Thursday, June 18, 2009

Metuchen Roman Catholic Diocese investigates possible miracle -

by Jeff Diamant/The Star-Ledger

The following excerpt is from the article which appeared on

METUCHEN -- The Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen is helping oversee a church investigation into whether a nun being considered for sainthood caused a miracle.

The case involves Mother Mary Angeline Teresa McCrory, who died in 1984 at age 91 and was foundress of the Carmelite Sisters For The Aged And Infirm.

A married couple in New Jersey whose unborn baby was diagnosed with a genetic disorder is claiming prayers to McCrory helped their child, who was born far healthier than expected, said Mother Mark Louis Randall, superior general of the Carmelite order, based in Germantown, N.Y.

She said another member of the order, who is related to the couple, had suggested they pray to McCrory.

Citing privacy reasons, church officials would not identify the family making the miracle claim, except to say the parents live within the boundaries of the Metuchen Diocese, which includes Middlesex, Hunterdon, Warren and Somerset counties. They also would not say when the child was born.

To be canonized, a person must be credited after death with interceding in two miracles. People credited with interceding with one are beatified and given the title "Blessed."

McCrory, born in Ireland in 1891, joined an order called the Little Sisters of the Poor in 1910. She later founded the Carmelite Sisters For The Aged And Infirm, in 1929, in New York. That order now has 198 sisters in seven states and Ireland.

To read complete story, please visit the following link: Mother Mary Angeline Teresa McCrory
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