Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Our Lady's Messages of December 25, 2017

Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages - Medjugorje WebSite

Message of December 25, 2017 to Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti 

"Dear children! Today I am bringing to you my Son Jesus for Him to give you His peace and blessing. I am calling all of you, little children, to live and witness the graces and the gifts which you have received. Do not be afraid. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to be joyful witnesses and people of peace and hope. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Annual Christmas Message on December 25, 2017 to Jakov Colo

“Dear children, Today, on this day of grace, I am calling you to ask the Lord for the gift of faith. My children, decide for God and begin to live and to believe in that what God is calling you to. To believe, my children, means to surrender your lives into God's hands - the hands of the Lord who created you and who loves you immeasurably. Do not be believers only in words but live and witness your faith through works and through your personal example. Speak with God as with your Father. Open and surrender your hearts to Him and you will see how your hearts are changing and how your life will marvel at God's works in your life. My children, there is no life without God and that is why, as your mother, I intercede before, and pray to, my Son to renew your hearts and to fill your life with immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”

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Wednesday, December 06, 2017

The Antarctic Chapel is a Catholic Church located in one of the coldest regions of the world

Praying in a cave, under ice: the Antarctic Chapel

News excerpt from Aleteia.org: The southernmost place of worship in the whole world, of any religion, is a Catholic church.

Eight hundred miles away from the South Pole, in Argentina’s Antarctica, enduring winters of temperatures that go under 100 degrees below absolute zero Fahrenheit, the Belgrano II Base is home to about a thousand people.

Read more: The Antarctic Chapel

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