Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our Lady of Medjugorje's Monthly Message to Marija Pavlovic

Photo by Loci B. Lenar

Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Medjugorje WebSite

Our Lady's Message of July 25, 2012

Dear children! Today I call you to the 'good'. Be carriers of peace and goodness in this world. Pray that God may give you the strength so that hope and pride may always reign in your heart and life because you are God's children and carriers of His hope to this world that is without joy in the heart, and is without a future, because it does not have its heart open to God who is your salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Josiah Lamb: Hearing God's Voice

The following story is from CBN TV - Video

12-year-old Josiah Lamb survived a tragic jet ski accident and was miraculously saved by doing what the Lord told him to do. During the accident he also saw angels.