Saturday, February 04, 2017

Scientific Evidence of Eucharistic Miracles

News excerpt from

These two authors are on a journey: For 10 years they've studied countless documents and traveled throughout Europe to show scientific evidence of Eucharistic miracles. The recently presented their findings in Poland's embassy to the Vatican.

It's a book that includes more than 40 photographs of miracles and scientific conclusions explaining what happened.

JANUSZ ROSIKON, Photographer

"On the exhibition, I show the small Host that changes into a piece of heart. That was unbelievable. When I saw that through my camera that one little piece was a Host and the rest was a human heart. We meet also with this scientist who examined it, and he told us that it's absolutely a piece of human heart. We have to believed it.”

The book's title roughly translates to: 'Secret Evidence: Investigating the Supernatural.'

Gazergorz Gorny and photographer Janusz Rosikon are very proud of the final product.

JANUSZ KOTANSKI, Ambassador of Poland to the Vatican

"We live in the 21st century and people are thinking 'well no more miracles, Jesus has done some miracles but a long time ago.' But that exhibition proves that there are still miracles and that Christ is still alive. And people they don´t have to just believe in miracles because they are also scientifically proven.”

Read more: Eucharistic Miracles

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