Monday, December 17, 2007

Mother of Perpetual Help - For Financial Aid

Mother of Perpetual Help - For Financial Aid

Realizing, dear Mother Mary,
that thou art our Perpetual Help not only in spiritual
but likewise in temporal necessities,
we approach thee with submissive and humble hearts,
because we have a child-like confidence in thy power and goodness,
beseeching thee to assist us in our present financial worry.
Owing to untoward circumstances which have arisen in our lives,
we are in dire want, being unable to meet our honest debts.
We are not asking, dearest Mother for wealth,
if possession of it is not in accordance with the holy will of God;
we merely beg for that assistance which will enable us
to satisfy our pressing obligations.
We believe, dear Mother,
that thou art the Queen of heaven and earth,
and, as such,
the instrument and special dispensation of thy Son Jesus Christ;
that thou hast acquired by virtue of thy wonderful dignity,
a sweet jurisdiction over all creation.
We believe that thou art not only rich and bountiful,
but extremely kind and generous to all thy loving children.
We plead with thee then, dear Mother,
to obtain for us the help we so urgently need in our present financial difficulty.
We thank thee, dear Lady and promise to publish far and wide,
the marvels of thy glorious Picture.

Please visit the following link for a copy of the novena or other prayers of interest:


  1. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ

    Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

    People who use this prayer say, This is a powerful prayer--Have complete faith in God's promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing, Efficacious, Effective.

    * This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it and asked for you requests - This Prayer must be published.

    1. I have prayed to the shoulder wound of Jesus Christ. We are in need of financial assistance. We are about to lose our home and everything we have worked so hard for. Please grant us this request. Amen

    2. I have prayed To the shoulder of chris for help for me and my family. Thank you for yor many blessing you have done for me in the past. I love you Jesus !

    3. I have prayed to The Shoulder of Christ for financial help. Thank you for the blessings me and my family receives from you. Please grant my request. Amen!

    4. I have prayed To the shoulder wound of Jesus Christ for the Financial help for me and my family. Thank you for yor many blessing you have done for me in the past. I love you Jesus !

    5. Thank you God for showing me the way! I have put a prayer for intercession for financial help. I pray that it may be answered soon. All in God's glory and name. Amen

    6. Please grant me help Jesus.

    7. I have prayed to the SHOULDER WOUND OF JESUS CHRIST. I believe that soon my family will be lifted from financial turmoil. We have lost all that we have worked for, ever since my family left our country. My family have experienced hardship but faith kept my family strong in all adversities and God's amazing grace helped us weather the storm in seven years.

    8. I have prayed to the shoulder wound of Jesus Christ. I firmly believe that He will uplift all our hardships. Thank you Lord for all the blessings received, for taking care of our cares and worries.

    9. I have prayed to the shoulder wound of Jesus Christ. Have mercy on us Lord. Our desperation with the adversities we have encountered from migrating to another country had cause so much hurt, hardship to my family but you never abondoned us. You always take care of our daily bread but we asked for our overwhelming debts to be totally eradicated from our lives. May we enter the covenant of your wealth by creating the kingdom of God in this earthly life. I can feel Lord that you will grant earnest plea, that everything will fall in place. We so love you LOrd. I surrender everything to you dear God.

    10. Lord I believe in you. I surrender all my cares and worries. Soon all our problems will be answered because you love us dear Lord. Have mercy on us dear Jesus, have mercy.

    11. Dearest Mother Mary, I hope I and my family are still worthy of thy help and intercession with thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ , for the very urgent or immediate financial help that we need to meet payment of my son's tuition, our outstanding bills, our and my mother's much-needed medicines and other necessities. Please hear us, Mama Mary. Amen.

    12. Dearest Mother Mary,
      Thank you for the financial help that we received which we asked of thee thru thy intercession with thy son our Lord Jesus. It came just a little while after I published my request and in time when we needed it most. Though we still have so much financial problems currently besetting us, that financial aid was a great relief to our burden. Thank you very much and please help us still, if it isn't to much of an asking from the Most Loving Mother and Queen of Heaven.

    13. I have prayed the shoulder of wound prayer, thank you jesus for answering my prayers. I love you. Thank you mother Mary, I love you, thank you at Jude I love you. ML

    14. this is the day we have all been waiting for for my family to be uplifted from financial turmoil. May the Lord's Grace reign on the sale of our property and let nothing impede the rapid conclusion of the sale. May the buyer have the sincerest intentions and may they also find us with the same mutual feeling. Please cover both parties today to enter into the covenant of your wealth and a treaty must bind us and cover us toward eternal salvation.Entering into this contract will help us answer all our temporal needs on this earthly life and be able to answer all the financial obligations that is making us drown. Please Lord help us surface from our woes through this property sale and we promise to give back all your glory, just take care of everything Lord and we'll do the rest.I love you. I trust in you!

    15. For those of you who have thought lost their faith and find life so hopeless. Please hold on to your faith and be it steadfast. The Lord will surely lift all your cares and worries. Surrender everything to HIM, trusting HIM that He will come to rescue us when we're about to drown from all the storms of life. I can attest to all the miracles that happened to my family in seven years of struggle when my family migrated from another country. Losing all that we have worked hard for, but the Lord had always been there for us, he never abandoned us, it had been a vicious cycle in seven years and just as we're at the brink of collapsing again, HE ENTERED AND TOOK CARE OF EVERYTHING. Now i it up for us to make things work and make things grow to live in prosperity with the Lord. Serving Him and giving back the glory to HIM. So please, have a tenacious grip on your faith, He will never let you down. He truly truly loves each and everyone of us. All the hurdles that comes into our life is a test on how far we can go, don't give up, keep on fighting. NO PAIN NO GAIN. You reap/harvest what you have planted. In Jesus Name, AMEN!

    16. Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
      I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer.

      I thank Jesus for all He does for me and my family. He will answer this prayer also.


    17. The Soulder Wound of Christ Prayer
      Trust this prayer to help you overcome all difficulties in your life. AMEN

    18. I have prayed the Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ for financial help this week, and love peace and joy in my life.
      Thank you Jesus for your blessings. Amen

    19. I have just prayed the Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ prayer. Please, hear and answer my prayer today and the rest of this week. This is truly an emergency.....I will forever make your name known. Thank You

    20. I have pryed to the shoulder of Jesus to grant us a financial miracle as our family is in a state of financial crisis with both my wife and me being forced into unemployment. A ask Jesus to grant me a miracle.

    21. I have prayed to shoulder wound of Jesus for a financial miracle. My wife and I have both been pushed into unemployment and will soon lose everything

    22. I pray for a financial miracle. We are in a desperate situation and we are about to loose our home . We need a financial miracle.
      We love you you jesus and need ypur help. Forgive us our sins as we repent to you in your holy name.
      We love you and adorn you.

  2. I have prayed to The Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ I have never heard this prayer but my son is in dire need of a situation which came into his life today, unfortunately it is money I ask for his sake that the Mother of Perpetual Help for financial assistance to get him thru this by me getting a loan for him. I ask Gods forgiveness for money but I felt that it was needed.

  3. "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

  4. I pray to the Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ for help with my financial crisis. I pray that all my problems and the problems of the world be uplifted through Jesus name, Amen.

  5. Ipray to the Holy Shoulder wound of Jesus Christ,please help me Lord to come out from my financial crisis and rescue the health of my mum who has been sick for more than 2 years now. Please i pray that heal her. Forgive my trespasses dear Lord.Recieve all the glory and honour in Mighty name, Amen. Benson, Nairobi,Kenya.

  6. A great graces we will always received thru our faith from Mama Mary to Jesus!!!

  7. A beautiful prayer. The Holy Shoulder of Jesus. I will publish these words so that others may be blessed with God's graces and goodness in the name of Jesus Christ....thx be to God

  8. Thank You Lord for hearing my prayer request for financial help, and for my R.A.

  9. Thank you Jesus Christ and Mother Mary for hearing my prayer for financial help.

  10. Please pray for Ting. She is so down with financial trouble, Thank you for your prayers.

  11. Please pray for me Joanna, to get out of my financial problem.
    I needed God's miraculous help for my desperate and seemingly impossible cases.
    I needed a Loan urgently to pay off my problem, I pray that God will send me a helper for me.
    Thank you so very much.

  12. May all your prayers be answered.

  13. Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me. Phyllis

  14. I pray to God and to the mother of perpetual help to help us in our difficult financial times and to be able to pay our difficulties, Lord I please ask you to help us please. What a beautiful prayer of the Mother of Perpetual help; please intercede for us.

  15. Mother of Perpetual Help,I ask you to intercede on my behalf. Lord Jesus, please save my son. I beg You to dismiss the case filed against him. He is innocent. Please let Your love surrounds and protect my son in this trial. Please enlighten and give my son the strength and increase his faith in You. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put all my trust in You. Amen.

  16. I pray to Jesus and beg the intersession of Mother Mary to elp me with my dire financial need and a offer of a good job and a desperate plea to be realesd from the hands of my present employer.
    Praise and worship you my Lord

  17. marites bernaldez
    i pray to jesus and beg the intescession of mary to help us in our financial need to affer a agood job ror my husband and bear a child of our own...

  18. I have prayed this prayer daily and our financial crisis is improving every day

  19. I pray to the holy shoulder wound of Jesus, and beg the intersession of Mary to help me with my financial situation, and ask the Lord Almighty to help me to achieve success in the work that i have put in place in my business projects. Give me strength and wisdom Lord Jesus to be able to use the blessing you have given me and the blessings I am to recieve from you to help and aid others in need.

  20. I converted to Catholicism last year. I left a lucrative job two weeks prior to my confirmation because it was corrupt and I knew it would not conform with my new walk with Christ. I am married with three small children. I am financially ruined and completely desparate. I started a business during RCIA and felt that God's hand was in it. It is still not able to provide for us. I pray that God would bless this business so that I can provide for my family and those around me. And to relieve me of this tremendous financial burden that has come upon me and my family. Please pray that I am worthy of His promises and that I will be restored soon performing work that is acceptable to Him.

  21. May the good Lord answer prayers for all who are in need of divine assistance.

  22. The love of my life has been suffering from many predicaments – emotional and financial. He is suffering in his heart and I am extremely worried of his health as these pressures put a lot of strain on him coupled with other temporal problems that life has continued to exert on him. We have only You Lord to help us out of our debts in this time of financial and emotional crises. I am not even worthy to pray and ask anything of you Oh Lord and Heavenly Mother Mary, but I am ever so grateful for the graces your have always showered on me, principally by bringing my most true and pure love into my life. Please help him God...please help him in this turmoil, please become his strength and perseverance. Have compassion for my mana Mother Mary. We both seek your help to clear all the monetary debts that my darling continues to experience.

    We only continue to ask of you dear Lord, but never thank You enough. Thank You God for Your love and giving us each other’s undying love and trust.
    - Anonymous

  23. Thank you Lord for all your garce and kindness, I praise you for all that you have done for me, good and the difficult are my God and in you I trust...Amen

  24. Thank you Blessed Mother. Please hold me near your heart & release me from my financial troubles. In Jesus name I pray.

  25. health.heallings.cures.need it now.good medicine for a cure.remove side effects from med. good breathing ability for j.d.t.grant unanswered prayer.take care of all areas for good out come.long life

  26. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ

    Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

    People who use this prayer say, This is a powerful prayer--Have complete faith in God's promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing, Efficacious, Effective.

    * This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it and asked for you requests - This Prayer must be published.

  27. May the Lord hear and grant my prayers and will assist me in my financial difficulties. All I pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Amen

  28. Thank you heavenly Father for your great gifts. Please guide me to use it wisely. My life is yours. Amen

  29. I have never seen this prayer reflecting on the Shoulder Would of Jesus before, but what a comfort it is to see it today. I pray to our Mother of Perpetaul Help for her loving intercession, and to her Son Jesus Christ, our loving Savior to please plead my request for financial assistance before our Merciful Father. I do not want to lose my house and have to uproot my family, so I pray for a financial miracle to pay my immediate debt. Thank you heavenly family for your comfort and prayers.

  30. God is faithful at all times.We praise God for his mercies.I trust God and i know that all will be well.Our situation is desperate but i am trusting God .Catherine-Kenya

  31. I also am in the financial jam of a lifetime. Trying to live on $389.00 a month and just about haave lost everything including my home. I pray to the HOLY BLESSEDD VIRGIN MARY MOTHER OF GOD AND JESUS for all of you as I know how this feels and the damage it is doing to us all. I hope somehow in spirit that we cann all join hands and ask simultaneously because I once heard that if two or more agree on anything it shall be done for them. I cannot cite the scripture and hopefully someone knows it. I humbly beg God and Holy Mother for help for us all! Thank you Holy Mother and Jesus and all the Angles and Saints for listening to our pleas!!!!!!!!! love Steve

  32. “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:19-20

    Steve, let us join together in prayer and ask Our Lady to intercede on behalf all who are in need of God's mercy and financial assistance.

    May our prayers be answered with God's favor.

    1. Thank you for your prayers Loci B. Lenar, may the Lord Almighty favour be on you and bless you abundantly always ..

  33. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all.

  34. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ

    Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

    People who use this prayer say, This is a powerful prayer--Have complete faith in God's promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing, Efficacious, Effective.

    * This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it and asked for you requests - This Prayer must be published.

  35. May the Lord hear my prayer today and grand my request so that my step son and his family find their home to move into and settle down in peace and harmony. Thank you Lord for all you have done for me, I worship and praise you my Lord...Amen

  36. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help, as i call onto you in the name of your son Jesus Christ, please hear me as i ask for financial aid,inother for me to do repairs on my roof which needs to be repaired urgently.I ask for your continued blessings upon my family and myself in Jesus name i pray,,,,,AMEN

  37. Please Lord u know our special needs we trust in you. We want to serve you till the end of this world.

  38. Thank you lord for hearing my prayer and request. My family is in need of financial help. We are so close to losing everything we have worked so hard for. Please help us. Amen

  39. Aloha and mahalo Lord Jesus Christ My Savior and Guiding light. Without you I am nothing and unworthy. Because of you I am who I am still there is so much I need to learn from your sacrifice on the Cross. My situation is dire and I need financial help. I humbly ask for your aid and mercy.My family and company are close to drowning and being lost in the sea. Please answer My Prayer. So that we may help the others in need of help in the world. I pray for this with humility and hopefulness though Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior Amen

  40. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer.

    Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

  41. Please jesus help me in my great need that I am able to meet all my pressing debts

  42. May the Lord hear and grant my prayers and will assist me in my financial difficulties for the tuition fee enrollment of my daughter. I believe that my power is my prayer and faith onto you. All I pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Amen

  43. Thank you so much for sharing this prayer. I prayed using this prayer and it was granted.

    Thank you, Lord, for your goodness and kindness. Praise the Lord!

  44. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ

    Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

    People who use this prayer say, This is a powerful prayer--Have complete faith in God's promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing, Efficacious, Effective.

    * This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it and asked for you requests - This Prayer must be published.


    1. I am saying the shoulder wound of Jesus prayer for a financial miracle and financial security for me and my family. Please also take away this disappointment in prayers not answered and all of this oppression and grief I am experiencing. I need additional money to come quickly to get caught up with my bills and pay off my credit card debts. I have 3 kids...please help. All of our family and friends are so blessed and fruitful while my life is galling apart. I have bee so los to God's goodness for so long. I has abandoned me. Please Jesus honor your name and your power.

  45. It says that the prayer to the shoulder wound of the Lord is for serious emergencies, I believe I am in a serious emergency.I need money for my mortgage payment, that I am behind in.My mortgage is almost paid I owe $23ooo on it.My husband passed away 2 years ago this July 10th.I live on a fixed income and I am helping my daughter raise my 2 granddaughters, ages 7 & 8. The father of my granddaughters doesnt help.he is suppose to pay $560 a month and last week he sent my daughter $31.Please pray that God gives us some financial relief.

  46. I am humbled....

  47. Nice post. Great article. I visit this post first time really a nice post. I like this post. This is nice step and helpful for all people. Thanks for sharing.

    Chris W Schlegel

  48. Sweet loving Perpetual Mother please help me in my financial help for Amy and I.Sweet Lord Jesus Christ I pray to you and the wounded shoulder you carried the cross upon for me and us.Please bless us with enough finances to help with all we need and especially for a house.Father and holy Spirit hear my cry and pray for enough to get me through.Amen

  49. Dearest Mother Mary and Blessed Savior, Lord Jesus, please forgive my sins of ignorance and denial which played a role in our current circumstances. Thank you so much for your mercy and grace in my life and the the lives of my two young sons. I pray for your favor over our finances. We are increasingly desperate and need your help. Please bestow your mercy and blessing upon all your people who are in pain and in need. Thank you for showing me my errors and for teaching me your ways with patience and grace. Amen.

  50. Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross. Please provide us with an income immediately to meet all our needs, and Please bring about reconciliation of our family. Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

    People who use this prayer say, This is a powerful prayer--Have complete faith in God's promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing, Efficacious, Effective.

    * This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it and asked for you requests - This Prayer must be published.

  51. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help. Please help me in my current financial difficulties. I have prayed the Should Wound of the Lord. I really need to pay my bank debts and other obligations. Thank you and hope you will grant my request. In Jesus name. Amen!

  52. Dear mother of Jesus,I have prayed the Shoulder Wound of Chist my Savior. My crisis is overwhelming and my debt to the IRS is insurmountable without your intersession on our behalf. Please help us satisfy them and grant us the power,help and guidance to overcome this obstacle.We dont ask for more than we need we just need your help in granting us mercy and the ability to pay our debts.Thank you. In Jesus Name I humbly Pray Amen!

  53. Dear Blessed Lord Jesus, please hear my cry!, I'm in great debts, please forgive me for my sins, grant me your divine blessings that I may pay this debts and grant us peace. Thank you Jesus. Amen

  54. My mother has had several strokes and our mobilhome is not suitable to renovate to bring her home. we need financial help with bills and to build her a home to come home to. I know the Lord will see to our finances, Mom's health and give us guidence with and money he sends us.

  55. I pray to the Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ to help me in my financial need. Please help provide for me and my family so that we can pay our bills. Lord I plea with you for speedy help. Show me the way Lord.

  56. Please pray for my co-workers son. He was just diagnosed with Melanoma. Pray that it will disappear and he will lead a long and healthy life.

  57. I pray Oh Lord Jesus Christ to bless me financially as I'm in great needs. I can't handle it alone, please help me. In your great name I pray and I believe, amen.

  58. Lord Jesus Christ..please grant my me for my financial crisis..Lord I have so much problem with finances..i know you are the one who can help me..i trust you lord and i love you..

  59. dear mother of perpetual help,
    i call unto you, pls help me in my financial in great need.i cant handle this me to have money and pay all my depths that is due as soon as mother, i plea with you for speedy help.pls show me the way.
    in your great name i pray and have faith.. amen.

  60. Dear Lord Sweet Jesus,

    Please hear my pleas for help with my financial debts. I pray for financial freedoms, once I have freedom I want to help others in distress and help animals in shelters.

    In your name I pray Amen

  61. Dear mother of perpetual help,

    I call unto you to please help me with my financial difficulties.I have been struggling far too long and am desiring to be free of my financial responsiblities. To have financial freedom so that I can help others in the same predicament that I am in now and also to help animals in the shelters.

    Please I ask in your name. I pray and have faith. Amen.

  62. Dear Mother of Perpetual Help , please help my family by granting us a financial miracle that allows us to keep our home.

  63. Mother of Perpetual Help, please pray for me, to get out of my financial problem.
    I needed God's miraculous help for my desperate and seemingly impossible cases.
    Thank you very much. Joanna

  64. I humbly pray to the shoulder wound of Jesus Christ and our Lady of Perpetual Help for financial help needed and for employment to help with my financial needs. Amen

  65. Thank you Mother of Perpetual Help for granting my urgent request for a job. I will now be able to meet my financial responsibilities without hardship. Thank you!
    ~ Rachel

  66. I have prayed this prayer as I need a monumental answer to financial woes that are consuming me night and day. I have gone into debt helping others and feel that I was foolish for doing so. Yet I would do it again as it was for family members. Oh Lord Jesus speak to my soul and provide me with the means to save my home and restore my emotional health.

  67. lord jesus please help me and my family finacial so we can pay are bills and eat we do not need extra please help me feel like my self again since the lose of my mom thank you jesus mary for always watching over us please help us not loose are home please let us get busy at work and keep us healthy i will give back lord jesus i promise i love you

  68. thank you Jesus for all the blessing that you are giving to me..i love you Jesus

  69. Dear Lord, please bless my family with the financial miracle we desperately need to pay our debts and purchase a furnace for our home. Thank you for all the blessing you have given us especially the miracles my son has received.

  70. Dear Lord I am praying for your help and guidance thrue this time of financial crisis.It seems around this time of year we find ourselves in financial turmoil as so many things are due at one time. I fear that I,m drowning in a whirlpool surrounded by a storm. Only my faith keeps me afloat. My burden and worries seem insurmountable. Also I know I am not the only one who needs your help. Please grant us what we need to keep on truckin. And help those in need of your grace and love around the world. I humbly pray through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior Amen and Aloha Ke'Akua

  71. i said this prayer asking for assistance and the next week we received several unexpected checks. we thank thee for helping in such a difficult time.

  72. I have pray to the Shoulder Wound of Christ asking for help in my financial crisis so that i can pay all my debts. Thank you LORD JESUS for the blessing u have giving me & my family in our daily live. In JESUS CHRIST, MARRY & ALL THE SAINTS i pray. Amen.

  73. I came acorss this prayer while looking for the words I need to help me prayer for the pressing need of a financial miracle/blessing. I pray this prayer with both a open mind and open heart. My soul reach out and embrace the words as I spoke them. I don't quiet know what it means that I am to publish far and wide the picture, but I will publish far and wide the miracle, the prayer in order to help even one other person. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Amen!

  74. Dear Lord, please help me and my family. We are in a financial crisis and need your help to save our home. My husband and I are so grateful for all of our blessings, our healthy children and our wonderful marriage. We struggle financially, and pray for financial peace. Please Lord help us! These fiancial strains are unbearable, the effects emotionally are at their toll - please hear my prayer for help. Amen.

  75. I have prayed for financial help, to lessen the huge stress I am under daily. Please lord help me!

  76. Shoulder wound of Jesus Christ can be said once for serious emergencies. Never known to fail. Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of thy shoulder, on which thou didst bear thy heavy cross , which so tore thy flesh and laid thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of thy most blessed body.I adore thee, oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify thee and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and Sacred and Painful wound beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain and by the crushing burden of thy heavy cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of the Cross. Please provide us with financial help that we so desprately need to pay all our debt and obligations personally and for our business. Please help our dad feel stronger and to remove his pain.Amen to all. This prayer will never fail! Publication must happen immediately after prayer. Note from donor:for a speedy help in any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus.For urgent causes .People who use this prayer say this is a powerful prayer. Have complete faith in Gods promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing ,Efficaions, Effective. This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help.After you have said it and asked for your requests this prayer must be published.

  77. Mother Mary I humbly ask for your to intercede to your son to help lift my families financial burden. I am truly greatful for all the blessings God has given to me and my family and ask of this so our family can better serve God. Please hear my prayers.

  78. Dear Lord, I am surrounded on all sides by financial burdens that are impossible for me and my partner to overcome. Only my faith in you keeps me sane. I know that only your help thus far has kept us afloat. And I am thankfull. Please gift us with enough to satisfy our obligations and be able to help others who need help. I ask you to take command of our business and our lives. I dedicate my life to your will and ask only to succeed in living in the footsteps of your Son Jesus our Savior. We humbly pray for your blessings Amen,Aloha and Mahalo

  79. Please pray for our family getting through this difficult time. Our obligations are becoming harder to fullfill so any prayers and help is greatly accepted Pray for us AMEN

  80. Please pray for our family. We need financial help. Thank You Jesus


  81. I prayed to the Shoulder Wound of Jesus, for financial assistance and for work / clients. Please answer my prayers, Lord.

  82. Dear Holy Mother of our savior, Jesus Christ, please hear my prayer and grant me my prayer for financial help!. Thank you! for all your blessings. Love you!

  83. I have prayed the the shoulder wound of Jesus Christ for my urgent financial needs,m in dare financial need to pay up my brothers school fee, take care of my other obligation and pay up a pending debt. I prayed with faith and I know that my Jesus never fail. Thank you Jesus for answering my prays.amen

  84. We are in alot of honest debt, and with small children with needs to take care of and ony one salary it is so very hard to make ends meet. The worry and the stress is dragging me down to the point where I cannot be the happy mother my children need to see. I worry day and night, trying to work things out. My husband is too laid back and doesn't understand my worry, he belives that if one is in debt, that is how it is......we will slowly slowly go under, if something isn't done soon. I am worried Oh Lord Jesus, please help us and clear my mind of worry so I can function to the best of my ability for the sake of my beautiful children. Amen

  85. Thank you mother for helping me and please continue to help me and my family i lost my home my van broke and i don't have a job I'm just praying to get by and i love you and thank you

  86. Thank you Blessed Mother for your constant prayers. Thank you Jesus for all the favors you have granted over time, there are too many to put here. We have been struggling financially for a few years and you have helped us so many times when we have asked and we are so thankful that you love us and we can continue to come to you for help. We need enough money to pay our debts in a timely manner. Toni

  87. Blessed be the Mother, and Praise Jesus! I want to thank you for all the many blessings in my life! I pray for financial freedom. I don't look to be rich, just enough to pay our debts. Our bank is not going to renew our mortgage balloon next month, and we owe so much to the irs and our state for income and employment taxes, I don't see a way out! We need a financial miracle! After losing our 7 month old grandbaby 5 years ago, we lost ourselves. Our business faltered and the economy crashed...Now we can't catch up and our bank took advantage of our demise and offered a refinance right after our loss that has left us in worse shape than we were already in! I pray for any help at all! Praise Jesus!

    1. I am in a similiar situation with my finances and business. I am sorry for the loss of your grandbaby. I continue to pray everyday. We are not debt free yet but I am feeling less stressed out and anxious. I continue to pray to The Blessed Mother and her son everyday to help me get through each day. God is Good! Our prayers may not be respond to our prayers in the manner we are looking for but he has a plan for us. This has taken me awhile to accept and it has been difficult to accept. Keep praying and I will pray for you too. Good Luck and God Bless!

  88. Thank you O Blessed Mary of Perpetual Help and Most Divine Jesus for all your help today and answering my prayers to you. You are amzaing.

  89. O Lord Christ, I thank you for your blessings upon on this day. We thank u for your mercies. I pray for Carl, that u guide him in the right direction in his life. Show him the way to better decisions & happiness in his life. Let him see those around him that really care for his well being. I pray for his parents, continue to give them wisdom and strength to assist their son-for this ask Lord Jesus Christ amen

  90. O Blessed Mary of Perpetual Help, thank you for your continued help and guidance in my family's financial need. I pray that my husband gets this new job that he is applying for, we could really use the extra money to help us payoff our honest debts. For this I pray O Blessed Mary.

  91. O Lord Christ, I pray for my husband, who is feeling worthless and wants to give up on our family and his life. Please keep him positive and feel your love and guidance through today. Help him to see his importance in our lives and that as humans we make mistakes and we need to just ask for forgiveness and not just run away. In your name Jesus Christ have mercy on him.

  92. O Mary Mother of Perpetual Help, I thank you for all the blessings you have brought to my family. I pray that we are approved for the mortgage modification program. For this I ask thee, O Blessed Mother, Amen

  93. I have prayed that I may be grant a US Visa so that I can visit and take care of my very ill father.

  94. I pray to the Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ and to Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help for my husband today. I pray that he has a safe and calm, stress free day. I pray that the money that he has in his pocket will be more than enough to accomplish his goal today. I pray that the car does not break down and that everything will work out smoothly.

  95. I am in urgent need of financial assistance for my daughters education, paying house rentals, to settle my debts. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY FAMILY. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

  96. Our Lady of Perpetual help, please assist us in our finances and ask Jesus to give me some work that I can handle. Also, Jesus thank you for restoring my health. Please grant that I may fully recover from my present condition. Watch over my children. Thank you for what you have already given me

  97. I have prayed To the shoulder wound of Jesus Christ for the Financial help for me and my family. Thank you God for the many blessing you have provided in the past. My faith sometimes is weak but my love for you is always strong. Thank you Dear Jesus.

  98. Thank you, Our Lady of Perpetual help for your blessings upon my family. I continue to pray to you for financial assistance and guidance. Thank you.

  99. Dear Mother Mary, Thank you for all the graces you have bestowed on me and my family. Also, thank you and Jesus for my lovely wife Donna, help her with her arthritis condition. Please pray to Jesus for me and thank him for this this upcoming job and ask him to overlook my ingratitude. Help me to have complete faith in God and let everything go to him

  100. Our Lady, Thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed on my family, ask Jesus to guide me everyday. I ask that you make me a better husband, father and grandfather. Please ask Jesus to help me find continal employment so I may be able to start giving more to the church, and I can pay my honest debts. Also, to help provide for my childrens needs. Lord your will be done not mine

  101. I just prayed to The Mother of Perpetual help and The Shoulder Wound of Christ, for financial assistance and some work (I work freelance). My situation is dire and urgent, I humbly pray and beseech Thee that my prayers are answered.

  102. Lord,
    I pray in your name and through the suffering endured through your shoulder wounds; to be freed from all of my financial debts. I also ask for your assistance in finding the right new job as my current teaching positions are going away. I promise if I could pay all my debts, I will dedicate myself to bringing souls to you and to our mother Mary. I owe so much that I will be paying for them until I am old. I want so much to be able to dedicate my work and life more to you and to teaching others about you. I cannot do this now because I am so burdened by these financial worries. Please grant me this request and then show me how best I can serve you in my vocation, with all of myself, not just with a tiny part. I ask this in the name of Jesus and the wounds he bore from the weight of his cross. Amen.

  103. Thank you Jesus for all you have given me and thank you Blessed Mother for your graces and for watching over me and my family. I stumble sometimes but you are alawys there to pick me up and show me the way back to your Son. Please continue to help me get to heaven and be with you and Jesus for all eternity

  104. Dearest Mama Mary
    Once again we come to thee for financial help. Please help us in this most needing time of our family. For my mother's medication, my son's practicum/on-the-job training expenses, our delinquent house rent and utility bills, and for our daily subsistence. Please help us Mother Mary.

  105. Blessed Mother Thank you for your intervention with our son. His decision to accept treatment was because you and Jesus stepped in and took over. Please continue to guide him so he can start going back to church and stay on the right path. Thank you Jesus for my wonderful wife, please cure her arthritis so she may be able to face the days without pain. Thank you for restoring my health and I ask you and the Blessed Mother to guide the doctor's hand if I have this present procedure done

  106. Our Lady Of Perpetual Help,thank you for all the graces you have given me. Please stay with me and watch over me daily, you know I stumble often and need your motherly guidance to keep me strong. Jesus please help me with my finances and lead our children back to church. Please make them understand that you are the way. Your will be done not mine

  107. Our Lady in heaven, Thank you for everything you have granted me. I look for your guidance throughout the day, I know I don't thank you and honor you enough, but I am trying. Ask Jesus to watch over me all times and to take care of our son and his family. Thank you for the job I am starting today, keep me healthy to finish it. Guide the doctor's hand for my procedure next week. I put all this in your hands. Your will be done, not mine.

  108. Our Lady in heaven, please ask Jesus to watch over my family and to intervene in my financial situation. Grant me a steady job so that I may be able to pay my medical bills. Watch over me during my procedure monday and let me be healthy to work again. Please ask Jesus to take our financial burden off my lovely wife Donna's mind, we are both struggling with this. Gods will be done

  109. Mother Mary, Thank you for the gift of my grandchildren, watch over them and let them grow up healthy and prosperous. Please help our son return to church and to stay on the right path with his AA meetings. Ask Jesus to help him with his finances Thank you and Jesus for all you have given us/

  110. Thank you, Our Lady of Perpetual Help for the blessing we received yesterday. Please continue to bless not only my family but all others praying to you for financial assistance. I am truly blessed and unworthy-thank you.

  111. Good morning Jesus and Our Lady, Thank you both for all the gifts which you have given me. Mother Mary please ask ask Jesus to guide the doctor's hand for my surgery tomorrow, and take our financial worry away. Let me fully recover from this procedure and grant me continual work to pay my debts and medical bills. Please take care of Donna's arthritis and ease the burden of finances on her, Thank you. Lord your will be done not mine.

  112. Mother Mary, Thank Jesus for the good results of my surgery. Ask him to grant my continued improvement to a full recovery so I may do a full day's work again. Please ask him to gine me continuos employment. Also thank you for being with me in the hospital and watching over me, guiding the doctor and surgical staff. Thank you for my lovely wife Donna who is there with me every step of the way. Ask Jesus to give her relief from her arthritis and to lift our financial burden from her mind. Lord your will be done

  113. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer.

  114. Thank you Jesus for everything you have given me, grant that I may have continual health,and please give me work to pay my honest debts. Blessed Mary thank you for watching over and guiding me throughout the day, please continue to show us the way to your Son

  115. Dear, Mother Our Perpetual Helper and Shoulder wound of Jesus Christ,
    I come to you today in prayers to ask You Our Blessed Mother and Jesus for some help with my financial problems to obtain the Enough money needed to payoff two months of rent plus the late fees and court cost that is due this week in court and to pay my power bill that is also due on the same as my court date. I can not due this on my own and I come to you today in prayers asking for just enough money to get out of debt with rent and over due bills and this hardship that I am going through now in my life right now. I Love you Our Mother and Jesus and hope that you will answer my prayers.

  116. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.I ask for your divine mercy for a single mom and her 2 daughters, help them with their finances so they can keep their home and live happily in your love. Amen to all.
    O Holy Mary of Mother of Perpetual Help I pray for this family to receive a miracle-help them with their financial situation as you have always help me and my family through our stuggles for this I pray to You-Amen

  117. Oh Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help-I ask for assistance today for enough money for food for my family this week. We are awaiting some money but it has not arrived yet- O Blessed Mary hear my prayer and have mercy on my family-Amen

  118. Mother Mary Ask Jesus to grant me the job I applied for and to keep me healthy so I can work and pay my medical bills and get us out of financial trouble. Thank you for watching over my family and help our son be safe on his new job. Thank you for my grandchildren and my darling wife Donna, she is my rock. Also, ask Jesus to cure her arthritis.

  119. O Blessed Mary of Perpetual help please help my family. We are in need of some emergency finances soon. You have been do good to us during this whole financial mess we have put ourselves in. "Thank You" is not enough to describe the gratefulness I feel. We have reached a critical point, my husband needs money to finish a job in order to get paid....have mercy on us, Our Lady-amen

  120. Blesed mother please help me provide for my family in this difficult times in order to meet all my obligations and be able to move and help me provide food for my family so that in turn I can help others in need. Amen.

    Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer.

  121. Blessed Mother, Thank you for all the graces you have bestowed upon me. Please ask Jesus to intervene so I may get enough steady work to pay my debts. We are blessed more than alot of other people, but we are still in a financial crisis that only God can alleviate. Thank you Lord for our son and daughter in law, and also for our grandchildren. Lord your will be done.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. These prayers really works. Thank you lord Jesus.thank you mother mary

  124. Thank you, Blessed Mother for your blessings that came at the right time. I am so grateful for your love and blessings. I continue to pray to you be able to pay my honest debts but I am so blessed by you with what you have already given my family and I. Thank you so much! O Blessed Mother.

  125. thank you mother Mary for praying for me my family is in need of a home please pray for me that I am able to buy a home thank you

  126. mother Mary please continue to pray for me I love you

  127. Thank you O Blessed Mother for my husband's second interview. I continue to pray for him to get this job.-Thank you

  128. Blessed Mother, I come in the Name of Jesus asking for help in freedom of debt. Help me financial to pay debt and be free from it where I can just focused on life and be happy. Lord God I am in need of a financial blessing right about now. Only You can bring this miracles to part!!

  129. Oh most precious Jesus, thank you for lifting this burden like cross from my shoulders. I pray for financial aid at this important time of need, and you fulfill my prayer. Thank you Jesus. Through Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  130. Please lord help me in my time of need

  131. Thank you once again O Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help. You are always good to my family. Once again we are of your help this week to pay some honest bills and for my husband to finish jobs. I pray for a miracle today, O Blessed Mother. You are always generous. Thank you for my husband's second interview, he feels confident about this job. Thank you for the gift of food for my family that I had prayed for. I want so much to share the blessing with others.

  132. Praise Jesus name. The burden of the cross he took upon himself was to help people like me. He died to help people like me. I love him for that. I love hime for helping me in my financial distress. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I praise thee.

  133. O Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help, thank you for your blessings upon my family, we are need of your assistance and guidance. We are falling short again financially to pay our honest debts. Please send help, especially to my husband and his business. O Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help, O gracious Mother, thank you

  134. Thank you Our Lady of Perpetual help. You are the strength that sees us through, as you intercede for me with son, Jesus Christ to help me in this painful time of financial difficulty.
    Thank you Sweet Mother, thank you!

  135. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross. That my husband will receive money this week so that we can pay some or our honest debts. Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

  136. Praise Jesus and Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
    Thank you for being here for me to turn to in my time of dire need. Thank you.

  137. Thank you O Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help. We received some funds to help and a friend helped me get through yesterday with food. O Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help, I pray for your blessings over my friend, LD. She is also in need of financial assistance yet she never complains and never worries. I pray for a miracle for her O Blessed Mother.

  138. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross, I pray for LD, a dear friend, who is in need of a miracle with her career and finances. I pray that she receives her certification which will lead her to a better job and better finances. Lord, you know her needs for a computer and to see her sister in FL, I pray that her prayers will be answered soon. Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

    People who use this prayer say, This is a powerful prayer--Have complete faith in God's promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing, Efficacious, Effective.

    * This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it and asked for you requests - This Prayer must be published.

  139. Thank you again O Blessed Mother for all your help. I pray today not for myself but for my friend who needs your divine blessing. She is need of financial assistance to get a computer and her wish to visit her sister. O Blessed Mother, I ask for your help to assist her in her time of need. You have always been good to me and my family and I know you will also bless her.

  140. Blessed Mother, Thank you for everything you have asked Jesus for me. I know I have not been very grateful, but with your help today is a new day and I will try to improve my life and spiritual thinking. Please do not give up on me. Jesus thank you for all you have bestowed upon me and grant me a steady job so I can pay my debts. your will be done

  141. I have prayed to the Shoulder wound of Jesus... Please Jesus help me in my urgent financial need required before tuesday evening....I pray to you Lord Jesus...Please help me.

  142. To the Shoulder wound of Jesus Christ, i know that you have helped me in the past, i request you very very urgently to keep the financers away from coming anywhere close to me and my daughter, I beg of you of you to keep them off my nephew as well. Jesus please help me desperately and i promise to make it known to everybody.

  143. Dear Lord, I thank you for what you have given me and I pray for you to help me follow you more every day. Please watch over my family, my son who is on his new job, Please bring him home safely and also my grandchildren. Help them grow up healthy. Please heal my body so I may go back to work. YOUR WILL BE DONE

  144. I have prayed to the holy shoulder wound of Jesus... I plead with you Jesus to help me in this desperate hour of need. I ask you Lord Jesus to help me and my mother pay back everyone we owe before this month end...I also plead with you Jesus to somehow help us pay an initial amount before tomorrow evening so that those people stay away from us. Protect us Lord Jesus. Stay with me. You have so willingly helped me in the past i ask again that you help me now. I love you Lord Jesus...I praise you Lord Jesus... Please Help.

  145. Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross.(Mention Petition). Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

    People who use this prayer say, This is a powerful prayer--Have complete faith in God's promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing, Efficacious, Effective.

    * This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it and asked for you requests - This Prayer must be published.

    1. I am saying the shoulder wound of Jesus prayer for a financial miracle to get me out of trouble and help me support my family. I need a miracle gift of money to come to my hands to help me get caught up with my bills and pay off my credit card debt. I have been lost to God's goodness for so long, I feel he has abandoned me. All of my family and friends are so lucky and fruitful , while I am always left out, oppressed and suffering from so much grief. I want good things for me and my family( I have 3 girls) but cannot seem to have anything and am lost to God's goodness. I lost my Mom and have lost everything since, and it doesn't seem fair. I need help out of this trouble and I need my God to come through for me this time. I am very sad and stressed out and my children are paying for his ill will for me.

  146. Dear Jesus and Mary, Please help everyone here who has asked for a request on here. I have also asked, but my requests are minor compared to these. Please help them Lord. Your will be done.

  147. Thank you Jesus Christ and Mary of Perpetual Help-you have blessed our family and answered our prayers once again, even though I have sinned and fallen many times, you have always been with me. Thank you does not express the gratitude I feel. My husband received the phone call yesterday that we have been waiting for months, he was offered a job. Thank you and God Bless

  148. I have prayed to the shoulder wound of Jesus and I request you to help me Lord Jesus as we are about to lose everything we have, our possessions, our relationships and everything due to the financial situation that we have been put in. I request you Lord Jesus please help me...i am in desperate need of your presence Jesus. Please Jesus protect us from the people who we owe money and keep them from coming to our house and taking away everything that my father has worked so hard to provide for us and through no fault of his own be taken away. Please Jesus help me...I need you desperately in my life and i need you to be present in the life of my family. Protect us Lord Jesus. I beg of you

  149. I pray dear Mother of Perpetual Help to have mercy on my family, we are once again of your blessings. We have honest debt to clear these next few weeks with little to no income coming in. You have blessed us before and we were able to get through other trying moments. I ask again for your divine mercy to get us through this. I also want to pray for all those suffering financial hardships protect them and guide them O Mary of Perpetual Help.

  150. thank you Mother of Perpetual help

  151. I pray for your blessings O Holy Mother, to help my family financially. We are getting through this thanks to all your blessings.

    Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross. I pray for a miracle with our insurance today. Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

    People who use this prayer say, This is a powerful prayer--Have complete faith in God's promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing, Efficacious, Effective.

    * This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it and asked for you requests - This Prayer must be published.

  152. Thank you Lord for my job, and thank you Blessed Mary for all your graces you have given me, please keep me healthy so I can continue to work to pay my honest debts and to help some needy people in my community. Help me to continue praying every day, because you know I have trouble concentrating. Also, please help everyone who has a request on here. Your will be done not mine

  153. Blessed Mother, Please ask Jesus to instill in my son and his wife to start bringing my grandchildren to church. I have spoken to them about this, but I don't want to interfere in their lives. This concerns me and I pray for them each day.

  154. Dear Blessed Mother, Thank you for letting me feel your heavenly assistance, Help me to focus on my prayers, you know how easily my mind wonders. Also ask Jesus to watch over our son, his job can be dangerous as he has to work offshore and travel on helicopters and boats to and from the jobsites. I try to put everything in Gods hands, but instead of leaving them with God sometimes I take them back. Thank you for helping me see what needs to be fixed so I can follow Jesus. His will be done not mine.

  155. Thank you, O Blessed Mother for your continued guidance and blessings in my life. Thank you O Shoulder Wound of Jesus for your blessing with our insurance company and the outcome of funds I place in your hands.

  156. Most Beautiful Blessed Mary. Thank you for all your graces you have blessed me with. Please show me how to put everything in Gods hands and leave them there the way you do. I try to place them with the Lord, but sometimes I take them back. I have a habit of trying to take care of things on my own, when I know that only God can fix everything. Please help me this request. Teach me how to pray from the heart. Thank you. His will be done not mine.

  157. I pray to The Shoulder Wound of Christ, watch over my son while he is away at work. Please instill in he and his wife to bring my grandchildren to church. Thank you for restoring my health so I can work again. Please keep me this way and be with me everyday so I can do your work Lord. I will try to do better with my prayers Watch over us.

  158. I would like to publish the Prayer To the shoulder wound of Christ, I am not sure how to do this, thank you to anyone who can publish it for me

  159. Blessed Mother, Ask Jesus to help all of our friends and neighbors who are ill. Please cure them so they can live a normal life to do your work. They need your mercy Lord. Your will be done.

  160. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and giving me a way to pay my debts, I am sorry for my transgressions and not fully taking care of what you have blessed me with. With your forgiveness, I will try harder to follow your way. Blessed Mary, Stay with me and show me the path to your son, you know how easily I stumble, keep me focused on You everyday.

  161. Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help.
    i am am asking for your mercy

    the Lord is with you
    Blessed are you amongst women
    and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
    HOLY MARYMother of God
    Pray for us sinners
    Now and at the hour of our death.

  162. Thank you Blessed Mother of Perpetual Help for your intercession. I continue to ask for your mercy with our financial needs/situation. I am once again in need of your blessings and intercession with our honest debts and the home modification program.

    Shoulder Wound of Jesus Christ
    Can be said once for serious emergencies, NEVER known to fail...
    Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross. I ask for intercession with my husband's business that things go smooth with his customer and he does not lose this job and that the decision makers for his salary will reconsider their decision about his salary. Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer. Note from Donor: for a speedy help any situation. To bring you closer to Jesus. For urgent causes.

    People who use this prayer say, This is a powerful prayer--Have complete faith in God's promise to grant all that you ask through it. Unfailing, Efficacious, Effective.

    * This most powerful prayer must be said for requests and most urgent help. After you have said it and asked for you requests - This Prayer must be published.

  163. Blessed Mother, please help me play the guitar like I used to in church. As I have gotten older my fingers don't move as well, help me to get my speed and dexterity back. Please ask Jesus to heal my body and soul, I am trying to do better in preserving what God gave me, I stumble, but I know with your help I can do it. His will be done

  164. Dear Blessed Mother and Jesus, I am thanking you now instead of asking, I have not done this enough for all the graces you have given me. Lord your will be done though me.

  165. Oh loving Jesus, meek lamb of God, I a miserable sinner salute and worship the most sacred wound of Thy Shoulder, On which Thou didst bear Thy heavy cross, which so tore Thy flesh and laid Thy bones as to inflict an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy most Blessed Body.
    I adore Thee, Oh Jesus most sorrowful, I praise and glorify Thee, and give thankfully to thee for this most Holy and sacred and painful wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross to be merciful to me on towards Heaven along the way of Thy Cross. Amen to all. This prayer will NEVER fail! Publication MUST happen immediately after prayer.

    I thank Jesus for all He does for me and my family. He will answer this prayer also.

  166. Lord, Thank you for the favorable results of my medical exam and doctor visit, please help me to stay on the right path toward you. I need your help daily, you know how easily I abandon you. Blessed Mother Mary, please watch over Donna and help,her with these medical exams. Please ask Jesus to give her good results. Lord your will be done not mine

  167. dear Lord, Please intercede with Karen and Donna with their tests. Grant them good results. Blessed Mother please take them under your care and ask Jesus to heal them. Lord your will be done

  168. Lord, Thank you for the infinite mercy you have shown us everyday of our life. Help us in this great need. Look with mercy on our tears.

  169. Blessed Mother, please ask Jesus to grant me a clean bill of health tomorrow. Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus, holy Mary mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen. Lord your will be done

  170. Jesus, I thank you for being with me and my family and watching over my grandchildren. Please instill in their parents to start bringing them to church, and thank you Blessed Mother for interceding for us, please keep watch over me so I can follow you and Jesus and be a good example to others. Lord your will be done

  171. Blessed Mary, Thank you for asking Jesus to protect us from tropical storm Dorian, Lord thank you for your help on this and everything you do for us. may we have a safe trip with our grandchildren today. YOUR WILL BE DONE

  172. Thank you Jesus for carrying the cross and shouldering the pain for us. I love you. Please hear my petition.

  173. i prayed this prayer several times for seven days. i left it in the hands of the heavens. recently we were able to refinance to start rebuilding our lives and our financial situation. the power of this prayer is real. the power of faith is real. you may not get your prayer answered right away. but it will be answered.
