Saturday, January 23, 2016

Divine intervention: 'Invisible force' knocks down man about to stab priest inside church in Colombia

Christian News on Christian Today

A hooded man armed with a large knife suddenly leapt from his seat inside a church, rushed at the
priest and was about to stab the man of God when he suddenly froze as if gripped by an "invisible force" and fell to the ground convulsing as churchgoers quickly disarmed the assailant.

The astonishing incident was caught on camera inside the Pentecostal IPUC Bosa Church
Bogota, Colombia, the Mirror UK reported.

As the knife-wielding man attacked, the video footage showed the priest, Pedro Pablo Martin,
calmly saying, "There is power in the name of Jesus," repeating this several times.

(Photo and news excerpt from

Read more: Divine Intervention

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Monday, January 18, 2016

When you think of MLK, don't forget the faith that inspired him

Excerpt from Catholic News Agency (CNA)

By Kevin Jones

.- Martin Luther King Day is a time to promote racial harmony in America and honor the slain civil rights leader who was “inspired by the teachings of Christ,” says the head of the Knights of Peter Claver.

“Considering that so many 'church-going folks' were supporting segregation and Jim Crow laws during the civil rights movement, it is wonderful that King dedicated his life to employing Christ's teachings to resist and counter the very social sins of prejudice, racial discrimination and segregation,” Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon told CNA.

He said Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. a Baptist minister, was “a man of faith and deep conviction” who studied Catholic theology and was “particularly impressed” with St. Augustine.

King’s famous “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” cited St. Augustine's saying “An unjust law is no law at all.”

Since 2010, Blackmon has headed the Knights of Peter Claver, a New Orleans-based Catholic fraternal order present in about 39 states and in South America. It takes as its model the Spanish Jesuit priest St. Peter Claver, who ministered to slaves in Colombia in the 1600s. Its membership is significantly African-American but the order is open to all practicing Catholics without regard to race or ethnicity.

The organization was founded in Mobile, Ala. in 1909 by four priests of the Josephite Fathers and three Catholic laymen to serve African-Americans and other racial minorities.

The Knights of Peter Claver and the Ladies Auxiliary opposed segregation and worked to transform how communities and cities thought about race, equality and justice, Blackmon said.

Read more: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr


Stained glass window of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr can be seen inside Saint Margaret Catholic Church, Morristown, New Jersey. Photograph by Loci B. Lenar

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