Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rock and Roll Priests get ready to perform in Latin America

Rock and Roll Priests

From RomeReports.com: After taking part in several World Youth Day concerts in Madrid, now a group of priests is getting ready to perform in Latin America. The group is called “La Voz del Desierto” which translates to “The Voice of the Desert.”

This coming August the group will perform in the Rock' n Rieles Festival in Costa Rica and Guatemala. The group was formed in Madrid, Spain. It consists of three priests and four lay people whose main purpose is to evangelize through music.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day from ROME REPORTS

From RomeReports.com:

Every year, during the month of May, millions of people celebrate Mother's Day. In some countries the celebration takes place on the first weekend of May, in others the second. Regardless of the specific day, ROME REPORTS wants to congratulate all mothers on their special day!