Monday, December 31, 2007

Millennium Prayer: To World Peace

Millennium Prayer is combined into Poetry-on-Art with inspirational words to pray daily for world peace. I was spiritually inspired by Our Lord to write a Millennium Prayer for world peace as a result of witnessing several spiritual wonders in my lifetime.

Millennium Prayer

To World Peace

God the Father,
Creator of the Heavenly Kingdom
We petition the Court of Heaven
And humbly pray for mercy and divine intervention.

Send forth blessings of spiritual deliverance—
Free nations from the strife of war—
Release cultures from the shackles of poverty—
Instill stability and prosperity—
Healing earth of suffering—
With saving grace for humanity—

We implore Heaven for miraculous signs
By altering the destiny of humankind
Into a glorious era of peace and harmony
Through divine love and prayerful unanimity—

Almighty Father
We graciously thank thee
In granting our prayers
Through the name and power
Of your divine Son, Jesus Christ.

Please read Miracle of the Sun: A Gift and Testimonial of a Spiritual Phenomenon, a prophectic message and vision imparted to me by our Lord Jesus in 1991. Please visit the following link for additional information:

Faithful prayer can indeed accomplish much! In Psalm 37, Verse 4-6, the following is noted: "Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart's desire. Commit your way to the Lord; trust that God will act and make your integrity shine like the dawn, your vindication like noonday." Pray for God's peace and divine protection to enfold humankind and remain patient, in order for Jesus to set the stage and timing for signs, wonders, and miracles to unfold in the world!

The Bible conveys the following in Mark, Chapter 11, Verses 23-24: Jesus said, "Amen, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it shall be done for him. Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will recieve it and it shall be yours."

God the Father has also provided a beautiful gift to humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother with the Holy Rosary. Please pray the Rosary daily for peace and unity. Thank you very much for the prayer support!

To read prayer, please view in larger format by visiting the following link:

For spiritually related information about Loci B. Lenar, please visit the following links:

Millennium Prayer © 2005 Loci Lenar - Registration Number TXU1-224-853

Copyright 2007 Loci B. Lenar

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Candle of Loreto

The Candle of Loreto is lit and offered up for World Peace and Unity. May the blessings of our Savior Jesus Christ spread love and peace throughout the world, especially during Christmas as we celebrate His birth. And, may the candlelight of peace shine into the new year as a beacon of hope and never be extinguished!

The reflection of light in front of the candle appears as if the top and bottom are burning. May the candlelight of peace spread throughout the world!

Do you have faith in God? Do you believe in divine intervention and miracles? Do you wish for an era of peace? Whatever your beliefs, please don't remain complacent, read Millennium Prayer daily by visiting the following link:

For additional spiritual information about Lenar, please visit the following link:

Copyright 2007 Loci B. Lenar

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Mother of Perpetual Help - For Financial Aid

Mother of Perpetual Help - For Financial Aid

Realizing, dear Mother Mary,
that thou art our Perpetual Help not only in spiritual
but likewise in temporal necessities,
we approach thee with submissive and humble hearts,
because we have a child-like confidence in thy power and goodness,
beseeching thee to assist us in our present financial worry.
Owing to untoward circumstances which have arisen in our lives,
we are in dire want, being unable to meet our honest debts.
We are not asking, dearest Mother for wealth,
if possession of it is not in accordance with the holy will of God;
we merely beg for that assistance which will enable us
to satisfy our pressing obligations.
We believe, dear Mother,
that thou art the Queen of heaven and earth,
and, as such,
the instrument and special dispensation of thy Son Jesus Christ;
that thou hast acquired by virtue of thy wonderful dignity,
a sweet jurisdiction over all creation.
We believe that thou art not only rich and bountiful,
but extremely kind and generous to all thy loving children.
We plead with thee then, dear Mother,
to obtain for us the help we so urgently need in our present financial difficulty.
We thank thee, dear Lady and promise to publish far and wide,
the marvels of thy glorious Picture.

Please visit the following link for a copy of the novena or other prayers of interest:

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