Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Catholic Church studying possible miracle of John Paul II in Yucatan, Mexico

Catholic Church studying possible miracle of John Paul II in Yucatan, Mexico

The following news story from is regarding a miracle attributed to Blessed John Paul II:

( - In the coming days, an official study will look at an alleged miracle obtained through the intercession of the Blessed John Paul II in the state of Yucatan, Mexico.

The case is the healing of this woman, Sara Guadalupe Fuentes GarcĂ­a. She was suddenly cured of a tumor that blocked 80% of her throat and required emergency surgery.

It was during the recent visit of John Paul II relics to Mexico. The woman says that she had placed a picture of the pope on her chest and throat to ask for healing.

The bishop of Yucatan will investigate the case. If confirmed, it could become the miracle to be submitted to the pope to declare the Blessed John Paul II as a saint.

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