Thursday, April 10, 2014
Statue of Mary at Indiana Church Appears to shed a Tear
News excerpt and photo from Mail Online
A sign from God or just a water stain - that is what people in Griffith, Indiana, have been wondering ever since a group of school children noticed what appeared to be a tear-stained cheek on a statue of Mary at St. Mary Catholic Church.
The sight of the 'weeping' sculpture is moving some people to tears as others caution against a rush to judgment.
The white statue, about 4 feet tall, depicts Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Surrounded by tulips waiting to bloom, it stands in what parishioners call the 'sunken garden' along Broad Street and is the site of the annual May crowning.
Majdolin Haddad, religious education secretary at St. Mary, said her daughter Reta, an aide in the fourth-grade Monday night class, told her about the tear.
Students in the class had left the church after confession, paused at the statue to pray and noticed a droplet of water clinging to the chin of Mary's face, appearing to originate from the right eye.
A photo taken Tuesday morning shows the droplet intact. It was gone by early afternoon.
Read more: Hundreds flock to see statue of Mary
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