For further background information information about Loci B. Lenar, please visit the following links:
On several occasions during 2005, an image of a luminous cross with an outline of a shield appeared on our fence. In 2006, the same cross was visible on Palm Sunday. (Update: On September 3, 2007, the bright cross again appeared on our property). Through discernment, it's a miraculous sign of God's Angelic Shield of Protection through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel. I attribute the sign sent from heaven as a result of my Prayer to Saint Michael for assistance during times of spiritual discord.
When the image first manifested, our family had been encountering adversity and some difficulty with our son; however, the issue has since mitigated through God's spiritual presence. When encountering obstacles, prayer can truly have amazing and powerful results! In a problematic world of derision, faith in prayer is necessary for God's divine intervention and protection. God's plan is designed to help validate His existence to humanity, especially at times when circumstances appear to be hopeless. The Bible conveys the following in John, Chapter 4, Verse 48: "Jesus said, 'Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders, you will never believe.' "
(Update: Shortly after the appearance of the luminous cross of September 3, 2007, the Lord conveyed through a spiritual locution/impartation, His Will of 'restoring stability' in our millennium and affirmed Revelation, Chapter 20, Verse 1-3: "Then I saw an angel come down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the abyss and a heavy chain. He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent ... and tied it up for a thousand years and threw it into the abyss, which he locked over it and sealed, so that it could no longer lead the nations astray until the thousand years are completed ... " Through discernmemt, the miraculous cross is also a sign to humanity of God's Will to usher in an era of peace by fulfilling Biblical prophecy with the power of Jesus Christ and shield of Saint Michael the Archangel. However, we must prepare by joining together in prayer for God's divine protection, and remain patient, in order for Jesus to set the stage and timing for signs and miracles to unfold in the world. The spiritual event is a result of our Lord imparting me with a vision of our world Blessed in Peace on September 8, 1991. For further insight, please read my story, Miracle of the Sun: A Gift and Testimony of a Spiritual Phenomenon.)
My wife Teresa and daughter Lauren checked windows and rooms and could not find any source of reflections. The interesting point is that the sun was rising behind the fence in the east, while the image appears on the front, as if the sun is shining onto the fence from the west! However, the luminous cross appeared brighter than the sun. The phenomenon was photographed with our HP PhotoSmart 945 digital camera in Mine Hill, NJ, USA.
I supplied several prints of the image to my spiritual advisor - Father Richard Tartaglia of Saint Mary's Church, Denville, New Jersey (USA) - for his prudent and faith related assessment. At my request he has Blessed the photograph. Father Richard is a source for imparting testimonial on behalf of the Lenar Family in connection to the spiritual events occurring in my life (Loci B. Lenar). I've known Father Richard for more than a decade, and communicate with him on numerous issues related to faith, including the miraculous healings of several medical conditions.
I give praise and glory to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as well as thanks to the Blessed Mother (Our Lady of Fatima) for all the gifts and spiritual wonders unfolding.
The photo is also noted on Catholic Apparitions and Miracles at the following link: http://www.squidoo.com/apparitions
The story is also posted on Miracles of Faith at the following link: http://www.zimbio.com/Miracles+of+Faith
The phenomenon was photographed with my HP PhotoSmart 945 digital camera in Mine Hill, New Jersey, USA.
Photo © 2005 Loci B. Lenar - Registration Number Number: VAU687-513
All Rights Reserved
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signs and wonders
saint michael the archangel
miracle news
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miraculous signs
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miraculous photos
cross of jesus
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New Jersey News
Morris County, NJ