in the front cover of church missals.

Just before the closing rites at every Mass, the congregation invokes the saint’s protection:
“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

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Sunday, November 02, 2014

The Virgin Mary's Monthly Message from Medjugorje

Our Lady of Medjugorje's Message of November 2, 2014 Conveyed to Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo

“Dear children, I am with you with the blessing of my Son, with you who love me and who strive to follow me. I also desire to be with you who do not accept me. To all of you I am opening my heart full of love and I am blessing you with my motherly hands. I am a mother who understands you. I lived your life and lived through your sufferings and joys. You who are living the pain understand my pain and suffering because of those of my children who do not permit the light of my Son to illuminate them; those of my children who are living in darkness. This is why I need you – you who have been illuminated by the light and have comprehended the truth. I am calling you to adore my Son so that your soul may grow and reach true spirituality. My apostles, it is then that you will be able to help me. To help me means to pray for those who have not come to know the love of my Son. In praying for them you are showing to my Son that you love Him and follow Him. My Son promised me that evil will never win, because you, the souls of the just, are here; you who strive to say your prayers with the heart; you who offer your pain and suffering to my Son; you who comprehend that life is only a blink; you who yearn for the Kingdom of Heaven. All of this makes you my apostles and leads you towards the victory of my heart. Therefore, my children, purify your hearts and adore my Son. Thank you.”
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Daily Prayer for the Holy Souls

Photo by Loci B. Lenar
Prayer of the Day for Sunday, November 2, 2014 - (All Souls Day)
Daily Prayer for the Holy Souls

Immortal God, holy Lord, ...
Father and Protector of all You have created,
we raise our hearts to You today for those
who have passed out of this mortal life.

In Your loving mercy, Father of all,
be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company,
and forgive the failings and faults
they may have done from human frailty.

Your only Son, Christ, our Saviour,
suffered so cruelly that
He might deliver them from the second death.
By his merits may they share in the glory
of His victory over sin and death.

For all the faithful who have died we pray,
but in particular for those dear to us,
parents, relatives and friends.
nor do we forget all who did good to us while on earth,
who helped us by their prayers, sacrifice and example.
We pray also for any who may have done us harm,
and stand in special need of Your forgiveness.

May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother,
Mary, and those of all the Angels and Saints,
speak for us and assist them now.
This we ask in Christ's name.

(Prayer from Catholic Online)

Photographs Copyright Loci B. Lenar

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Saturday, November 01, 2014

Prayers for All Saints Day and All Souls Day

Hall of Saints
On November 1 the Catholic church celebrates All Saints Day followed by All Souls Day on November 2. All Saints Day commemorates every saint, known and unknown by the Catholic church. All Souls Day is a  day of remembrance for loved ones and friends who have passed away.

Prayer in Praise of the Saints

How shining and splendid are your gifts, O Lord
which you give us for our eternal well-being
Your glory shines radiantly in your saints, O God
In the honour and noble victory of the martyrs.
The white-robed company follow you,
bright with their abundant faith;
They scorned the wicked words of those with this world's power.
For you they sustained fierce beatings, chains, and torments,
they were drained by cruel punishments.
They bore their holy witness to you
who were grounded deep within their hearts;
they were sustained by patience and constancy.
Endowed with your everlasting grace,
may we rejoice forever
with the martyrs in our bright fatherland.
O Christ, in your goodness,
grant to us the gracious heavenly realms of eternal life.

(Unknown author, 10th century)

Prayer for All Souls Day
Lord God,
you are the glory of believers
and the life of the just.
Your son redeemed us
by dying and rising to life again.
Since our departed brothers and sisters
believed in the mystery of our resurrection,
let them share the joys and blessings
of the life to come.

Photograph of the Hall of Candles at the Shrine of Saint Joseph, Long Hill Road, Stirling, NJ, USA.

Photograph Copyright Loci B. Lenar
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