Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Pope calls for peace, asking leaders to show the courage to negotiate
The following news story and video is from RomeReports.com:
In light of the ongoing conflict in Mali, Syria and Algeria, during Sunday's Angelus, Benedict XVI made a new call for peace. More specifically he asked for a new round of negotiations, that can pave the way to a peaceful accord.
“Once again, I ask that you pray for peace, so that all the open conflicts, may cease, including the violence and death of inocent civilans. May leaders find the courage to speak and negotiate peace.”
With the week of Prayer for Christian Unity taking place from the 18th to the 25th of January, the Pope talked about the need to pray for this very intention. He also talked about the Community of Taizé, an ecumenical youth group, which recently came to Rome.
“It was very significant for me, to have celebrated this vigil nearly a month ago in this very square with thousands of youths from all over Europe, including the ecumencial youth group of TaizĂ©. It was a moment of grace in which we experienced the beauty of building one force, under Christ.”
Reflecting on Sunday's Gospel, in which the Virgin Mary asks Jesus to do something when the wine begins to run out at a wedding, the Pope asked pilgrims to pray to Mary for Christian Unity.
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